Super Life

Alex & Whitney on Raising a Healthy Family | Plant-Based Diet During Pregnancy & for Kids

Your Super's Michael Kuech and Kristel de Groot Season 3 Episode 18

Today we have with us Alex Caspero and Whitney English, both super moms, dietitians, and founders of the Plant Based Juniors community and authors of the book, The Plant Based Baby and Toddler. They’ve both been featured in Women’s Health as well as The Food Network. They are helping thousands of moms and future moms with plant based prenatal and pre dietetic nutrition all based on scientific evidence. Alex and Whitney tell about how they got into the plant based world, what they’re currently doing, and how your approach to diet and food can directly impact your children’s view of food, which they may carry with themselves throughout the rest of their lives. 

What led them to want to help people on their plant based journey 1:16
What people need help with 8:37
Benefits of going plant based 11:04
Pregnancy and nutrition 14:40
For people who aren’t ready to be plant based 20:47
Go-to recipes 23:20
Raising kids plant based 27:24
Structure vs. restriction 36:57
Knowing when to ease up 41:02
A typical day with their families 45:15
Find them on the web/social media 51:09

“If we’re specifically talking about pregnancy, there are lots of studies that show that various different plant based eating patterns, not just vegan, not just vegetarian, reduce the risk of certain pregnancy complications, such as gestational diabetes, such as preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure during pregnancy, and maybe even have those cognitive benefits that we talked about before.” 22:18