The Mind School

Creating a 6-figure beauty biz working 25 hours a week: the mindset, the challenges, the inner work. With Kelly Williams.

Breanna May Season 5 Episode 197

Another inspiring story is now live on The Mind School Podcast, and this one got us a bit teary.

Tune in to hear about the inspiring journey of Kelly Williams, who turned her beauty business into a six-figure success by embracing the power of her mind.

Here's a heartfelt rundown of Bre and Kelly's chat:

  • Kelly's incredible story of moving from grueling long hours in the beauty industry to enjoying a thriving business with just a 25-hour work week.
  • How NLP has positively impacted her personal life, money beliefs, and business success.
  • How NLP, Mindset + Shadow Work changed her approach to parenting

If you're in the beauty industry or simply seeking some mindset coaching and inspiration, Kelly Williams is your go-to person. Keep an eye out for her one-on-one coaching sessions coming soon and get ready to transform your life and business.


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So, we have been playing a little bit of a series over the last few months, so you want to be a coach, and I am joined by someone who I vouch and completely support as an incredible, intelligent, caring, successful coach within the beauty industry. And so I want to welcome Kelly Williams, and I want to ask and for you to share with anyone listening who is really interested in becoming a coach. How did you come to this point, what's been your journey in business, and what was it that made you decide that coaching was a next step for you? Thank you for the lovely intro. Well, yes, Kelly Williams, a little bit about backstory. I've been in the beauty industry for nearly 16 years now. I was bullied at school. I wanted to go and do beauty straight from school, but the girls that bullied me went and done it, so I went on a different path and then had my son, and then put myself back through college to go and get my beauty certificate, worked for people for years. You know, I had no time freedom. I missed my son growing up. I couldn't go to his like sports days and everything and then during 2020 in the lockdown, I lost my job by a text message. So yeah, I spent that three months creating my salon, which is House of Papa. And as we came out of the lockdown, I had a space, all my equipment and clients already booked in, and then it's just grown from there. I went from renting a room. I temporarily took the salon to home to work around my son more, and now he's grown. He's nearly 18. I bought my own commercial salon August last year, and I built it to six figures. Oh my God. This is like, I forget how quickly you did it, because I think it was around the time just after COVID that I met you and you had just started House of Papa. And it did, it took off so quickly. And I remember talking to you, this was going back to when you started. And I remember having a conversation with you where you were like, I just love talking about mindset and helping women to feel more confident. And you help them with beauty and appearance, but you wanted it to be so much deeper. Yeah. And so what sort of, I mean, now you've obviously just finished the Mind School method. You've been incredible to witness in terms of watching you practice your coaching skills. But what was it? Because you're so passionate about beauty, you've done so well in the beauty industry. Was there a moment where you were like, shit, I actually want more tools to go deeper or I want to help women in other ways? Yeah, because I very much struggled with my mindset, and it all stand from like the billion from childhood and my upbringing. Yeah. So I think I met you, yeah, I fastened your mismanning mindset. Then I went and done level up and then the Mind School. But my brother back in 2020 actually became a business coach. And I was one of the first ones on his program and seeing how he was helping people that side of it, that's what kind of drew me in. And then I kind of like stood on the outside a little bit like, oh, it's something I want to do, but I don't know if I can do it. And then, yeah, but I coach my clients all the time. And everything I've done with my money mindset, like the shadow of everything that's got me to where I am now, I don't want women to struggle like I did. That's my thing. I only want to help women not to struggle like I did. Wow. And so how did you struggle before you did all this work if we go to like the before? Yeah. What was your struggle before you did all this work? I had such a negative mindset and it came from my parents as a child and then watching my brother obviously do all the work on himself and then your limiting beliefs around money and yeah, and I was always very much like if something went wrong, it was like, oh, the fucking world hates me, the universe hates me, everything's always going wrong, but it was me, it was me in my mind, bringing it to me all the time, yeah, massive. Your mind is unbelievable how much it can control you and your life or what happens to you in your life as well. And I had quite a lot of really terrible health issues prior to COVID and that really stemmed with my mindset as well, a lot to go through, but I didn't have the tools back then with my mind to actually bring through it. I was very much probably for about three years in victim mode. I just went out partying every weekend and yeah, I'm the fun one, like trying to forget all your problems during the wing and it's so toxic and I'm healthy. Oh wow, I love watching you over the years, you've just completely like taken responsibility, that's the thing that I love, like you just said, it was all me and sitting in victim mode, you went from there to like, it's testament to the work, the fact that you went from that place to a six-figure business, learning to coach and support other women standing so much more confidently too, like I saw when Kelly came back and it was just like, there she is, she's so cheeky and she's so sassy and she's so much fun and you were taking up space and I think it's just so nice to witness someone do the work, take responsibility and then completely change their reality too. Before you did that, how was it impacting your business, like the inner you who was bullied at school, you've then walked into the beauty industry which I can only imagine is so triggering if you're the girl that was bullied at school, yeah, it's kind of like same for me, I was the same high school as shit and then I walked straight back into the, like I was a high school teacher, so it's like, well, way to go back and heal your staff, how did that play out in your business when you were the, your inner child was bullied by girls? I don't know, I got very good at putting a mask on and showing up and putting a mask on but then I would go home and there would be like tears where I would shut down and I'd be quiet because I did find it quite difficult with especially not especially like older clients but because I never looked my age either, I got spoken down to and it wasn't in my sense, like, you know, at the time when my son would have been 14, 15 and they looked at me and they were like, how old are you? And I'm like nearly 40 and they're like, oh, and then their divina completely changed with me, so it's very much just stepping into finding that balance between being firm and holding around and not coming across as a bitch. Yeah, basically, yeah, it's very, yeah, because you've got to be sympathetic to what they're going through and a lot of I do find in the beauty industry as well with clients as well, they've got not a great mindset either, so it's not just doing the treatments on them, you're almost trying to like lift them up, like some inside as well and I'm very much, I take people's energy on, yeah, it drains me as well, yeah, wow, so what sort of issues did you see, because obviously there was a moment where you were like, wow, doing these treatments and helping them on their physical appearance is one thing, but you obviously, you just cared so much, you wanted to go deeper, what were the conversations that you were having in your salon where you were thinking, wow, this is actually deeper than just giving what sort of issues for all these women coming to you with. Very much the same as what I did as a teenager and like early 20s, like body issues, like they could not see what I could see and I always say that to everyone, you can never see what anybody else can see, but you've got to do the inner work on yourself as well, like if you want to go out and have a piece of cake, forgot to go and have a piece of cake, it is not the end of the world, but I also try to coach them for as well, like you can't be, if let's say for body sculpting that is like a period of aftercare with it, I very much built the business on, body sculpt is not looking a certain way, it's about feeling comfortable and confident in your clothes, yeah, they were just really hard on themselves some of them and it's heartbreaking because I could see a part of me in them and I just like women are hard enough on themselves, they think they've got to go out to work and they've got to do the kids and they've got to do the housework and the food shopping and take time for yourself, it's not selfish to take time for yourself as well, so it became very much more not so much me doing the treatment with me sitting there and having conversations with them whilst I'm doing the treatment of how little tweaks that they can do to try and help themselves, to make themselves, yeah, feel how you are. Oh that's so nice, that's so beautiful and then you obviously, I mean you joined the mine school, what was it that you felt you needed, was it a toolkit, was it modalities, like was it to help yourself, why did you feel you needed a certification? I was always interested since you started talking about NLP when we were doing level up that you were eventually going to do this and I decided like to dive in more into the NLP side, I wanted it more that this was going to give me the tool and that I would be qualified to go out and coach somebody in the world but when I actually got to the mine school, it did all recently and came back and it was actually a lot of work that I still had to do on myself, yeah, yeah, and what did you discover, what was the sort of epiphanies or breakthroughs that you had that I still had that hat little gal inside of me and she's surfaced every so often and I tried to suppress it as well, the parts of my personality I tried to suppress as well because you know if you, not that you speak your mind but if you have an opinion or you'll go against what somebody else said, I was automatically told pretty much my whole life, oh she's up herself, she's a bitch and it made me go back in again straight away and I guess it's actually not there, that's their projection onto me so now I literally sit there and I just scan everyone around me and when people didn't, I'm like that projection, that project project and my husband is like a sexy girl, it's so nice though because I saw, like I said before, it was like you stopped suppressing and it was like actually this is who I am and I'm okay with it, it's not clear and it's very much like the side you all sort of saw of me in that six days, that's the side people only saw of me when I had a couple of drinks inside me and I got the you know winged you've had a few drinks you get really confident, they never saw that side of me and then I went back to being that oh I've got to be this way to fit in and yeah whereas now I'm like this is who I am if you don't like it then that's on you, I'm quite happy in my own little model, but so amazing and it was I think it was like day four where you were like oh my god it was like I just slapped you across the face with shadow work because I know that you were one of the people that came in being like NLP, NLP which is what most people did, I want to learn NLP and the whole time Courtney and I were like you just fucking wait, you wait and you were one of the people that just stared at me like I'd slapped you, what was your experience of sort of going from mindset and NLP which you'd been doing for years, we'd been working together you were pretty solid with that space to then move into the emotional embodiment to the shadow work, how did you find that and what was your experience of that? I found it quite hard to begin with because I tried to suppress so much for so many years so to try and let that out of me, but yeah I think one of the days we'd done a task with Courtney and she had a floor with the pillow, we were trying to get all like that rage and emotion out and I said afterwards I felt like it got so far and it felt like it was stuck here and then my eye was almost trying to push it back down because that's the way I've always tried to hold back, keep it all in which is not healthy, my husband's always said that to me you've got to talk about things because I don't and then it builds up inside and the most stupid little thing can happen and I would go into absolute hysterics and like months where for this shit would all come pouring out of me and then you're emotionally drained for like a week, yeah, yes I could see like and it's so interesting like the energy was trying to rise up and out of you and as Courtney and I like explaining energy lives in the body like it actually does and if we suppress it it just stays there and it's like you said it comes out but it was like you've been so conditioned to just swallow it and hold it it was almost like it was being held in your throat and it was like and it felt like it felt like it was literally holding me like around me it was the weirdest thing and I've noticed that I've done a couple of like meditations at home on my own and I get this feeling around shear which is so strange wow and there's so much in that because your work is to use your voice yes to speak and you're such a beautiful speaker this is the other thing I've said to you just when we were off air like I'd love you to have a podcast because you're such an engaging speaker and you've got your eyes just light up and it makes me sad to think that there was a younger version of you that thought that your voice wasn't important you know and seeing that come back out for you is so exciting and I also know that you're going to help so many people in the beauty industry because as you've said the beauty industry has its own shadows and it's own things going on yeah so the fact that you're going now and niching into women in the beauty industry that you can help because a you've got the business acumen and and background behind you you've done very well in business b you've been doing mindset work shadow work and lp adding to your toolkit what are the things that you anticipate and that you sort of can see are going to be the main issues you're going to be helping your niche with that mindset with is it comparison or like get comparison blocking clients from coming in with yeah that's a big thing as well I see it on a lot of the beauty pages like oh is everybody else really quite like I know this year has been hard on everybody because obviously the state that the world's in financially but when you feed into you're going to block your clients or yeah it's blocking your clients comparing yourself to other salons or why she doing so well why she doing this why she doing that and feeling like they're not good enough as well and they can't jump on their socials and promote themselves and beg themselves up of how good they are of what they do a lot of people try and suppress that because they've got that mindset of oh well people won't like me they think that I'm being beheaded and I'm like it's not being beheaded you're good at your job some of the rooftops that's how you get your client and now you get so many clients that come to me like there's so many people in path now that do the body sculpting which is what I do but I get all the clients coming to me because they're like because of the way you speak on your socials you're raw you're real you don't try to bullshit anybody yeah so it's nice that clients can see that within me and that's why they actually booking with me they don't booking with me yes I get amazing results but they believe with me it's for me I just got goose bumps all down my arm when you said they come to me because of how I speak yeah oh my god yeah and you've been holding onto your voice all those years until you did this work and started it's like you started just owning who you are and speaking with authenticity not trying to hide parts of yourself and people are flocking to you because they can feel that and it's just testament you haven't stopped doing the work since I've known you and it's been a few years now yeah it doesn't surprise me that clients flock to you it doesn't surprise me that you find yourself mind-set coaching people without even realizing it because you lead first and that's important for me like I still don't realize that now until I actually sit down and think about it like I was sent you before like I've got a girl that rinsed a room off me and we really bounce well off each other but I sit there and I'm coaching her like she's saying something I'm like oh no and then I start going into like the spiel about it and then if she a couple of times she's printed a couple of things off for me she's like I hope I don't mind but I was just having a dosie and I was like oh my god no we're having a look and she's like it fascinates me yeah and I'm like that's so good like like you said with everything that you're trying to do like getting it into schools I literally think it needs to be everywhere in all businesses in all schools like it does it really does need to be in everywhere because we're so conditioned to be a certain way and if you go outside of that that's when all the fear and everything comes in because you're going against the grain then yeah and you went so against the grain during covid the way you just were like well I'm going to do a bit like you did so much that was a bit against the grain and you've just been really incredible to witness because even when I said to you like Kel your business grew to six figures in like the toughest fucking time in the beauty industry which is quite competitive and you were sort of like oh yeah I guess it did like it sort of didn't realize but you are just I'm so happy that the beauty industry has you to showcase that when you do that in a work your business actually takes off yes definitely yeah so for years like I've lived year loving years now so even like back in the UK I worked for somebody else but I had a spray business that I used to go my time doing and then I moved here and I had a little like home salon on the side that I done like friends and family I've always had that business on the side but I never had the courage to go full-time and I was told I'm not slacking my husband off I was told you need to have that stable income yeah because we were very new to Australia and obviously up on our feet here you need to have that stable income so when it was all taken away for me during that lockdown I was like this is it it's like a flight I mean do it because I'm not going back to work for somebody else again and then I very much you know when you open a business I threw myself into it I was really long hours yeah and then it got to that stage as well now it's just like you don't have to work more to earn more like amen and now I work no more than 25 hours a week in my salon and it's going to be even less because I've now obviously been told with my shoulder I need to completely start from doing the treatment so yeah I'm taking somebody on so she would take over doing the treatments and then I'll focus more on helping women in the mindset and beauty world yeah oh my god I've got massive goosebumps as you're speaking about this and if there's anyone in the beauty industry because I'm trying to I'm listening from the lens of somebody in the beauty industry or any business perhaps a service-based business whether like wait hold the phone pause what you just said 25 hours a week and your business is doing phenomenally and you've been upskilled and taking time off to I mean you spent six days at the mine school which a lot of service-based business owners are like how though because how are you doing this because I work for myself yeah you can choose your own hours like obviously we knew when the mine school was coming a little bit ahead in time so I literally just went in to my book and I blocked the whole week off and then whatever my ins I had in I was put in the men before or after wow yeah there's probably a mindset shift there too for a lot of business owners where it's like I can do this like I have permission to run my business in a way that suits my life and so many people build a business but then they actually create like a prison for themselves where their new boss is actually more of an asshole yeah 100% yeah it's even having like a shopfront salon it's right next to an IGA there's loads of footage so in people's eyes they're like well you should be open six days a week from nine to seven and I'm like no no no no because you always wanted this to be like around for your son and you want to freedom and all of those things and you've just gone and created it like it's been amazing to watch what how has your life sort of been changed or how have you know what impacts have you noticed since I slapped you across the face and we did all this shadow work and all of that stuff I think he hated me probably for a moment I was joined it was so fun though I actually went to Bali after and just laid flat because I was like wall just processing all the they felt like magic it really did but like I love the you know the six days felt like this bubble of just so much connection and so much growth and so much transformation that you really feel like you've been through something together myself included and I felt so close to every single one of you like I just have so much love so much love and I feel like you guys probably know me better than most now because that's how connected we become but what I'm also really intrigued or what matters to me is the impact after and so what's that been like for you I think again I'm hoping I love my husband I hope he doesn't mind like as you know I came into that not in a great space person what not business-wise but personally but yeah my marriage has gotten so much better like I'm communicating I put boundaries in and what is acceptable what is not acceptable and I've got to give him some grace as well he's not in this world he's still that very much conditioned from a child so he does try and listen to me he doesn't really understand it but he does try and listen as well yes so he does sit there if I say something to me he automatically goes reject but yeah not just like my marriage like there's other stuff that's been going on like behind the scenes and I just come to realize like what is acceptable for me and what is not and what I will tolerate and what I won't tolerate anymore and yes it can it can really happen but you've got to know it's for your highest and best self as well and being able to have the tools to coach yourself through stuff as well when you have hard times in like your personal life you can actually coach yourself for it not just the big screen clients as well like when I got told the other week obviously about my frozen shoulder and they were like you've got to stop what you're doing and the old me would have completely had the biggest meltdown it would have been the end of the world and I'm just like yeah and that's what it is I truly believe this has happened for a reason and what's meant to be will be and this is yeah I think it's the nudge that I needed to push me out of being in the salon and doing the treatments all the time to kind of stay away and let somebody take over that let me and my son we've always been super close yeah a lot better he's got a beautiful girlfriend and she sits there and listens to me talk about it she's really interested in all the mindset and everything it's the reason there and talk about it I've given her the secret to read I love is yeah so it's just yeah just quite happy my own little bubble at the minute like I've got a lot on I've got a lot to do but yeah it's definitely made me realise as well one of my highest values was freedom and I didn't and still don't entirely have that so that is what I am working towards yeah like I very much have the business mind of I need to be in the business 24-7 and stopped having fun and that's when I know my mood goes down because when I stay in all the time thinking I need to be working I need to be doing this I'm not going out and enjoying myself and doing the things I actually want to do kind of get into a slump then as well so it's creating that balance between everything and yeah I just yeah want the freedom to be able to do much at you and my brother like I watch you both doing it like he's in Thailand you're in Bali so because you've got your laptop you're all good yeah yeah like because I had a child so young we never done full travel in or anything how he's going to be 18 in December it's hard for him to live our lives again and we're only like early 14s yeah and you've just done it so well because it feels like even with the frozen shoulder you're good to go you've got the certification you've got the tools you've got clients that come to you and need this stuff anyway you've probably got clients in your salon right there ready to go that already know and love you and want this mindset coaching you know like you've done it in such a beautiful way and I hope that I can be the example to you that you do get to build a life of freedom exactly how you want to you just keep practicing the tools and you've been doing that for years yeah yeah yeah so next up for you you're obviously moving into coaching you've still got a team that you're about to train up and that's going to take you outside of your salon which is also goals for so many people in the beauty industry to remove themselves from the salon which you are doing thank you universe yeah I think you were forced what is it next what sort of people can reach out to you obviously like I've said to you you've got so much wisdom to share from the beauty space and from building a really successful industry in that industry where are you niching and what kind of people can reach out to you if they need support yeah so I'm definitely going to be niching for not just women men because they are men in the beauty industry as well yeah so it doesn't matter whether you're new in business you've been a business five years ten years if you're struggling with your mindset in post-it syndrome money beliefs then I just want to be able to help as many people as possible over that that's all I want so it is going to be starting with one-on-one to begin with and then going into like a group coaching container as well yeah oh that makes me so happy it makes me happy for the beauty industry and anyone that's listening like guys I will vouch for Kelly a hundred percent like I said you've been doing this work for years you haven't stopped and your reality is a really good reflection of that like you said your marriage has improved your business went to six figures very fast you crushed a lot of money stuff really early on which I believe helped you in in your business and now you've got so much wisdom to share with people and you've put yourself through it like you've been to your own depth so I know that you can lead others definitely and it's not an easy ride but when you're out of it you're like would be so different yeah yeah and if anyone wants body sculpting yeah if anyone's like what is this body sculpting stuff where can I find you so I am in Quinn's right next to the ITA so yeah we've got a beautiful little salon in there and it's just uh I very much created it is a happy safe non-judgmental you can come in in your pajamas if you want yes the sun looks really flash but coming in your pajamas if you want I don't care that sounds so nice I wish you lived closer we could have even further apart of the freeway and it's so funnier every morning at the mineschool I'd say Kelly like sitting in a car because you got it got on the freeway so early and you'd be like let me have to have had a road trip I want to go back to that week god it was good oh it was amazing I must admit like coming out of that week I think the fast even month you kind of feel a little bit lost because you're so used to being in that lovely little bubble and being around everyone and the connections you made within it you do going back into your world you're kind of like I want the back I literally I even I think I said to you guys like I got this disgust because we spent six full days like I barely touched my phone yeah it was really deep like vulnerable yeah meaningful connections and conversations yeah I felt like I would open my Instagram and just be like like gross it just felt so yeah and then it was like this is the standard now so it didn't surprise me to speak to you after and hear that there'd been some changes you know because it's almost like you've got this new standard of what connection and meaning and purpose and safety can feel like that that is now the standard and anything below that you sort of have to readjust and decide what you want to make normal and yeah even I did that yeah because I very much got told is well like if you have standards you're just setting yourself up for disappointment so don't have standards and but now I'm like no I have got these standards and trying to put this politely like if you are not at this standard like I don't want to be around here anymore yeah and that comes from it comes from like a place of I know my worth I love myself I wouldn't risk disrespect myself and my energy which is so important like your energy of freedom is so important definitely just I think holding a standard is actually the most loving thing and I think people think like oh before you go through this work look even do it when you're going through this work people are like oh but I know her like that's not her like but I'm like you actually don't know me you know the old heart was conditioned to be a certain way and now I'm stepping out of that and into who I truly am and want to be yeah you don't know me anymore like and I think that's very hard for people around you as well because you become I said that they don't yes it's for the better yeah but they don't know you anymore yeah quite hard on them as well so I've got to give grace and like for people around me like it's not just me like kind of like stepping back it's them as well because it's this new dynamic that is such a good point and I actually think what you've just touched on would be something that so many people fear myself included I think my biggest fear going into this kind of work was like bark what if I outgrow my husband what if I no longer can connect to my friends and all of those things and it scared the living daylights out of me and I found for me personally most relationships got stronger because I developed the ability to talk to talk about it and it was a lot of me taking responsibility and allowing people to meet me instead of projecting that they couldn't yeah but and some and some relationship dynamics did change and it is still a period of grief like I and we've spoken about this like it actually hurts yeah it does and I'm not going to sugarcoat that for people like sometimes definitely not it does hurt it hurts especially like you and I have probably got that same in a child that's like oh you know and it's it's you've really got to go through that but on the other side yeah best thing for you definitely 100% because that's what I when I fast came into the mindset I told you I was very much like I thought I'd outgrown like my husband and I was like I don't know what to do I don't know where to go and then as we went through that wing and you start really listening you actually happen it's just it's different dynamics now but communication and having fun together and yeah just yeah yeah it's yeah it's nice that yeah we're now in a place where you know we're going to book our first holiday together like we have not been on holiday on our own in 16 years oh my god really what did it be go to Thailand a few years ago oh yeah but obviously we had our summer yeah oh my god so when where are you going we can just go to Bali at the end of August just the two of us in five days just to get away and de-strap so I would like to go for longer but he's five oh yeah so I'm gonna work around his swing as well yeah and then we're booking a massive trip to go back to Thailand yeah I've got this dream of maybe moving there one day um yeah so we're gonna go back March next year and I'm gonna go for like three four weeks yes I'm so around you look so happy this makes me so happy and I'm so proud of you I'm just so I love watching I love watching the way you do life and the way you just you're so invested in your own development and because of that like I said the beauty industry and the women that you've got a coach are just so fortunate you've been living and breathing this for a long time definitely I'm excited and thank you I say I wouldn't yes if you hadn't have come into my world all those years ago I definitely think people come into your world for a reason I wouldn't you're doing the same shit we're doing back then yeah all of this exciting actually this is a question I want to ask myself is raisins I obviously promote the mine squad I'm like it's for coaches to become better coaches yeah which it does but who is the mine school like in your you've lived at you've breathed that I'm so in it that I probably can't see the forest from the trees yeah who would you say the mine school method is for everyone I agree and that's why I'm like no yeah it is it's everyone because if everyone loved this staff the world would literally be a better place like people wouldn't be so freaking angry and jealous and not taking accountability for themselves and having standards and I think mainly yes you are going to get some adults that are just not gonna do it but if you can get like your plan to get this into schools and if you can get this into a child at a young age how beautiful are they gonna grow and not have all this trauma and conditioning like I would if I I would never want to go back in time but if I could I would want to know all of this when my son was a toddler because he's got a negative mindset and now he thinks I'm woo woo I do all this stuff with him and he's just like I fell sick mom love your relationship with him you guys are so cute but he's still he is still and this is like I say to every parent because so often whether it's in my mindset course you know level up or or in the mine school method so many mums are like oh fuck I've fucked up my child all like oh shit I've done it all wrong or whatever and it's like no no no children all of us like adults we never stop learning and kids will always be soaking up and watching what their parents are doing and we're equally as programmable when we're older like he's he's 18 now right he'd be 18 in December what's fucking wild so wild but he is still being programmed by watching you he is and that's why I keep like I don't suppress my voice around him I keep doing it because it even if it blows his eyes or walks away from me or tells me to shut up I keep doing it because I'm like eventually it's gonna start going in and then he can take that through to when he had kids one day and yeah it's my poor fact yeah yeah I can't wait I hope that I know that one day I'll be teaching to my kids but I do I feel like if every school and every business owner yes learn the power of the mind learn shadow work learn how to regulate their emotions learn all of those things not only like businesses thrive but they thrive because of the human thriving yeah yeah the humans not thriving the business won't thrive I'm so true so true so true and so beauty business owners if you're not thriving if you're stuck in imposter syndrome comparison money stuff which we've seen so much of in the beauty industry and the businesses in the beauty and money stuff and all of that Kelly is your woman Kelly Williams I've doubt for 1000% and all of her information is going to be in the show notes I know you've got one and one coaching coming very very shortly and you have got like I said business acumen business strategy you've got the mindset you've got the all in one mentor for people in the beauty industry so go check Kelly out I like I said I vouch for you 100 percent I'm just so so grateful that our universe is collided me too thank you oh I love you I miss you