The James Granstrom Podcast - Super Soul Model series

Awakening Your Aura: The Path to Inner Growth with Dimitri Moraitis

James Granstrom / Dimitri Moraitis Season 1 Episode 160

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When Dimitri Moraitis, co-founder of the Spiritual Arts Institute in California and author of several best selling books, recounts his evolution from arts, music and filmmaking to having a spiritual awakening, it's as though he's unveiling a map to the hidden treasures of the soul.

"Mind, body and soul all three of these need to work together for greater wellbeing".
-Dmitri Moraitis,

Join us as we traverse his journey,  pointing toward a singular truth: spiritual enlightenment waits for no one and often arrives in your life unannounced (often by being shaken!)

Dimitri's insights serve you as a reminder that while your quest for inner growth is a solitary one, the guidance of mentors is invaluable on your  journey. 

Our chat is a beacon for you to help align you with your deepest values and desires so you can  live in full resonance with your higher calling. (It’s different for everyone!)

The aura—often unseen yet ever-present—holds secrets to your personal growth and he  unravels some practical ideas for you in this episode. 

Whether you're new to spiritual practice or an experienced meditator, this conversation is an invitation for your personal transformation packed with insight.

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Speaker 1:

In this episode, I'm speaking to world-renowned metaphysical teacher and best-selling author, dmitri Moritis, co-founder of the Spiritual Arts Institute. He's on a mission to help people from all walks of life accelerate their spiritual understanding and development. In this episode, we're going to discuss how you can change aura and change your life.

Speaker 2:

The idea of mind, body, soul, harmony, whether it's physical, health, mental, emotional, spiritual. In a sense, all three have to work together.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the James Grant from Polka SuperSoul Model Series, where I help people tune and tap in to their natural state of well-being. This week we are blessed to have our guest, who is Dmitri Moritis, and Dmitri is the co-founder and executive director of the Spiritual Arts Institute, alongside Barbara Martin, and he is an accomplished teacher, spiritual healer and author of many books, including Change your Aura, change your Life and Heaven and your Spiritual Evolution. So I just wanted to say welcome to the show, dmitri.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you for having me on. It's a pleasure.

Speaker 1:

So, Dmitri, you've been involved in spirituality and you've had the Spiritual Arts Institute. Is it almost for like 20 years now? Is that correct?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, we started. We had a precursor, basically started the organization 2000. It became a nonprofit in 2005. But I've been studying metaphysics for about 40 years and Barbara's been studying for her whole life of 50, 60 years.

Speaker 1:

The spirituality like. So one of the things I love to share with my guests is you know we're a triad of well-being. You know mind, the body and the soul and all of those three things, all of those aspects. When you get them in tune, what happens is you thrive. And that's what I accidentally stumbled across in my journey. And when you're talking about spirituality and the soul, I'm really intrigued how your journey began, because it's quite a fascinating journey into setting up something like the Spiritual Arts Institute, which is very big in California. But you know, how did you get into spirituality and how would someone on their path begin to awaken? What was your awakening?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but first maybe comment you're absolutely right, we're not just a body. I think that's the first thing we have to realize. We are a soul inhabiting a body. So, yes, you know, you want your car to work well, but you want even the driver to do better. So it's really about the soul. And then, of course, the mind is the navigator. So the idea of mind, body, soul harmony, whether it's physical, health, mental, emotional, spiritual, in a sense, all three have to work together. The problem is, in today's world we do tend to segmentize things. You know, we just think now, now, now we do. We now just think about the body, we just think about the biology of the body and the chemistry of the body and we forget there's all these other parts working together. So you can have a chemically functioning body, but not a happy soul, you know.

Speaker 2:

Now, in my case, I was born into a Greek family, dmitri, and my father was a doctor. Interestingly enough, my mother was very much in the arts, so I was getting this kind of scientific creative together, but I was leading more to the arts. I was a classical pianist and a musician, but also a filmmaker, and I thought, okay, I'm going to go into the arts and it was actually going very well and at that time. But I was having what I call these inspiration moments. I didn't know what metaphysics was. If you're born Greek, you're basically born Greek Orthodox. So we went through the traditional things, but we were not really religious and you know, in arts you are always looking for that thing you can't put your finger on. You know that's the magic, and so I was already used to that kind of attitude.

Speaker 2:

But these moments just kept getting stronger and stronger and then it led to a very dramatic opening for me. I call it my solemn the road to Damascus moment. But even then I didn't know what the name of it was. I just knew I had experienced this heightened just being in this beautiful other place, and it didn't. It just changed me. It wasn't like a moment, you know. And then, when I realized it was metaphysics, I couldn't get enough of it. So I was studying everything I could get my hands on Was it just something that just accidentally you stumbled across?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no, I didn't make it happen.

Speaker 2:

I did not make it happen. I know many of us Well, how do you, how do you, how do you have a spiritual awakening? You don't have it, it happens to you. You cannot direct that. Now, for some people it's gradual, you know we have, though. I've been spiritual my whole life, you know, as a little kid I was thinking about it. But even then it isn't until you actually start doing something about it, right, Because even as a kid you can see things or have experiences and you just see it as part of your childhood. But when you realize, wait a minute, this is something I have to become part of, you know the God knocking on the door kind of a thing, that's turning point. So, whether it's a gradual ascent to that moment or a dramatic one because others have had dramatic, like Barbara, she was basically born clairvoyant, right, so it was from a very early age with her.

Speaker 1:

So she could see colors, she could see, yeah, at three years old.

Speaker 2:

So let's get. So here I am a year after I've had this awakening, and I was so, but I was careful about. I was in Los Angeles at the time pursuing movies, and Los Angeles is a great place for spiritual studies, and so I was able to be exposed to things that taught me a lot. But I was careful about joining a group. And then a friend of mine, she said oh, there's this woman having a dinner and she's gonna do a meditation. I know you like all this metaphysical stuff. And so I went and it was Barbara, and Barbara's like a generation older than me, she's the greatest generation and Boy, she has a lot of stories about that era and I realized, well, it was the first time I meditated and I felt like I had stepped into an ancient, Like an ancient door opened up again. And then there was one conversation with her and I thought I had so much on my mind I did kind of pour my heart out and she was saying I thought it was a nice conversation. She said you really interrogated me that first night, but I could tell she was talking from her experience and I said that night okay, this is the one I have to study with.

Speaker 2:

Now a real quick note on Barbara. Yeah, about Now. She was born in the Depression era in the United States and that's Her father was Like 1930s is it?

Speaker 1:

Is that right yeah?

Speaker 2:

exactly Exactly he was born. Her father was a Greek Orthodox priest and a builder of churches. He was an architect and in those days it was a family. She had six kids and a family of eight living on $80 a month. It was a struggle and they kept moving around from city to city because as soon as he built up the church they'd send him somewhere else.

Speaker 2:

And but very early on she started having these. She could start seeing auras and she could start seeing. By eight years old. She was seeing angels and all these other things were starting to happen, but she didn't know what any of it meant until she said well, I knew if there was a discordant energy, that was not a good thing and it wasn't happy sometimes seeing this, because if my parents were arguing you could see the disturbing energy that was going on between them, not just the verbal argument. It never got anything beyond that.

Speaker 2:

But at 11 years old, when they were in Kansas City, missouri, she met a woman that could basically call her in one day. It was a. She was teaching acting and she ran an acting company and Barbara was part of it as 11 year old. And when Dorothy calls her in and says basically the little Barbara. You can see the aura, can't you? And Barbara's jaw dropped. She said is that what it's called? Again, they didn't have a date for it. Then she says I can see it too and I wanna share with you some of my gifts. And that was her first training on the auric field.

Speaker 2:

Then she went to California too.

Speaker 2:

In the golden age of Hollywood she met people like Cecil Bita Mill and things like that. She thought she was gonna go in entertainment, but then it's segwayed into metaphysics as well, and so she started a beautiful career with that, started with another great mystic in LA, and then when we met, first I started as a teacher, as a student, very happy, and we both loved to write. So we always started writing right away. But then we realized at that time Barbara just had a slew of notes and just inspirations. So we got to organize all this and also there was more to bring in and so that started the Institute. But what I didn't realize it was also she was training me to be a teacher. I didn't initially see that as my road I knew riding was gonna be, but then I took to it and then we moved down here to we're in Encinitas, kind of near San Diego, which is a-, yeah, southern California, southern California, yeah, and opened up the center and we've been doing these video things long before the Zoom era started.

Speaker 1:

You know. Well, that's great. I mean, you can get all this information out there. I guess one of the things I wanted to sort of just, you know, help the audience with, just guide them. You were talking a lot about the word metaphysics. You know what is that? So, in a simple layman, what is?

Speaker 2:

metaphysics After okay, physics, which means physical, so met after, after physics. So the idea is what lies beyond the physical world? The whole foundation of metaphysics is you are a spiritual being in a physical world. You are not a physical being. So the material scientists would say we're just atoms bouncing around and energy. That's all we are, you know, and it's just how it all kind of randomly comes together. That's not the philosophy of metaphysics, Sure.

Speaker 1:

So I mean quantum physics, like it shows that nothing is random. And in Curly and Photography it can just show you that there's energy coming off your body and if we look in the pictures behind you on the right-hand side, if you're looking at your video on your left-hand side, you've got a picture.

Speaker 2:

Right, those are the Theosopho. The theosophists painted those beautiful pictures.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I've had Curly and Photography, or Keely and Photography, which I believe is named after the gentleman who who created it. He found that there's certain colors that were emanating from the body when you took the picture. You took the photo and if you're clairvoyant, you can see them. Or if you take a picture with this Curly infotography, you can see this, but if you don't have that vision, you won't be able to see it. But what?

Speaker 2:

I've noticed, we all have the potential for being clairvoyant, okay, but our work, you know, the motto of our organization is helping souls grow. So what we're really focused on is not what we call the phenomena of experience, but the evolution we are. Earth is a school. We are here, our soul is here to learn to grow and everybody's growing. But if you've had that awakening as I'm sure many of your viewers must have to be watching your podcast then that's the call to action. You're meant to do something without awakening, because this is your accelerated lifetime. This is where you can make, talking about quantum, a quantum leap in your evolution, but you've got to pursue it. It's not going to happen by itself.

Speaker 1:

Sure, you know, like I'd like to say, I woke up about 20-odd years ago in suffering.

Speaker 2:

And I was like who am I what?

Speaker 1:

am I here? What's my purpose? Is there anything else? It sounds all funny when I look back on it and that's why and I'm writing a book right now and I love thinking about, like Shakespeare, how he said life is but a comedy of errors. And I was like this guy is out of his mind but he's right on track because you can fast forward and laugh at it. But during that experience it feels really heavy. It feels you know, but when I cast my mind back I can laugh at it and go. This is like a cosmic joke and I'm being guided to something greater. Yet it doesn't feel like that when I'm in the midst of an experience. So I'm thinking of the audience, you know, wherever they're at, or you know if someone's listening on their journey, you know, say that there's been this awakening. What do they do with it now? And what are the best things to prepare themselves to evolve as a human being and be the best version of themselves right now Mind, body and soul.

Speaker 2:

Right. No, that's crucial because you know, unfortunately it's true Sometimes we awaken in suffering, because sometimes the soul has to be stirred to its core before it starts to say, oh, I get it. You know, this is not an easy journey. You know, we look at the hero's journey and any story told, they never get there easy. Right, oh, OK, you just got to drop this ring in a lava pit, OK. And three movies later it's done. Or the three books later it's done. The journey can be, I don't want to say excruciating, but it can be very demanding. But metaphysics is that way it does tend to demand more than you have to give, but also gives back more. So the expression is what you give to God, you get back ten times over.

Speaker 1:

That's a lovely little thing to say. You know, like I like to see it as a warrior. You've got to be like this warrior of light, as Paolo Coelho says, or Dan Milman says. You know, the peaceful warrior, this spiritual path, you've got to be a ninja, right.

Speaker 2:

You've got to come from One of the greatest.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that it's going to be, you know, a smooth, easy journey.

Speaker 2:

No, no.

Speaker 1:

Well, it requires something a force beyond what you thought was physically human Right, and I believe that's soul being awake and saying I'm being called into into something like in my case it was like death of a parent or my own near death experiences or relationships or whatever and you're just thinking, my God, this is really being pulled from me. But from that something beautiful, a Phoenix is rising out of those ashes and that's your soul awakening or evolving. I don't know. You know from your experience and you know the people that you've been helping. I mean, how does that relate to what you know about spirituality?

Speaker 2:

Right, well, everybody comes in their own way. Yes, it could be the death of a loved one, you know, because it changes your worldview. How will I go on? Or how you know, or you know, if you had a near death, you know for sure there's a great beyond, because you've been there.

Speaker 1:

But, that's not everyone Not everyone is going to have that right.

Speaker 2:

They're going to have different. No, not at all. Not at all.

Speaker 1:

No one do that, and I don't want to.

Speaker 2:

But however it approaches you, the result is more or less the same. It's a profound awakening. But the most important thing is don't just sit on it, do something about it. It's not accidental that you had this awakening, so you're supposed to pursue it Now. Everybody's journey is different. We talk about a spiritual potential. All right, now, I could have stayed in movies and had this spiritual awakening, or become a pianist. That could have been my path. In my case, not only was I meant to pursue this personally, I was meant to pursue it professionally.

Speaker 2:

You know, barbara tells a great story of meeting Cecil Bidamel, one of the great filmmakers, and when she met him face to face she noticed he had the mystic sight. He could see into the mystic realms too. But that's not in any book, it's not in any biography. It wasn't his mission to do that. It was his mission to take that knowledge and put in things like the Ten Commandments or a movie that practically killed him, to get made. You know of the demand of it. Now, a Couple of things. We say there's sort of four basic keys here. Number one you have to make room for it in your life. If you are saying I'm too busy to meditate. I'm too busy for everything this, that and the other. It ain't gonna happen either, just like if you you've got a new friend or whatever, some it's important you got to spend quality time with them, or there's no relationship really.

Speaker 1:

So the first one is is you've got to? You got to make time, validity practice or?

Speaker 2:

something, exactly the whole thing. You've got to say this is like the centerpiece of my life and that everything is part of it. It's not my spiritual life and my earth life. Okay, my job is part of my spiritual life. My family is part of my spiritual life. My, my finances are part of my spirit, on every part of it. Right, then the, the and associated with that.

Speaker 2:

Now, what we always strongly recommend is a meditation practice. We recommend daily meditation, even it's on the shorter side. But meditation is your one-on-one time with the divine, and if you're not making that time again, how are you gonna build the interconnections? But you don't meditate also all day long? Some people are to go the other way and say, oh, I'm just gonna sit on top and just meditate for hours and hours. Well, you've got to apply your meditation, you, you, you. Meditation, I'd like to think, was like gathering up the ammo, but again, the soldier still has to go in the battle, but if it's armed, then it's gonna be more successful in that battle. Then the other thing that's got to happen is you can't go around, you can't bypass just living a good life, everything. One of the one in our discussion. We work a lot with the aura and you build up the aura through meditation, but you also build it up through every good word, thought, act.

Speaker 2:

Indeed, sure you said any tradition. You know, integrity of living is number one. As Barbara would say, if you're going to church on Sunday and you're cheating your partner on Monday, that's not gonna work. Yeah, you have to live your truth. There are many people that even don't even use the word spiritual and are living a far more spiritual life than those that say, oh, yes, I'm so spiritual, but you look at their life, it's not very spiritual. Yeah, it's just like a tag.

Speaker 2:

Then the third one, and this is the one I know in today's world, we have a distrust of authority. In today's world, it's all self-help, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself. You need training. This is an ancient tradition. It goes back to the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Greeks, the mystery school days. You cannot cross these some. You do your own growing, no one does it for you. But you need skill training. I tell people I could have read every book in the Library of Congress on metaphysics and I would not have gotten what Barbara has given me through these years, because that the tradition is, this ancient oral tradition of communicating, but also energetic exchanges that go on. And there's an old expression when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Yeah, nothing wrong with having a teacher if it's qualified.

Speaker 2:

I know there's a lot of goofies out there that claim oh, you know enlightenment and five easy steps. You know, like anything in life, you have to discern what is of value and what is not. And also you want to make sure you're checking your motive. Are you pursuing this just because you want to feel better than others, or you want to prove something, or you really feel a yearning? And Then the last one we say is there's going to be transformation, it's going to be a need for healing. We often are going through challenge. You know, no one gets through life without bruising themselves somehow, whether it's just I'm talking about yeah, yeah yeah

Speaker 2:

so don't worry about that. All right, that's part of the journey, but your ability to heal. So one of the most beautiful things of working with people is, you know old traumas of the past, difficult things that happen to them, to see that stuff finally start to leave them forever. You know, because if you're stuck to the change of the past, how can you reach the spiritual heights? Yeah, and there we help people.

Speaker 2:

Please don't define yourself by what happens in your life, by the events of your life. They may be turning points, like when I met Barbara. That was a turning point, but it's not what's going on in your life. That's the measure of your spiritual maturity. It's how you're handling what's happening. So that's the other thing you want to. You know, in the ancient mystery schools, at the end of the day They'd have their communal meal together and then they'd reflect on the day. They would say, okay, how did I perform? How to handle this situation? And they were honest with themselves. I got angry here, I got upset there, you know whatever it was, and it was a time of self-reflection so that they could learn from their own mistakes.

Speaker 1:

So, essentially, you're evolving by being introspective, you essentially you're evolving and and expressive you have to express it, it's both handle that situation better, or I could have handled that Meeting better. You know I could have handled you know that conversation better, exactly, or I could have chosen to eat a bit better. Yes, yeah you know I could have chosen to. You know I chose not to do that workout when in actual fact, I've probably been better off if I did.

Speaker 2:

You know I was a little lazy, I didn't want to work out. You pick some things instead of.

Speaker 1:

You know, redefining what's really important for you, like this body and soul thing is, is really important to me, because I first came across the body, which was, you know, in a very egocentric part of way for my work in modeling. I just wanted to get six pack to start with right. So so I was like, but okay, I got myself in great physical form, but my mind, what was going on there?

Speaker 1:

I was like my mind is somewhere else. I just don't feel emotionally balanced. So then that led me to sort of having a look, and you know, I was drinking a lot of time but and I was thinking, golly, I can be in great physical shape, but my mind isn't there. And then it was only when I started learning how to meditate, and this was like over 20 years ago now I was like my golly, the mind with the body, and then suddenly the soul goes Hello, how are you? And you're like whoa, okay, you start to feel.

Speaker 1:

What, in my case, I started to feel, I I started to feel Things that I'd never felt before. I started to see colors more vividly, I started to, I started to hear things I'm very auditory, more so than visual and I started to hear, like beautiful sounds more succinctly and I could pick up beautiful vibes far more clearly. And I was very discerning about who I'd hang out with, where I would go, what my environment would be, what I would be and if someone's listening. All of those discernments, as Dmitri was saying, is really, really important, I believe, for the for that souls evolution, because if you're not discerning Essentially, you can find yourself wound up in some kind of very unusual place. That's not for your highest good.

Speaker 2:

But right, right, right right, because, yeah, no, it's just thing that you had. You know, a lot of people have had, in their own way, what you described. They reach a level of physical success. Let's call it that. Yeah, your case, you had the physique you wanted. Or let's say, somebody wanted to be the millionaire, they wanted to be all be happy. If I just have a million bucks or 10 million or 100 million, whatever is, I'll be a happy person. And they reach that. Then they discover, wait a minute, I'm the same person I was before. I know I'm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, it's nice to have accomplished that, but something's still missing, yeah, so sometimes we have to, we pursue the path from wherever we're at. If I never, you know, I had a comfortable life in Chicago this in the Midwest, you know, in Illinois and I had a, you know, good family life and I could easily made a living in that town. But I got this calling to go make film, which is in that strange town, la, where you know, and If I had a take in the chance to go there, I wouldn't have met Barbara and I wouldn't have had all the other experiences I had. So there's a I know it sounds corny to say follow your bliss. But it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

When you file, your ballistic doesn't always take you to the end of your goal, but it takes you to the next step of it. And as long as you keep an open mind, say, okay, you went through this journey of developing yourself this way. You realize. Oh, what about the mine? It opened up another door. Yeah, but if you had climbed the first mountain, you would have been still thinking about the first mountain that you're climbing and you wouldn't have gotten to the second one.

Speaker 1:

Well, I, I love that, your analogy there but I'd also like to say it's the discipline along the way. So I learned the discipline of how to take care of the body and then Practicing something like meditation for me, which works for me, like learning how to exercise, learning the right nutrition, and then the discipline to sit down and meditate. Wow, that was a game changer. And then something that then then the next level of that how you're handling all the rest of your life in integrity, you know, are you thoughts, words and deeds all in alignment? Because that was not me at one point in time? Right, yeah, you know, I really committed to that. But what I wanted to ask you, demetrius, you know, if someone's starting out on their spiritual journey right now, or have awakened, where would you get them to start? Oh, you get them to be able to say, hey, this is something practical that you could do. That would really. I would recommend.

Speaker 2:

I mean again, let's say in our own case of our organization, our first steps are meditating. Okay, get people to mediate. We have, let's say, the six week course on changer or a changer life, our foundation book, and If people in six weeks and it's a live course, right, you're actually taking a week after week, if they even get to the practice I know this sounds easy, but there's your discipline here even if they get by the end of six weeks to meditate daily, that's an accomplishment. Some people have difficulty Just literally sitting down, not doing anything physically, but keeping the mind alert and the mind focused and doing that every day. That's a challenge for some people to do, that, you know. But what that does is it starts to reorient your life. Instead of you know, today of anything, we're so stimulated by things to do oh, my god, do this, do this, by this, by this, think this thing and we're constantly bombarded and unless we learn to start to shut that out, it's not going to be successful. So we would recommend starting a meditation practice, but do it diligently, don't, don't do it. Happen stance, and I know the two things.

Speaker 2:

People often say oh, I, I can't concentrate or I don't know. I often say, oh, I, I can't concentrate or I don't have time. Well, the time thing I always like to joke Well, you don't have time for God, you don't have time for the divine. This is your one-on-one time with the divine, so make room for it and everything else will fall into place. And the other yeah, if you have the monkey mind, you can't focus your mind. The mind, too, is like a muscle. It needs to be strengthened. You can, you can learn to focus your mind. Maybe in the beginning you're not focusing very well, but if you stay at it you can get that mental focus so strong that nothing can. You know there's gonna be a fire in the house. And you could, you could stay single-minded. Sure, those are the two very, very now in our meditation we actually do.

Speaker 1:

It's called meditative prayers, okay so combination of that look like to like an audience member you know Give. Well, yeah, we would literally.

Speaker 2:

I mean I'd want I'd be closing my eyes and I'd be going into a meditative prayer. I prayer part is the petitioning, it's the reaching out. So, for example, we work with divine light. So I would say, let's say right now, if I needed more confidence, or let's say I need more discipline, I'm not very disciplined, all right, I'd bring in some of that gold energy, because in the aura when you're disciplined, you have a lot of gold light. Nothing's gonna shake you. You're not easily, you know, thrown off base. Also, there could be what they call a royal blue energy coming out and I would actually call on these energies and I'd invite them into my auric field.

Speaker 1:

What does the royal blue energy do?

Speaker 2:

so gold is disappeared. Role brings in a lot of wisdom. It's a gold is the most dynamic energy there is when you need dynamic power, when you need confidence, when gold is the color to call on. You know, royal blue brings in kind of associate determination, loyalty, single-mindedness. So yeah, if you notice you're a little fickle, you know, and that kind of just oh, I'm like to be the social butterfly or whatever it is, yeah, you can. The the royal blue kind of keeps you on track. Um, barbie used to joke I would look for that energy in my friends because I knew they'd be loyal, I knew they'd be good friends. It's the, you know, the true blue color, you know, kind of a thing. So so you call on that, but then you have to live it. So the example I like to give is let's say you need to ask for a raise at your job. You, it's long overdue, you deserve it, but you're just chicken out. You don't go into the dock, into the water color, for that.

Speaker 1:

What's the?

Speaker 2:

color for that Is that gold. Well, the fact that you're not going in there and you're chickening out means that you might be a little afraid, okay, and what shows up as a debilitating gray energy, okay. So when you're afraid, you don't want to do something. It kind of paralyzes you to action. Right, the deer in the headlights kind of a thing. So so you realize, no, no, I, I'm long overdue, I'm gonna do this. Then, yes, I bring in the gold energy of confidence and Then, very shortly after that meditation, I'd walk into that boss's office and say, hey, you know what? I think it's time for a race, cool.

Speaker 2:

So you're not a different thing, but you, it's your energy. Now one last note when you do that, that energy starts to become part of you.

Speaker 1:

No, and then next time it becomes a little easier to do that so actually for the last few weeks or month or so I've been sort of imagining myself covered in gold energy. Oh, there you go. So I just been doing it because I was reading about it. I thought you know I haven't done that, I'm not that visual, but you know what do it anyway, and I'm not that things have been unfolding in kind of beautiful ways for me. I'm thinking about, like the audience right, so if they wanted to have more love, you know, if they've been experiencing any anxiety, what would the love?

Speaker 2:

comes for each. Well, okay, this is beauty. Each attribute of life has its own energy associated. So if I'm feeling lonely, if I'm feeling unloved, I bring in the deep roast pink energy. Okay, that's the color of love, or I need more compassion. We had a doctor in one of the classes once. He said I don't so enough kindness to my patients. You know I'm kind of, I see so many a day in and out. You know, they're like Petri dishes, you know. But so we brought in the love rate. But then he had to be more kind and he reported a couple weeks later. Oh, my god, my patients are happier than ever and my practice is getting even busier because I'm he's. He got this reputation.

Speaker 1:

And he was just bringing in this pink energy. Was that what he was doing?

Speaker 2:

But the love, but then he had to show the compassion Sure, because that's the physical aspect of that energy right, right. That's expression. You have to express the energy you're calling.

Speaker 1:

So basically, you would I be right in saying, and correct me if I'm wrong here so when you're bringing in the color that is like your soul, which is that ethereal aspect of yourself, that Presence, and then you have to act, it through your body, through your actions, have to live it.

Speaker 2:

You have to live it. You're calling up from a depth source, greater than yourself, and you're asking it to a bless, your auric field. So you literally visualize it in your, in your aura, and then, right then, you have to live it, you have to express it now, if you're unwell and you want to be well, well, what would be the energy to bring that in?

Speaker 2:

Well, now, that's interesting too, because when we're, let's say, physically hurt or sick, again, we think illness is the broken bone. Sure, you know. But actually in, you know, in consciousness, um, health is a consciousness first, sure? So that's why we don't want to think. You know, the 20th century, with the new thought movement, talked about mind over matter. You can literally talk yourself into illness, by the way, you think, for sure. So me, right, we. But that was revelatory when it first came out, right, the idea that that could happen to you.

Speaker 2:

So if I notice that I am in a consciousness, oh, I'm so sick, I feel horrible. I do that. If I'm starting to go into that consciousness, you want to bring in this beautiful sapphire blue, energy sapphire blue, okay, interesting, yeah, the sapphire blue is the healing consciousness To get you starting to think in terms of health. And then again, the law. That's why one of our books is called change your, or change your life. You know, if it's in your aura, the energy of it, it will show up in your life by divine law, unless you do something to disturb it.

Speaker 1:

So another thing, let's just talk about wealth, right? So more people want to draw more wealth.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're hitting all the big.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna hit, I'm gonna hit everyone, because I want people to go away with something that you have been studying and practicing and living. Yeah, and you know, you're a master of this, you teach this right, but a lot of people don't realize that there is this beautiful aspect of themselves, that soul aspect that they could be tapping into, such as in change or a change of life, that these things make a big difference. So let's you know. That's why I'm going to ask all the questions, yeah, yeah no.

Speaker 1:

But I want to hear and you know they can get right, right. So what would be the color of wealth then if they wanted to draw that in?

Speaker 2:

Well, this is really exciting to think of, that wealth has a consciousness. Right Again, we think of wealth. How much money do I have in the bank? Sure, no, no, it starts in in the consciousness and in the auric field. You want to have the consciousness of wealth and that comes through as a turquoise energy turquoise very interesting.

Speaker 1:

Oh, most people would have thought it would be green, because that's like well, there is what they call the kelly green.

Speaker 2:

That's also another aspect of it. But the, the turquoise itself, is the very consciousness of wealth. So, and, by the way, it's not just material wealth, it's a wealth of friendship. So well, you know, we tend to put blinders in ourselves. When a great miss spiritual healer, joe Goldsmith, said we would, we often draw chalk marks around ourselves and we say no further, you know, we don't, and this is self-imposed. Yeah, now, what a very quick thing. When I first started with Barbara I'm still in the show biz world and at that time, you know, I was very young. Uh, you know, it was feast or famine. You were working like crazy or you weren't working at all. Right, and I was in that moment of not working at all. And one day barb and her casual mode said she was looking at my heart center and said, oh, I see this nice turquoise light coming out of you Wealth right now. At that exact moment the wealth wasn't manifest, but literally two weeks later I got the most lucrative job offer in entertainment.

Speaker 1:

I'd gotten up to that point amazing Guys, if you're listening not, I would want you to encourage you to. You know, read up on On Demetri's work and Barbara's work, because it is absolutely fascinating, but not only to To just read it to get something, but to read it to evolve in your consciousness, because that is exactly what Demetri has been talking about today. And I really appreciate what you're doing at the spiritual arts institute and I really appreciate the way that you live your message to meet you and you make it sound so practical and natural and easy and maybe it is, but you do need to know.

Speaker 2:

To adapt to it. Right, but it is. It's meant to be practical, metaphysics is meant to be applied. Yeah, and what one of the things that it drew me to this work, and also the way Barbara thought, was the practicality. It wasn't these kind of, you know, just ideas which can be nice of themselves, but also, as you learn to study the aura, you realize a lot of these things have a place in the auric field and they become very, very real.

Speaker 1:

I'm fascinated by all Demetri and, and you know like, as I evolve Within myself and watch some magic and miracles unfold for me, I'm just thinking, if this is happening in my own world, what could it happen to someone who's new on their path? Yeah, I just wanted to say thank you so much for coming on the show. I so appreciate you sharing your knowledge and your wisdom, and if there's any last thing you'd like to say is anything you perhaps you'd like to just say in closing to the audience you know, just Do.

Speaker 2:

If you've had the calling, do everything you can to make your spiritual growth a higher priority in your life. It'll lead you to extraordinary places.

Speaker 1:

That is beautiful. Well, thank you for Demetri being on our show this week. Demetri, more artists, this week's super soul model. Thanks for tuning into this episode and if you've enjoyed this or any of the others, please remember you can support the show and your contributions do allow us to keep bringing you the best guests. In the meantime, till the next episode, I wish you green lights all the way.