Monster Movie Happy Hour
Monster Movie Happy Hour
Monster Movie Happy Hour, Ep. 131, "As Above, So Below"
The crew return after a long break and find themselves trapped underground with 2014's "As Above, So Below".
Gnashing of teeth, tearing of clothes and claustrophobic, hellish mayhem ensues . . . and they also watch the movie!
Mary's cocktail was a BIG hit!
The “Elixir of Life” cocktail
2 oz. Rye Whiskey
1.5 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1.5 oz. Campari.
Stir all ingredients in an ice-filled mixing glass or shaker, then strain into a Low Ball glass with a large cube of ice.
Garnish with orange peel.
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Music created by Kevin MacLeod.
You can hear more of his work at: