The Landlord's Almanac - Landlord Conversations

Disasters is something you can prepare for

Kassandra Taggart / Tanner Hongslo

E13: Disasters is something you can prepare for
The kind of vendor you want on your side is the one that has their mission on their uniform - “We are here to help!” Disasters don’t happen often, but when they do you will tell the story for many many years. Therefore, you want to listen & learn today on what to do so you can take good actions today and when the event happens. Education is the key to opening doors to profits.
January 16  2020
Kassandra Taggart
Tanner Hongslo
The Landlord's Almanac
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Show Notes:
Introduction to Podcast

Introduction to Tanner with TCM

Recently we had many pipe breaks and septic line break

TCM does restoration and project management

They have different wings that are capable of handling different phases.

At the heart, they are a restoration company

A story about a landlord on the forum had an issue where sheetrock damage below the window.

Tanner explains how he checked it and provided a plan for the landlord.

Fire seems to be the most common and most destructive type of disaster

The actual cleaning up from the fire, the technical portion is simpler than the rest.

The mold and mildew is a very detailed and difficult portion of the job.

A story about being at a conference with other lawyers and their comments about mold.

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What causes insurance companies to decline claims for landlords?

The insurance industry is shifting. 

Typically mold is completely not covered.

Tanner told a few stories about how mold was covered and why.

They have people on the team that can help be an advocate during the claim.

Kassandra tells a story about claims she has seen about policy types.

Sewer and Septic backups clauses.

Tenants not reporting or taking to long to report the damages.

Back up sewer is a big coverage that needs to be added to the policy.

A sump pump is in many properties and the backup coverage might help.

A story about groundwater on a property.

Groundwater is typically not covered on an insurance policy.

French drain also backed up, which walked the line but it helped create coverage.

What happens to the family when there is a fire.

You are not first responders, but you are close behind at times.

What it is like when you see the family.

There are times when you see the family walking around in confusion or weeks later when they got the situation under control.

The first thing we do is secure certain personal property items, cash, jewelry, guns, ammo

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