The Broken Book Bible Podcast

Irony: The Key to the Bible? - Episode 4

Sam Episode 4
Irony - Noun. The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite. Irony is present in just about every book in the Bible. Heaven is opposite world, and the Day of the Lord is opposite Day. Things are not as they seem. Oh, and welcome to the age of Drumpf. Note - Many minisodes will only feature either Amanda or Sam. This episode only features Sam. Annnnnnnd. . . .whoops. Sam made a mistake. He said that the doctrine of all books of the Bible not conflicting with each other was called the "Perspicuity of Scripture." Those words do not mean what he thought they meant. Perspicuity of Scripture is the notion that normal people can understand the true meaning of the Bible without the help of tradition or external theological explanation.

P.S. If this recording is too quiet, we are sorry! If it's really hard to listen at this volume, you may want to skip to Gideon, Episode 6, at which point we have fixed this issue.