Supported Decision Making Podcast
In this series we will build our skills in supporting others in their decision-making. This kind of support is particularly important for people in our community whose decision-making has been ignored or undermined. We can help people reclaim their decision-making power through the support we offer.
Supported Decision Making Podcast
The Self Advocacy Journey
Advocacy for Inclusion
Season 3
Episode 8
In this podcast we will reflect on four simple points about self-advocacy. The work of self-advocacy, communicating what matters to us and what is OK and not OK in our lives, is ongoing. It isn't always easy particularly when it feel likes nothing we say or do can make a difference. In our reflection we will think about those feelings that tell when circumstances are not OK, the powerful truth that we have rights and also responsibilities, the value of our message and our individual way of communicating it, and the help we can find in trustworthy supporters.