The James Granstrom Podcast - Super Soul Model series

How to Move from Fear to Faith with Tracy L Clark

James Granstrom / Tracy Clark Season 1 Episode 156

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Have you ever felt trapped by fear, unable to step into the life you know you're meant to live? In this episode my returning  guest is Tracy L. Clark

"“Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose.”

— Bob Proctor

Tracy  shares her wisdom on transcending fear and entering a paradigm of faith and intuition. Together, we peel back the layers of life's crumbling structures, challenging you to awaken to the flow of your inner guidance. This episode is a beacon for those ready to manifest joy, health, and prosperity by trusting the whispers of divine guidance and the strength of their convictions.

Embark on a transformative quest where personal growth is forged through the fires of discomfort and daring. As Tracy and I dissect the struggles and triumphs of releasing conditioned expectations, you'll discover the power of your intuition and divine connection. The stories shared in this conversation will inspire you as they illuminate the path from uncertainty to a life aligned with one's true self. From the importance of personal rituals to the art of conversation with spirit, this episode is an invitation to trust that your heart knows the way, even amidst resistance.

Closing the journey, we emphasize the brilliance of maintaining faith in adversity, a luminary guide to witnessing personal miracles. I reflect on Tracy's profound insights, encouraging you to embrace the miraculous support of the universe in your own life. Let this episode remind you to practice gratitude, nurture conviction, and stay true to your inner divine essence, ensuring that the flame of faith burns ever bright in your pursuit of an uplifted and fulfilling existence.

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Speaker 1:

In this episode, I'm speaking to Tracy L Clarke. This is the second time Tracy's been on the show and, just as a reminder, she's an intuitive, she's a coach, she's a speaker and she's the author of three books, and in this episode we are talking about the journey from fear to faith. Welcome to the Genghis Grants from Polkars, supercell and Mortal Series, where I'm interviewing Tracy Clarke this week. Tracy is a phenomenal human being and is incredibly intuitive, incredibly insightful.

Speaker 1:

She's been on the show before and she's absolutely amazing, and we've just been having a chat about structure versus intuition and about how life and the world has often had decent structures that are now crumbling, and Tracy is coming from a viewpoint where we need to sort of flow flow through structures that are old paradigms, that are breaking down, and the reason why they break down is because there's quite a great deal of rigidity and inflexibility and if we want to evolve, as human beings evolve, into great happiness, health, wellness and prosperity, it means that we can't stick with the old programs that are old paradigms or old programs that no longer work in this modern world. We need to adapt, we need to adjust, which means that we need to learn how to flow. We need to learn how to trust our intuition. So, tracy, talking about intuition, talking about this intuition versus rigidity, and these old paradigms just remind us what you mean by that.

Speaker 2:

If you look at the world like a round world, everybody's inside and there's asleep. They're maybe ignorant, because it keeps you asleep Fear keeps you asleep and it keeps you ignorant and it keeps you rigid. But if you can picture the round circle and everybody's in that circle on Earth and just for yourself, and then picture yourself, you've now woken up. So now you're awake, you're questioning, you're questioning the narrative. Now you're outside of the circle. Well, when you're outside of the circle, you're connected to the vastness of that, whatever the God of your understanding is the universal energy, whatever you want to call it. Well, now that's huge, because now you're starting to learn. Wait a minute, what structures don't work for me? Which structures do I need to change? And you start questioning the structures. Then your name called right, your name called like a conspiracy theorist, or your name called a crazy person, or that doesn't work because that energy is trying to get you back in the circle versus.

Speaker 1:

So basically, fear is back in the circle, and it's when we use to step out the circle by thinking freely and being, yeah, and being free, free thinking in faith and well.

Speaker 2:

Trusting in yourself, like that's out there, because now you got to trust in your intuition. You got to trust in yourself because the narrative in the schooling that you had is gone. Now, right, You're out here and you're like what doesn't work for my life? I didn't create the money I wanted, I didn't create the relationship I wanted, and I have anxiety or all these feelings that come up. So you get that awareness when you step out of the box. But now you're sitting there, so now you have a bigger perception that's coming in, about what is really unfolding inside that circle. And that's a scary place for a lot of people to be, because they're like, well, where do I go next? What do I do next? Because it's not in the structure that we're taught. That's where your intuition starts to kick in. Go here, meet with these people, start to learn, take what resonates with you.

Speaker 1:

So how do you wake up from being in the circle, that circle of what you were calling fear versus faith?

Speaker 2:

Faith. I call it faith because it's like when you're in faith, you have to trust no belief in yourself.

Speaker 2:

You got to trust no belief in your connection and you and I know that when you're trusting and believing you're going like this, you're blind. It's like being in a dark room. It's a feeling, you know, like I did a podcast recently and somebody said I can never. I can tell I can never take you off your path. Because you know, like you're so clear and I said because the miracles that were done in my life, no one can waiver that from me, like no one can take that away because I lived it in Iced. People can say what they want. You will never change my mind with connection to spirit because you cannot explain the things that unfold in my life. So that is when you're over here you get to the conviction. But when you're also over there, how do you get there? The same way you got there, the same way I got there was like wait a minute, what's that?

Speaker 2:

You just feel it's a feeling of I've tried a lot of this stuff and I know my life isn't going in the direction I want and you do naturally start questioning. For me it was healthcare system, other people, it's banking system, other people, it's relationships. There's something that hits the bottom that you go enough, this is not working, and it's a feeling and you start questioning everything and you start looking and we've been there. And when you start questioning, that's how you get out of the box. But when you're on the other side, a lot of times what happens is here. They try to pull you back. Friends, family, people like don't go over there, no, no, no, no, no, because they don't understand it and they need you back in the fear camp to validate their fear.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So most people, without them realizing, have a lot of fear and they don't even know it because they're just in the circle. So, a bit like the Truman show, you don't know that there's a world outside the Truman show. There's something I just wanted to share with you that I really like about some people that just like remind me of this truth, like simple people that people know of right, and then you've got to sort of draw it back into your own experience, like I watched a little interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger the other day.

Speaker 1:

He goes what the someone asked him I think it was Jay Shetty, I can't remember but Jay asked him. He goes what is the best advice you've ever been given or you could ever give? He goes believe in yourself, which means you're stepping outside the circle. He goes what's the worst advice you've ever been given? Because you can't do that. And I was like, wow, okay, that's a different perspective. But there's a guy who's gone through three different careers in his lifetime and you know he was the always considered you can't do that. And so when I look in my own experience the questioning of stepping out the fear not to say that I don't get anxiety or I don't get fear. I don't feel different emotions because that's not true.

Speaker 2:

We all do yeah.

Speaker 1:

But what I do want to say is I remember waking up when I asked there's got to be something else going on here because this just does not make any sense anymore. After a car crash and then after, you know, going out drinking too much, I was like this can't be the only way to live. There has to be another way. And if there is, I got to know. And then the then you start to wake up and new material comes into you. Expensive with you is with healthcare, or in a business or in a corporate company. You know that just does not make sense, that this is the only way. There has to be a way that is more in flow with who you are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because when we're born, if you look, we're conditioned every step of the way like you go to school, you get a job, you pay your taxes, you pay your bills, like that's a conditioning, and then your family paradigm, so yeah, and we're all you're going to. Also, like, people have to understand, you know this, when we do something new, there's also fear behind that, because the universe doesn't know the difference of our emotions. It's a vibration, right, so it can also read fear, the universe as excitement. It can read it as the same way. So we feel fear, but it's also. We have to reverse it. It's probably excitement that you know you're venturing on something different. You don't know if it's going to work out. It's like a dark room, like we said, where you're just feeling your way around, but you know, so you keep going. And sometimes people do confuse fear with excitement on a new path, because it's just the unknown. If we were taught to be comfortable with the unknown, watch what would happen, like that world would open up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean this comfortable thing is really interesting because I've been going through a period of being really uncomfortable, with a lot of new going on in my life. But my heart says you must go or you want to go this way, because the idea of comfort or my old life does just not excite me at all.

Speaker 2:

No, but see, there's a difference when I say comfort. So I'll use this with comfort and trigger, because I said this so many other days I said, comfortable is comfortable in your spirit. Like you said, it's not necessarily comfortable moving through it. It's, like you just said, with your heart, you know but, going through. It is uncomfortable because we have to get uncomfortable to get to a new level. It's like when people are 100%.

Speaker 1:

I just want to say that again because that is huge. Yeah, you have to be uncomfortable to get to a new level.

Speaker 2:

So if you are and this is like relationships, we say this, people in relationships if you meet a new partner and it's like really comfortable, like I mean like your whole, everything, chances that you didn't elevate, they're very similar to whatever you had before. If you meet a new person and that you apply this to your whole life and you're like what is that? What's going on here? Right, you're uncomfortable, but you know, you know you've leveled up and now you're in a different energy. So we have to get uncomfortable, be comfortable again, and then we'll elevate again, but it's in the heart, you know, you just know. So there's two vibrations going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is really important, actually, because your heart knows, but your emotions may say something else. So your heart knows that this is right, but it doesn't stop you feeling anxious, frustrated, unsure maybe a bit of doubt, but in your heart you're like I know this is right.

Speaker 2:

And that's the faith right, Because you're following with the heart, saying not the emotions of the body, but the body has to go through the emotions so it can elevate up into the new energy, Because when the body goes through the emotions it's letting go of the old energy to bring you into the new energy.

Speaker 1:

So we're really trying to go back into the heart again and again and again, because when I've ever looked through some of the changes I've had to go through or anybody listening right when you look at your changes that you go through and I know this was the case for you because you had, like, so many things happening in your younger years, your formative years so when that change happens, it's uncomfortable and you're like, okay, here we go again. Then you go again. You're like okay, and again. But you always look back with pride or you look back with, you know, a sense of like wow, I managed to move through that even though it's super challenging. You feel stronger, you feel more invigorated, you feel like you've got more power in your pocket.

Speaker 2:

But you also. For me, it anchored in my connection with my version of faith, which I would say is trust, no belief, because I realized when I look back I couldn't explain how that happened or how I came through it. It just happened. So then that anchored in that there was a bigger presence than me, guiding me, and the more I leaned into that, the more my intuition came on stronger, more I was able to manifest, and this is what people have to listen to. But that's the greatest relationship that we are not taught more. Little is what not not religiously, not any of that. What is your sacred connection to the divine? Or sacred connection is different than mine, but it's all beautiful. They can look similar, but it's unique to each and every one of us. So how do we?

Speaker 1:

how does Tracy get in touch with that feeling of trusting in the divine? Again and again and again, especially when you're being pulled into an uncomfortable place Because, whether you know, you might be transitioning through a relationship or elevating that relationship. You know you're thinking about your work and you're wanting to change your work and you feel like you're being called to something else, you know, or your health, in one way or another. How does? How does Tracy? Where did she begin that relationship?

Speaker 2:

You know when I started in the early days and people probably laugh.

Speaker 1:

I had some very stern words at times, with spirit like yelling, you normally get on your knees, or you swear or you're like look, you know they're true, but it became a constant conversation, which is still is today.

Speaker 2:

Is it so? There's two parts that now, if anyone can just take it, it's easy, but it's a, it's a dialogue, it's. Show me the sign of this, show me the truth about this. I need clarification on this. But you're asking spirit and you're actually becoming aware to look for them. You can't just say it and like, okay, I'm going to go to work and forget it. You have to become conscious, to be aware and go oh my gosh, I asked for this and somebody brought me this information. Okay, I'm going to ask for a little bit more clarification.

Speaker 2:

But the other space where I say to people is it's very important, however, they need to do it. I go into what I call weightlessness now, and that's what usually I teach is go out of the heart and exercise to go into the head. So the body becomes very weightless, you feel very free and people do it in different ways of meditation. Whatever they do, I like to do it instantly. I'm kind of one of those people that just like, okay, let's just go. So you train the body to do it and then.

Speaker 2:

But when you're in the weightless space, there's a different communion that happens and a conversation with your spirit space, and that energy brings clarity and that energy allows you to also get answers quicker so you can move through something faster. So when I started having conversations and say I need, I need the truth on this and I see the truth on this, and then I started changing my words. So in the end, the beginning was I need to see the truth in this and now it's. I know the truth around this and I know that it's here now and I know how to act upon it by saying that it's like no right. We brought in the presence.

Speaker 1:

Let me write this down because this is important. So you're just switching your words around. You're switching your words around about saying, instead of I want to know the truth or I know the truth.

Speaker 2:

So I'll ask it and like show me the truth. But then and then, when I go into weightlessness, I'm like when I go into my space, I'm like I know the truth around this, this, this, I, maybe somebody's creating some money. It's like they could be like I, I love created, understand that I have this in my space and that this happened Like. You know how you you talk it out loud. You know people say I want or I need, like all of that kibosh is that you and I know that. But if you're talking to spirit like you're living it, but I mean like talking it, not just think it. Like if you're going through a meditation or clearing, start talking it, even if you're out in your world.

Speaker 2:

It's like you know, I had a lady who said she wanted to get married and but she didn't have a partner. So what I said to her is like what are you? But it's like, wow, I had the best wedding ever and thank you spirit. That I know, I understand and I love that. I had the most incredible wedding that I couldn't even imagine before. But it was beautiful and she went into this whole thing and she ended up meeting the person she wanted and she ended up getting married with that space, as she ended up bringing in.

Speaker 1:

Right. So you know, for people listening, you've got to say as if it's already done, simple as if it's already done with conviction, but if you don't have that conviction yet. How do you get to that position?

Speaker 2:

It's a keep. It's like building a muscle. It's keep trusting and it's keep asking and it's keep moving through. So you ask, you tell what you need, but then you go into your conviction mode and that's, it's a it's. You're not going to get a six pack one time. It's not going to happen. So it's training the muscle, it's training the energy and how you communicate and you will change some of those words, but then it's a feeling right. That's why I say, if you go into weightlessness or meditation and you're repeating these things that are there, what happens is a body lift ups and it's like there's this whole beam of energy that just goes out like this and it's so freeing and it's that point of weightlessness where you feel it in the body that the heart and connect into what you're asking to bring in as well. So it's like a core that gets stronger because now you're removed, you're very neutral and you're free. So the reason I say weightlessness is people can feel what that feels like.

Speaker 1:

Because in weightlessness there's zero resistance.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I remember being on the beach in Hawaii one afternoon and I just dreamt something up and happened that evening, like instantly, and I felt completely, as you said, weightless and I actually felt. Whilst on the beach, I said something happened there. Something happened there and it happened that evening and I met somebody that evening and I was like oh my God, and I was like wow, and this was like quite a few years ago and it was one of the first times when I actually felt like there's nothing happening in my body. Now we're all capable of doing this, but you've got to put yourself in the position, as Tracy is saying, where you're like totally relaxed, totally weightless.

Speaker 2:

And you've got to be able to take time to do it. Like a lot of times when we're wanting to evolve or create, people do want it now. We can have now, but then there's distractions that we will all allow our body to go into right and so we allow our daily life to become the distraction. And I do this morning and night. There's not a day that I don't do it before I get out of bed and when I go to bed and then I have conversations Like if you're in my house and they had hidden gatherings, they'd be like oh, that lady talks all day long what her animals to herself. Like what's happening? Because I'm in my home and I'm just having conversations with spirit nonstop. If you're in your car, have conversations with spirit.

Speaker 1:

So what's a normal conversation that you might have with spirit? That might just start people having conversations with their spirit. Right, because we're aspects of the divine, we're aspects of the same thing. We're only a small portion of that beautiful big light. We might as well use that beautiful, bigger version of ourself that can see from an eagle-eye perspective more than what we can see with our own physical eyes, and tune and tap into that. And what I love is that I have my way of doing it. You have your way of doing it, but I would like to know your way of doing it in a fun way that might inspire someone to go look, I'm going to start having conversations. Even though I might not be able to see it, I might be able to, as Tracy said, feel it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, even if you're walking around your house and you're like I love my healthy, strong body and I understand how I've been able to create it, and then you might say you know what spirit, I'm a little pissed off because I haven't got the information right now. I don't feel I've connected right now, like maybe you're having that kind of conversation and then you're coming back. Sometimes it's like so there's something I'm going to say here and maybe this will help people to understand. There's an old teaching and most people don't understand it. It's through the religious line and people will always hear. They hear this teaching about it's follow me, follow me, follow me.

Speaker 2:

And I was teaching this recently because when people hear follow me, right away their brain goes to oh, you're following a prophet, or you're following a guru, or you're following a person, or you're following Jesus or you're following right, cause it's all religious kind of way with. That's not what it meant Follow me. When you hear that is, follow the divine God of your understanding energy, universal energy, that's inside of you already. So when you hear that, follow me, it's like follow me, like inside you, to open up more. So sometimes I say to people if you're confused or you're feeling like, is this present? Because the presence is already inside of you, you can say okay, follow me, follow me, right, I'm following my higher self, I'm following my connection, I'm following me, which will change the perception. So when you're walking around or you're home or you're in your car, you might be saying you know what spirit I'm following you, which is yourself, right. So please open that road and please move this and please leave this out of my space. Please move the traffic, please allow this drive to be easy. Oh right, you can start there, because that's going to shift the brain. The next one is the drive is easy. Leave, go. Everything's open. Thank you, spirit. And so you're having a conversation. That's very direct.

Speaker 2:

The reason I say some people will go to the other ones like, please do this, like we never really want to ask because it's already done. But it has to shift the brain. Sometimes people can't go right into. Oh, there's a dark energy in there. Just leave, get out, just go. They're not that convicted. So it breaks another barrier.

Speaker 2:

So if you're the person that's like you're still a people pleaser or you're not sure you might use that language, that's okay at first, don't beat yourself up. Then it's like yeah, drive is easy, I'm opening this up, this we're going to move. So a lot of times when I'm in, I'm like okay, spirit, we're going to move this, we have to align this or changing this, we need to do this, and you know. Whatever the situation is, you know, and then I it's like giving little orders. You know your orders, and then when you're coming back, you're like okay, yeah, I make this every month. I have this in my life, I love this. This is what's coming next. So, whatever your dreams are, that's where you would then bring it back into reality.

Speaker 1:

So the conviction is basically for sure, like working a muscle yeah, 100%. So there's a couple of things that I really resonate with what you're saying. Number one I call it, like you know, as part of the hero's journey or the heroine's journey of yourself. Follow me means the highest version of you that you're, you know, it's your future self and your present self, like combining right. And that is the part of you that you are really seeking more than anything else the best version of yourself, which might always be a few steps away, but you're catching up with it the whole time. And that is the person you seek. It's not somebody else, it's not a guru, it's not. It's not. That is you.

Speaker 1:

And then the second part, which really, you know, touches me because it's part of my message, is the mind, body and soul's wellness. If you don't, if you miss one of those three of that, try out a well being. You've missed it, you know, because I got my body in amazing shape but my mind was all over the place and then I was like, okay, so it was only by meditation that my mind began to become a bit clearer and I could hear spirit. And then I was like, oh my golly, right now I've got all three. This is keeping me well and I'm like now I talk to God, as you do, or the universe all the time, but I do it in a way which is similar to you. But you know like I have to feel, like I am speaking with sincerity, like I care, and that sincerity allows me to tap into the heart.

Speaker 1:

Now, that wasn't something that I felt like I used to do growing up, but it was something that I became as I was humbled by life, by making bad choices. I felt like you know what I think? I need to be kind to myself and I need to, you know, speak to that creator within me or that's around me in a way that I'd like to be spoken to. So I started saying things with sincerity and I remember, never forget, a story that I read in a little book called A Deep Breath of Life, which I understand you just got that book as well, which I really love, and it's about this, one of the stories on one of the daily quotations or prayers or whatever. It's about this little kid and the little kid saying dear God, please help me say my ABCs, because I'm finding it really tough versus somebody who said, oh, I need this, this and this. But the sincerity of the little kid is answer was given really, really quickly, meaning he was given like the extra nudge because that was coming from a place of sincerity.

Speaker 2:

And I noticed humility and humility, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And when you start to get a bit cocky, you know you can get, you can get slapped right. And so if you ever noticed that you're coming from there, you might be coming from a little bit of ego and you might be coming from a place of a lack of humility and you might have to be humbled a little bit.

Speaker 2:

And there's a strength and a conviction on how you can say your words to command what you desire for your space. Yeah, but you know, I want to share this. They're showing this. When you said this with humility, I had this dream I've never forgotten about.

Speaker 2:

It's probably about eight years ago and I was waiting to go speak on this stage. In the dream, there's a little man beside me and there was all these people that were on this stage and they were like I was irritated. I'm like how are people listening? Like there was such a big presence of just like you said, like ego, like we know when we see different things. It was just like, and I was getting irritated.

Speaker 2:

He said just don't worry about them. Don't worry about them, because I'm like these people aren't going to want to hear what I have to say, because it was kind of like a similar thing that we're talking about right now and I said they want to know why. He's like just you're here, your turn go. So then I went, they went off, yeah, and I look, and it's like one of those big stadiums that goes up like this. So there's thousands of people and at the top there were four balls of fire that were coming down to the stage. And you know, on a stage there's a, you have the stairs that go up and down right on each side to go down the stage.

Speaker 2:

The little old man. So all these people, they stood up and they were like in panic and I knew a lot of them that were in there. The little man grabs me and we go flying down the stairs and he goes on top of me and all of a sudden and you could smell the burning like in the room, like it was crazy. And I get up Everybody's chart Like I'm like freaking out right and I look at him. I'm like what happened? He said look to me and he says always stay humble and he'll never get burned. Nice, it's kind of that old saying what goes around comes around. You will get burned at some point just like you're saying right, you will get burned.

Speaker 2:

So to stay in that grace, to stay in that, use your powers. It's no different than I say to people if you go back and the reason I use this is because it's just to teaching people now is, if you look at how the stories of when the Christ walked the planet, he didn't take credit for what was happening and there was a humility and there was a non-judgment and there was a non-division that was going on. So you can see how it's all been manipulated through the years. So it's not about people, don't go into, I'm just as a teachable moment. It's like that's the humility and the kindness that we all hold superpowers within us and when we have them that you can never there's always giving grace and thanks to the universal energies working through you and to stay humble within it and to always understand. It's that humility that's going to continue to grow your supernatural powers and strength, because it's not you and me doing it or the vessel. It's the energy that's coming through, that we're allowing to come through, to create those miracles in people's lives.

Speaker 1:

That people are going to know 100%, 100%. And, like you know, like, even though I feel like in my case, I've been blessed with so many wonderful things, I was like, look, you know, I'm just the vessel, like I'm a messenger like it's not.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there's a part of me doing it, but it you know I can't take personal credit going. Look at me how wonderful I am, because that's not what this is all about. You know, like I've been through enough. You know challenge to go that way doesn't work, this way does. And then, when you do, you were humbled. And then the energy flows and you're like okay, this is, this is what kind of going with the flow is, even though it may not make logical sense, which is where we began our conversation today. Doesn't make any logical sense why I'm doing this or why I've moved country and why I'm staying here and why I've changed my work.

Speaker 2:

And that's the key to being outside that circle. It's not going to make any sense. That's that knowing right.

Speaker 1:

But what, as human beings, we want? Sense right. We want it to be sent.

Speaker 2:

Program for that.

Speaker 1:

We've been programmed, okay.

Speaker 2:

We've been programmed to follow a pattern. You do this, you get that, you do this, you get that. But really, when you start working with the universal energies within you and the God within you, it's not going to make a lot of sense. That's why you go to the knowing and you just got to follow the knowing.

Speaker 1:

Now I've seen, I've seen this in documentaries, I've read about this, but when you're experiencing it it's a very different thing. Right, and you hear it being made no sense, but I went and did it anyway, and it's a bit like saying I don't know why I went there, but I went there and it just felt right. And then I met somebody or I got a ticket into that concert or something like that. You know the amount of times things like that have happened to me growing up was amazing. I was like I don't know why, I just listened, but I just did that and it was illogical.

Speaker 2:

Because the universe works that way, right. And the universe works in a non-linear Exactly, and it puts pieces together when you're ready. There's another piece of the puzzle, but we're so trained to be structured and that was done on purpose. So when we wake up and we're outside, we now are learning how to run with flowing versus structure.

Speaker 1:

But you know there's certain things. Like you know, structure for me is important in my life. You know I have rituals, I have things that I do that give me structure. But it's the bit that allows the bits to flow in between, like the thread that goes through the needle, through the structures of saying these are true. So I'll correct that.

Speaker 2:

Because you're right Okay, I'll correct that, so it'll make it clear because you're right. So we have our structure in terms of how we communicate, how we need to have our meditation, like how that makes us, but that's a different structure. We're creating that ourselves to have communication. The structure I'm talking about is a structure we grow up in is like you're going to go, you're going to, you know, get a job, you go to school, you learn. This way you don't go outside of the box. There's a fear structure that we're born into. Then there's a faith structure, what you're talking about. That we move into when we break the fear structure and then you create your own.

Speaker 1:

So when we break the patterns of the fear structure, we move into the faith structure. So then we would like disciplines that lead you to freedom. So structure, but one has an energy of fear, perhaps, and the other one has an energy of faith.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you're now doing things you know that resonate for you, that work for you. You're doing meditation in school, do they? They don't teach you how to connect to the divine within. They don't teach you to have boundaries and be empowered and create and dream that you can do miracles and you can be all that you want to be. That's not taught in school because that's a fear structure. So you put a new structure in that works for James, which is a faith structure, which is our, your, your rituals, your routines, your walks, like I'm, like, if I don't walk every day, my body's not happy. So it's. We know what our body wants. So they're not really the structures, but they're not. They're things we know that we're integrating because they make us happy and joyous and connecting. So it's no one saying to you James, if you want to evolve, you have to do this, this and this. You're like what? What works for me? What structure do I want in my life versus what you were told?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's super interesting. Yeah, because my daily habits and my rituals are like they are. They are that. They make my world. They make my world so much more of a beautiful place to live from and I get thrilled to to do my shows, to do my podcast, to speak to people like you good self to, you know, write and to create content and to uplift and work with my, you know, exclusive clients, right, and it's just like wow, I feel so blessed to be doing what I love to do and uplift. But I have to create the structure of that to do that.

Speaker 2:

And don't you find now, like I find people say well, it seems like you're kind of always working. I said I don't work a day in my life. I love being in the energy so much that I'm always being uplifted. So I said I'm not really going to work. I'm always having a good time. Now where I go to work. If you want to look at us when you're doing the bin stuff which, yeah, I don't like it, nobody does but that's part of your business, right? But so when you're out of the energy and I'm not in the energy, I don't feel so good. So I love staying in the energy. So there's a structure right there that I know my body loves it and I just love being in the energy and you love seeing people with their. You know how they're evolving and they're moving and shifting. That's joyous. So that's a new way of living that you and I both create, and it's similar yet different, based on what our bodies require.

Speaker 1:

So I just want to go back, like in closing here, because there's something here that I want. I really like that you said. It's about the conviction, so where people can start to what's the word here? Direct that universal energy in a very successful way. Let's just call it the beginning phase. Right Now, if you haven't yet got the direction, if you haven't yet recognized that you're the director of your life and the main actor in your own story of your life, in your own movie, how would you start Somebody on this process of realizing you can direct that universal energy to help you? So would you say, please Sort out these green lights all the way you know, on the way to the grocery store? Or how would you do it?

Speaker 2:

I just asked is interesting to give a statement while you're talking. So they just actually so what they downloaded was so for people I see, feel here, what they downloaded was to say, and I've never said it this way you, I always like to give thanks, that's just me, you don't have to like, I'll be like, thank you, god. I know love and understand. So we hit, that's just me. You can say whatever you want, but they're like speak in a way of spirit I require this, this, this and this. And I know it's now done and I'm holding that conviction that I know it's done. Thank you, it's done, it's here. So you say start there. I require, I know it's done.

Speaker 1:

And the reason I require this, this, this and this. Yeah, I know it's done, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. They say keep something simple, and it has something to do with some of the listeners that are getting a look can get a little confused. It's like keep it very simple and then there'll be other things that you'll feel afterwards of. This is already here.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I love what Tracy just shared. I'd like to share with you something that I do that works for me, similar, little different. So, like on my way to the gym that I go to, I've got like a 10 minute drive to get to my amazing gym and on the way there I have to go through a few lights right, and on previous occasions there's been a few lights like red lights and so forth, and you know I'm all about the green lights and I always say I say in a way it's like universal. God was like wouldn't it be nice if you just gave me green lights all the way, wouldn't it be nice?

Speaker 1:

And the other day, literally, I arrived and it was red and I just slowed the car down, suddenly went green and then the next one green, green, green, green, green green. So it was like four or five traffic lights, green, boom, and at the gym and I was like how about that? How about that? That made me feel amazing, it made me feel powerful and it made me feel like loved and made me feel cared for and made me feel magical. But, more importantly, it gave me the muscle, the muscle to go. Hey, I can keep doing this this way this works with this little, small little thing that we can do.

Speaker 2:

You know, the other thing to just show that you did there that people can play with and I played with this years ago, like I think I was the only way for two, two, three years. I get me like consciously doing, doing the work. And I had to go on a trip and I knew it was going to be really difficult and it was that one that you just you don't want to go, but you know you need to go and you're starting to learn to connect to the universe. And I walked into the hotel room and I said now, then I couldn't say God, because I was still thinking it was tied to man in the sky. Like I said, I had very strict no, you know. So I was like universe, universe, if I need to do this, this and this, and you want me to do this. Her closet light on and the light flipped on. Yeah, and I said what then? Turn it off. The light went off.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm going to tell you I remember that because that was probably 20 years ago. Yeah, that was a miracle, and if I have a waiver in something, I go back to a miracle that happened in my life or something I asked for 100%. And I pull that forward, so I don't doubt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, by the way, as you evolve on your spiritual journey, you will feel a bit of doubt from time to time, and I want to share something exactly the same as what Tracy did to me and this is how I quit like and I became plant based, right yeah, and I said this. I literally said this out loud. I said universe, if you don't make this easy, I'm not going to do it. And I said the same with drinking If you don't make this easy, I am not going to do it.

Speaker 1:

Now, that seems quite a lot for people you know, like you might be having a drink problem or you might be having an addiction problem with some sort of some particular challenge of something. But that is where I began, very much like Tracy, and I said that and I remember saying it very, very succinctly and clearly. And what happened after that was nothing short of a miracle, because within four months, I changed my diet and started eating plant-based, more organic foods, number one, and the people whose houses that I went round to were in awe to try and cook me a plant-based meal. This is 20 years ago. Wow, I mean, this is a time when it wasn't even, like you know, kind of like available. People are like oh, you're vegetarian now.

Speaker 2:

You were way out of the circle then.

Speaker 1:

Way out of the circle right. And I was like literally, oh my golly, I'm out on a limb here by myself and I'm doing this, and I don't know why I'm doing it, but I am way out of the circle. And so I had to come from a place of like I have to completely trust this force, like the universal force which I was only just starting to stabilize with. And then the drinking thing is like, if I I'm not going to quit drinking unless it's made easy, and my friends would be like, oh yeah, james, do you want a pineapple juice? I'd be like, yeah, we'll get a pineapple juice on the rocks for our best friend, come on. And I was like, oh my God, people are making this easy for me, when previously this was like the hardest thing I had to deal with, right, yeah? And so a miracle.

Speaker 1:

That was a miracle, like it's a miracle. I'm still here. It's a miracle you're still here and whoever's listening it's probably a miracle. You're still here and you are a miracle. But you've got to use what Tracy has said and hopefully enjoy something that we've talked about here today so that you can flip in, apply it and get your own miracles, because you've got to keep that faith alive, because the doubts will creep in from time to time, but you've got to become so in tune with that essence of yourself. That's divine. Not forget it, because you will from time to time.

Speaker 2:

And we all will. And you know what it's funny doing this work. People always say to me well, you have this beautiful life. I said I do now, so does that mean you don't have any hiccups or challenges? I said oh no. I said it just gave me the skill to now get through a hiccup and challenge which would have taken me maybe a year 20 years ago, takes me a couple of days now. I said that is a miracle if you keep doing this work. Yeah, yeah, it's huge.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, just in closing, guys, thank you, Tracy, for being on the show. What a conversation, what a conversation. Thank you for tuning in, and if you've enjoyed this transformational content and would like more, please remember to hit that subscribe button and share it with the people you care about.