Any Given Funday
If you are a New York Sports fan, if you like to laugh, and you like SUPER HOT takes... Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Welcome to AGF
Any Given Funday
Any Given Funday Episode 231
Joey Haas & Ray Osterhout
rWelcome back.
- Yankees and Mets continue to plummet, I mean I guess the Yankees are looking a little better right now but thats not saying much.
- What needs were best addressed during the NFL Draft for the Giants and Jets?
- NBA Playoff action. Knicks & Heat, throwing around our thoughts on rounds 1 & 2
- JUNE 10th we are taking a trip with Yankee Trails to a Yankees Red Sox game in the Bronx. Want to have a FUNDAY? Hit us up on any of the socials if you are interested in more information about the trip!
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Love you all. Let The Fundays Roll.