The James Granstrom Podcast - Super Soul Model series

Awakening to Interconnectedness: Reimagining Success with Steve Farrell

James Granstrom / Steve Farrell Season 1 Episode 158

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From the fast-paced intensity of Silicon Valley to the tranquil pursuit of universal connection, Steve Farrell, co-founder of Humanity's Team ( alongside Neale Donald Walsch) is the author of the book "A New Universal Dream".

"We are all deeply connected".
-Steve Farrell

Steve shares with us how he turned the traditional American Dream on its head, revealing the hollowness of material success and the depth of fulfillment that comes from understanding our interrelatedness. This episode promises to transform your perspective on life's purpose, weaving Steve's personal anecdotes with spiritual wisdom that challenges and inspires. Prepare to be moved by a discussion that transcends the superficial, inviting you into a space where love, purpose, and collective well-being are the true measures of success.

As we journey with Steve through the realms of conscious living and heartfelt intention, we uncover the essential harmony between heart, mind, and gut. In a world where separation can be epidemic, Steve enlightens us on the significance of living cohesively with our soul's calling. Listen in for Steve's insights on how to alleviate the modern ailments of fatigue and anxiety by embracing our oneness with the cosmos and each other. By the end, you'll walk away with not only a heart touched by the transformative power of asking for guidance but also with practical tools to cultivate heart-brain coherence and step into a life of greater sovereignty within the universe.

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Speaker 1:

In this week's show I'm speaking to somebody who's had the pinnacle of success in Silicon Valley and yet decided to pivot and co-create a global non-profit helping people awake into our interconnectedness. This week I'm speaking to author Steve Farrell.

Speaker 2:

This is determining that we are actually putting energy out into a universe, into a cosmos, and it's like throwing a pebble into a lake, where there's an expansion of that energy, of that action out into the universe that we actually are all deeply connected, as the physicists in particular quantum physicists are sharing.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the James Grimes from Podcast SuperSoul Model Series, where I help people tune and tap into their natural state of well-being. This week, on this episode, we are blessed to have Steve Farrell. Steve is a very interesting character in human being because we're going to be talking about conscious living and leadership. Steve's journey takes us from the pinnacles of success in Silicon Valley all the way to co-founding humanity's team with Neil Donald Walsh, which is a global non-profit, and it's helping people awake into our interconnectedness. Steve's got a fantastic new book out called A New Universal Dream, which we're going to be talking about. But without further ado, let's welcome this week's guest, Steve Farrell.

Speaker 2:

James, thank you so much for the generous introduction. I'm excited to be here and looking forward to diving in with you.

Speaker 1:

Let's do that, steve. So, steve, you've written this new book and it's called A New Universal Dream. Tell us a little bit how this new book came about. What inspired you? Because you've been in Silicon Valley, you've had great success there and this is a very different type of book from the success that maybe you've had in other areas of business in Silicon Valley. So what inspired you to this book, a New Universal Dream?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so thanks, james. The book is a true story of my 50-year journey from age 12 to all the way to today, and it picks up starts with me living with a divorced mom, six brothers and sisters, in a very small home on the East Coast 1200 square feet, so probably a lot of your viewers can relate. And then, after college, moving out to Northern California, to Silicon Valley, finding myself in the right place at the right time as I'm starting some technology companies, and the first company went to 75 million in 10 years. We started out just two guys used furniture, very small and expensive executive suite, and then inside of that company we birthed a second company that we took to 75 million in two years. It was Venture Capital Back, so I was one of those that was able to climb into that upper rung of what they call the American Dream, where you've got the fame and fortune and the private jets and all of those kinds of things, and so I've had full visibility to that. Now the surprising thing, james, is that it wasn't at all what I expected it was a land of in general it's a little dangerous to talk generally but of wanting more and prioritizing more, so that's going to put a lot of pressure on relationships with your spouse, your kids, your best friends, your coworkers, et cetera, because you're working that money machine, that top line and bottom line growth.

Speaker 2:

And even in the 90s when this was going on, there were huge challenges in the world then, much like today actually.

Speaker 2:

You could see global warming, extreme weather, there were wars and things, and I realized that I was playing a kids game in a sense, growing these companies top line and bottom line as the CEO and chairman of these companies.

Speaker 2:

And I knew that there was more and I went through my own personal awakening experience there in the mid 90s. You mentioned Neil Donald Walsh, who founded then Humanities Team, this 501c3 nonprofit that I've been leading for the last 20 years, and so in the midst of that journey I could see that I lost my passion for just business top line, bottom line. I sold all of these things. I left these business associations. Then for two years I actually didn't have anything substantial to do because it was two years before Neil and I started Humanities Team. So it was a lot of real meditation and feeling in and all I knew was that there was a spiritual journey that I would participate in, where I would be of some assistance where I would be the reason that I was born into this life not, and that the Silicon Valley experience was just to provide the tools. In a sense, it was like a spiritual gem.

Speaker 1:

Sure, what was the pivotal moment for you? There must have been a pivotal moment where it was like, okay, I'm experiencing this outward success that a lot of people are trying to reach, but what was the pivotal moment where you were like, okay, this isn't what I thought it was. It's not to say that you can't have that or that's not great for you, but it wasn't great for Steve where he was at. That's what I'm trying to get to, because that's the there's something inside of you that moves to go.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if this is agreeing with me anymore, or at least the way I'm showing up in the world, because you must have had a question that goes something's not quite right or the finger I haven't quite got the finger right because you were so successful with setting up those two companies and getting to 75 million so quickly, which in some businesses most 99 businesses fail within the first three years and you turned over 75 million in two in the second company. So what's the pivotal moment for Steve Farrell that just went. Do you know what? I know I'm very good at this, but this isn't quite right for me.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so it was a moment actually in my townhouse in Marin County in Northern California, there in the 90s, where I had done this homework, this research, I'd educated myself on this whole what we call conscious living, which is this whole Universal consciousness animating all of life is one way of expressing it. Most of us probably your listeners have had their own personal awakening experience. It's dramatically influenced them. I did as well. So the moment came there in the late 90s, where I was sitting in my townhouse and I said I'm not gonna be plant two feet in different worlds one where I'm Joe and Linda's son, one body, one life to live. I'll go five feet under at the end of this life, or I'm the son of the most hot, as we all are. That were emanations of the one that there's a, there is a universal Consciousness animating all of life that I was actually sent here by that one, as you were, james, as your viewers were, which means I have the properties of the one, I have everlasting life, I have unlimited potential, all of those things. So I wasn't gonna be Psychotic with trying to live in in two very different understandings. I I understood that night that my truth was the second one that my parents had delivered me to the world. They were like the airport terminal that delivered my body to the world, but I actually came from source, from the divine, from God. You could usually were in its universe and Cosmos as well. These terms are interchangeable, but in and and I'm here at this time when we're in this great shift of the ages, right, we're all this huge pettit is going on right now. We're looking out on the world and they, we've got climate change and extreme weather and we've got wars and and we've got Polarity and in all over the place and politics, but more than that and what we could. I didn't actually understand this fully then when I made that decision to live into this second Self, this true self.

Speaker 2:

But what I've come to understand, james, is that there's actually no such thing. This might this might be kind of jaw-dropping, but if you sit with this, I think you might find it's true that there's actually no such thing, that it is a fiction that there's even such a thing as a separated self. There's, there's no, there's no such thing as Steve Farrell and a body separated from the cosmos and universe and world around me. And if you're reading current science, like popular mechanics just had a Article out.

Speaker 2:

Apple news picked it up and which this is a mainstream publication. It said oh my gosh, sciences is determining that we're actually putting energy out into a universe, into a cosmos, and it's like a throwing a pebble into a lake where there's an expansion of that energy, of that Action out into the universe that we actually are all deeply connected, as the Physicists, in particular quantum physicists, are sharing today. So so that was the pivotal moment when I said I'm this and I'm not that, and the ground shifted under me, that this, the my worldview shifted. I'm looking at the sacred, not just an object, when I'm looking at people in the earth, and my life dramatically changed from that moment on.

Speaker 1:

Wow I mean to have. That insight is big, and you know anybody who's listening there's usually a suffering that calls to awakening. It's not always a suffering, but in my case it was. You know like. I had a car crash and I was like, wow, I'm here for a reason, and you know my I've told this many a time to my audience, and the audience, and you know I was like that made me look at life differently, because I shouldn't technically be here. You know, there is no way I should be here yet alone, wake up outside a car, consciously, with nothing on my face. Like you know, I feel that divine Intervention took place that evening when I was 19, and I've got so many people to thank for that, physically and non-physically, that has just said right, give him another go. And Whilst I'm still a flawed character and whilst I'm not perfect, I Did change the way I thought about the world and perceived it.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, however we turn up in the world whoever's listening you know there is something going on underneath the current. There's something going on underneath that ocean of consciousness that's moving us and guiding us, and I love the way you put that. You know when you were saying that with regards to, you know you'll wake up called from moving from like the Normal way of living to the sacred way of living. So in your book, you know you talk about like the priorities. You know what are the priorities that we need as human beings, because you know we need to go about our day, we need to function. You know how can we step in the sacred world, as you talk about it, yet still live in the real world. You know we kind of like have to participate in this world. We can't. You know it's not about, like, being airy-fair, it's about having your feet on the ground yet still be grounded in this Understanding, be underground understanding, in this knowing. Say, how would one have their priorities, you know, in place?

Speaker 2:

Well, first let me say what that's a beautiful story. I hadn't heard your personal story, james and boy. There's no question but that the divine slash universe is using you. So that that is beautiful. Now, as to your question, it's actually much, much easier than we think. You know, when I was living from the I'll call it the logic center of my mind, then I would say I would see the complexity, the questions, the challenges, that different from the Various options, all of these things Part of for me being on this conscious journey, this oneness, this omnipresence, this divine presence, this divinity, part of it in my daily practice, is where I'm attuning to connecting with the divine, her slash, his self, where I am in that place of connection as an emanation of the one, where I can actually feel his energy, her energy.

Speaker 2:

I can feel what I am to do. From my station in life, I'm guided actually to the things each day that I'm to do, as I consider myself the arms and legs and lungs of her, of him. That's what I've said I want to do with my life is you. There's a lot that needs to be done. Work through me. You know I can't do everything, but everybody can do something.

Speaker 2:

So, from my station in life. What are the things that I am to do? And one I feel an unbelievable love for myself and, incidentally, for every I feel like James for you is the extent to which God loves you. Oh, my God, you know, and every viewer and listener here, and I think sometimes we don't let that in, you know, because we were actually a part of her, of him, right, we are an emanation of him, her, and where we so part of this daily practice is letting that in feeling so unbelievably love, and then what's natural is, it's reciprocal of, we just love it right back of. And I love you. You know, I love life, I love what you've given me, I love my family, I love humanities team.

Speaker 2:

As you mentioned, we're now the largest global nonprofit in the world, with we're translating in 75 languages are masterclasses. So what I was led to, so what I find, then, in my daily practices I'm going through this process, in this attunement, in this place of connection, in this place of guidance, in this place of support for my journey, that those questions disappear. It's actually, I'm given a very easy, very simple unfoldment in terms of what this day is and then the next day is in the day after that, it's the wisdom center of my soul that I operate from. I didn't try and do that. It's just what happened for me on the journey where I just dropped from logic center of brain. I was an ENTJ in Silicon Valley.

Speaker 1:

What's that? What's an ENTJ? What's that?

Speaker 2:

So, briefly, entjs are a lot of the leaders of business in today's world under Myers Briggs test out that way. Entjs are big planners. They walk around with a daily planner. You know where all their actions are there of. Okay, I'm going to say talk to you. These are the 20 things I'm going to talk to you about. They script their lives to control. You know everything. I threw out my day planner back in the 90s. We don't have time to get into that story. I threw it out because I realized this is not. I cannot be on the conscious journey where I'm going to open my heart to somebody and they're going to open their heart to me and I'm going to operate from. You know the 15 things that they need to do.

Speaker 1:

So what I noticed, steve, this is really interesting. So you were high levels of logic back in Silicon Valley and this is really interesting because a lot of the world, particularly in business and there's no, I'm not pointing anything is here. This is just what I observe. These are the patterns I observe, like I'm a pattern breaker. I notice patterns and when they're positive, I'm like, well, let's encourage and reinforce that. And when they're a bit like, hmm, we could change that. This is what I do with my exclusive clients I was like, look, we need to change that pattern because that is causing you a story that's not serving you.

Speaker 1:

But what I've noticed with your patterns, steve, was you are highly in the logic brain left side brain and not in the heart. That is where your suffering started to happen, because you're all about the mind rather than the heart, and when you end up having a suffering, you feel the pain. Where do you feel it? Usually feel it in the heart, right? So it helps you awaken to realize that the heart is a brain as well.

Speaker 1:

It's not just up here, and there's a third brain as well, which is in your gut, which is your gut instinct, right? This is what the Aborigines talk about and it's fascinating these three brains. Right, you need all of these three and you need to be awakened to all of these three. And if you're not awakened in one of them, don't worry, you'll get a wake up. And it sounds like you had the wake up to move from the brain in your mind or should I say the brain in your head, because your mind is everywhere and into the heart. Steve, does that resonate with you, that sort of understanding? And then now you know, it sounds like you're properly living in your heart. A lot, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so this naturally happened. I love this. I want to actually go a little deeper into this because this gets into. For somebody listening it's like, okay, you know, interesting that this happened to Steve, but what does it have to do with me? You know? Why? Should I care, right? So I want to. I want to actually and and engage this a little more because this is so important.

Speaker 2:

So what I found when I was living I'm gonna call it not conscious of this whole what quantum physics is saying? You know that there's a super organism, that I'm a part of it, that I'm one with humankind in the earth. So before, in that, where I was more unconscious, we're in that separated self-world. From the time we wake up on the pillow, we're separate itself of what do me, what am I gonna do here and I gonna do there? And me, me, me, me, me.

Speaker 2:

The separated self thing where I find that there's often a sense of overwhelm, of fatigue. Just think about this in today's world and think about friends and workers, friends that you know, weary, grief, sadness, anger, disempowerment, anxiety, sometimes worse than that. So all of these things are going on. Also notice this. This is one you might need to sit with for a little bit. Notice how Incredibly transactional everything is when you're an object, so a boss is talking to you as an object. Did you get these things done, even with your spouse and homes? You know I'm gonna do these things today. Are you gonna do those things today? You know I'm with neighbors and in the grocery store and some and so on, where everybody is treated like an object.

Speaker 2:

Now what I find is I've sat with this is that I think we've grown numb to that. We just it's just normal for us it's normal to be an object in a transactional world. But it's painful actually, you know, which is kind of what you were bringing in logic center of the mind, where we understand. You know we're not objects, we're here on an eternal journey. The whole reason we were born into this world Was as part of the superorganism, to where our first impulse is to open our heart and be in service To the world around us, especially now where there are so many challenges individually and collectively. So what naturally happened for me during this conscious journey was leaving that painful world at transactional, isolated Etc and just dropping down into my heart space, as you mentioned, where now it's completely different, is even better then.

Speaker 2:

Relational, where you know, a lot of times couples will say the guy is transactional, the woman says I want it more. Relational, where you're At least looking at each other more, connecting more. So what we're talking about here, in conscious journey, it's over further in this value direction, from relational it's, it's divine presence, I call it. Where we're not objects, we're actually on an everlasting, eternal journey. We're here and in support of life around us, with what the things that we're called to do. That's a loving place, that's an in service place, that's an open-hearted place, that's an honest place, that's a listening place. I could go on. It's beautiful, it's delicious. So what's interesting?

Speaker 2:

This is going to come back around to that book and the story, because I kind of got to Silicon Valley, didn't go all the way out from there which was the bookstore. A new universal dream is in this conscious living. Then we find it. You know, I didn't find it on the upper upper part of the ladder there in that whole luxury world, but I did find it here in this whole conscious living thing, this delicious way of living where you are part of this whole lifestyle that I just described. It's so beautiful that you can create. You can create a conscious culture in your organization, as I have with humanity's team and actually, as I reflect back on the 90s, to have a term back then of conscious leadership or conscious business. But the reason I was so successful, james, is intuitively. I knew that, which is why I threw my day planner out. I knew that these practices of just opening my heart, really connecting with people in a sacred way and customers, employees, vendors, even you know everybody that this was gonna serve me and serve the organization and sure enough, that's how we got that amazing growth as we created a culture like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, steve, you know I've got to ask you what are your practices then? So if you are a blue collar worker or white collar worker number one, why would they care about this type of living? Because you know it seems a bit unusual. Why would you throw your day planner out? I've got to go to work. I've got to go to job. I have to put food on the table. I've got to make money. I've got to support myself and my spouse, or even I'm just trying to grow from where I am and maybe start a new business.

Speaker 1:

You know, this is kind of a bit of a radical way of living, going oh, I'll just drop into my heart and everything's gonna be okay. You know, there's a level of trust there that needs to be palpable for the everyday human being. I mean for me and my story, the only way I can say it is like, you know, I had my boat really rocked, so I was like look, you know, that is my experience. It's not everybody else's experience and someone might not have had as severe experiences perhaps you or I, but they might have had a milder experience Yet. For me, dropping into the heart, I'm not saying I'm there all the time, but I'm there quite a lot of the time because I really do care, which is why I run this show and help my clients improve the quality of their lives.

Speaker 1:

But and I absolutely love it and I feel cool to do it, and I was doing it even when I was on modeling sets and shoots the whole for the last 20 years I was like behind the scenes. That's what I was kind of doing. I thought maybe this should be a career, maybe I'm getting pushed in this direction. I seem to be very good with people and I feel I seem to be quite blessed with saying the right thing at the right time to the right people, but not everybody's there, steve. So what I'm trying to say is that how can we what you're saying be? I know you're trying to market it, but I'm trying to say market with heart. How do you say market to get into the heart is the way forward for us as human beings, right? If you are just kind of on a trajectory, trying to start a new business, why would you want to drop out of your logic and get into the heart?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so one of the stories I tell James you might remember this in the book it's a guy named Ken Behring, so Billionaire actually. I had an opportunity to work with his organization. He had all the stuff. He actually passed away maybe three or four years ago, but he even had an NFL team, the Seattle Seahawks in the United States. He had the 150 old cars, he had the huge mansion, he had a 737 size private jet. I mean, he had all the stuff.

Speaker 2:

Now, interestingly, I got involved because he later in his life started doing a lot of philanthropy, started a wheelchair foundation and doing education. That was transformational and stuff. So that's how I got involved with him. But his story was, he said, with all of those goodies, the hedonistic thing he said I didn't find it. He said until in his case it was after age 70. He said I just had the stuff and it wasn't ringing the bell, I wasn't finding it. And it was only when he started his wheelchair foundation where he was given away. He would use that jet to fly around the world with friends to give away wheelchairs all over the world. It was only when he got in deep into his philanthropy that he says I finally found it. I finally found it. So here's the thing is I believe and quantum physics is sharing this is true that people aren't the mayor with all of the quantum physics. We have free programs on the humanities team site, humanitiesteamorg, with the scientists Greg Braden, sam Harriman Lynn.

Speaker 1:

McTach, amazing, amazing guys, and we'll have all the links in the column so you can make sure you can follow all those links if you're listening in Free programs, free programs, so go through them.

Speaker 2:

And what it says is that we're actually designed. Here's the thing the Sam Harriman says you are sovereign to one body, the super organism called universe, called cosmos. You're sovereign to it. Usually we hear the term sovereign with a country. Right, the country is sovereign. He's saying we're sovereign, which means that we're inseparable from the cosmos and universe. They can't be without us. He goes further and then he sounds like a preacher and says you know, so you should have unbelievable posture, you should feel incredible about yourself, you should feel so empowered because the universe cannot be without you, right? So we're actually designed in.

Speaker 2:

The scientists are sharing and, of course, the mystics have shared this down to Hippocrates and Plato on 500 BCE. 2500 years I've been sharing. We're designed as part of the super organism, this one life. So just try. It is what I would tell viewers and listeners is just try it. Try for 24 hours, opening your heart a little more, being in service a little more, seeing sacred out there a little more. Try in your daily practice just saying, hey, what am I guided to do here? You know, and can I get close to you and feel a relationship with you? If you ask these questions, ask for guidance, ask for support. You will get it, and what you usually get is vision first, like you did for the radio show here.

Speaker 1:

I didn't get a vision. I didn't get a vision. I'm kind of like I feel it right. So my story is again quite humorous and I find that the universe you know, I grew up a Catholic and I say God when I'm a bit scared. But other than that I will say universe, right, more life, doesn't matter what the word is, but you can't name the unnameable, as they say in the towel. But I had an idea to do this a long time ago and I didn't do it. So what I did was I kept on going and then, you know, things happened, not much, and I was like ah, then one day I was swimming in the pool and I got banged on the head because I hit my head on the pool, right on my third eye, right here you can't see any scar and I just knew I was like that. That means you're gonna start. That means because I knew that that was hey, son, are you listening to me? Because I've been telling you to do this and you've not been listening.

Speaker 1:

And I have to say I'm a bit of a rebellious. You know, I've been very rebellious about following this spiritual path. I didn't even wanna give up drinking. I didn't wanna change my diet. I didn't wanna do anything. I was like I'm not interested. Even after that car crash I was like I'm not doing this, steve.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, here's a guy who was reluctant. You know I call it the reluctant spiritual, uh, human being. And yet it's still comforted me, still, you know, talk to me, I put, still looked after me, still give me abundance of money, still give me radiant health. It's still giving me loving relationships and yet it's still giving me challenges to weave myself through and glide myself through, to keep moving forward, to keep helping people, to keep uplifting people, to keep saying, hey, whatever, it is gonna be alright, and I don't mind that there are challenges, but I do mind that if I don't show up and I think that that's, you know for me it's just showing up. I'll just show up every day and even though I don't know what's gonna happen, steve, I'm just gonna show up. So you showed up into my, my world.

Speaker 1:

I'm super grateful you've been on this show and I just wanted to ask a practice. I know you mentioned the practice of. You know, just ask the question. But what's your practice for getting into the heart, because it's different for other people, you know, for me. Getting into meditation or putting my hand on my heart is a good practice for me to get out my head and start thinking here, cuz I know there's a co here. When you get the heart brain co here is something magnificent. What steve's practice, and what would you say to the audience is a great way for them to tune into their heart?

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was like jump into that. I want to just say you are you said earlier in the program, change. You said, you know, go from being a model in front of the camera to a soul model like and you are that, I mean so beautiful the way you describe that of. Well, you know, you just do it and you show up and you push yourself and it's still challenging. Thank you. I mean, you're putting words to what I think your viewers are experiencing. So, and this is what it's about at some point.

Speaker 2:

I think what I found for me on the journey is we kind of go, you know, hit warp speed, boom, you know, we just start. We really go where where the divine is saying, okay, now we're gonna really use you. You know that we have to want that as a part of the journey, but if we want it, then it's kind of bumpy, start and that fly through turbulence and at some point, boom, you know, warp speed, where we're gonna be used to our fullest. And I think you are now james, so now to practice. So Practice is has been changed, has changed for me, as you might imagine, over the years, from really basic stuff of just are you there and I and you know I feel your love and I love you back to now.

Speaker 2:

Now it's intentional, a metaphysical. Let me describe what I mean by that. So the intentional is the push. So the intentional is I'm living my life for this. Where I see this One is this diversity in unity, this conscious living, this new spirituality emerging on the earth. So, and every day, you know, I get up, this is why I'm here, so I'm pushed in that direction. This is my intention is like a rudder on a boat, right as your On that boat moving forward. Now metaphysics is the pole. So metaphysics, incidentally, conversations with God, which we reference. There's a nine series of books. Neil donal wash and and got herself read the wisdom. It's amazing. So says metaphysics is the Lynch pen, the lynchpin of the universe. Now you're gonna have to sit with that one to really really let that one in. I did, but that means that it's the whole life and civilization is based on metaphysics. Is what that means.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so, in metaphysics, than what I do with my daily practices, I do believe, as the mystic shared down through the ages, as a shared in conversations with God is, the scientists now are sharing that this one, this is emerging on the earth.

Speaker 2:

This diversity in unity, this omnipresence, the sense of super organism, this divinity is emerging on the earth. So in my daily practice I'm going to that place where I see it, feel it, taste it, touch it. I know it's here, that has been created Before you and and and it's maybe not in its full issue when I pass, when I physical body passes, but we're well into it. So I go to that place and and and. Then I carry that energy like to this program and throughout my day, where it's, in a sense, it's happened, it's happened, it's pulling me, so, where it were, actually creating something, where we're in the metaphysics of this this is why it's the lynchpin of the universe, where it's a very powerful form of co creation, where we actually go out into the future, where it's been created and then we're devoting our lives to that whole creation process.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

I mean, I feel like that's what I'm doing with my work as well.

Speaker 1:

I think this is what I'm gonna do, this is my vision, and I show up and I live it, address like it and I behave like it and I talk like it and I eat like it and I talk to the people like it, and it's a very different, intentional way of living and I think what you and neil have created is absolutely phenomenal and you are A soul model in your own right and I'm absolutely in awe of what you guys have been creating.

Speaker 1:

For, you know, two decades now I mean, I only woke up two decades ago when this time, you know it's only in the last four and a half years I feel like I've really been, you know, trying to try to put my input back in, because you realize how precious time is, how precious human life is and all sentient being life is on this planet, and I always want to leave this place, much like you, in a much better place than I found it. And I love what you're doing with humanities team and help people wake up to the interconnectedness, and I think that's really, really beautiful what you've been doing. So I just wanna say, steve, thank you so much For being on the show today, and is there anything else that you would like to share with the audience at all?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So thank you for having me, james. I really appreciate it and I would just my invitation to the audience is boy, you know, try this daily practice thing, james. What you and I are discussing, just open up, maybe in a bigger way, stretch into it. Just try and try and receive yourself as as a son or daughter of the most high, because every single person listening is that, nothing less than that. You are that and that alone. If we can let that in, that self image, that self realization, that self actualization, it's huge, it just will. Your whole life will shift in a beautiful direction. And that's that's the big conscious journey right now is Assisting people, just especially in the early part of that journey where they feel like it's too big, it's too impossible to challenging. You know, not sure it's gonna work for my family, we gotta. That's where people really need help is to get through those, that area where all those stabilizers on you know what?

Speaker 1:

the stabilizers on the bicycle, right, you know you can. I just wanna show you that, even though you're gonna shake a bit, don't worry, we got you. We got you right there you go essentially, yeah, essentially just waking ourselves up, right godspeed to you.

Speaker 2:

Keep it going. And you know we gotta Gotta help people get through. That's not nice. That bicycle metaphor, you know where were those little little wheels there that are kind of helping to get the thing gliding as it's getting started? That's the, that's the key thing that's needed right now.

Speaker 1:

Just like to say in closing thank you so much to Steve. However, being on the show, he's this week's super soul model. Thanks for tuning in, and if you've enjoyed this transformational content and would like more, please remember to hit that subscribe button and share with the people you care about.