Fitness facts and coffee chats

Qualifying for the Boston Marathon: training tips, how to do it, and getting started

A Few Fitness Nerds Season 1 Episode 14

Today Adam interviews his good friend Brandon Kasper who gives us the run down (pun intended) on his journey from his first marathon to recently qualifying for the Boston Marathon.

Brandon's journey started out with a simple goal, qualify for the Boston Marathon. Through a series of failures, trial and error, learning from his mistakes, making adaptions, and trying again he successfully met his goal. 

Here are some of the highlights Adam and Brandon discuss throughout the episode:
1) Perseverance: didn't qualify on first SEVERAL marathons, first marathon was averaged a 10:30min pace.

2) Intentional effort: Brandon ran an event, learned from mistakes, made corrections, tried again, and repeated the process till his goal was met. He managed to shave off an hour from his race time in about one year through consistent training (nothing flashy either, just consistent). 

3) Recovery: how important it is and some of Brandon's go-to's

4) Evading burnout during training

5) Unique training rituals

6) How running has made Brandon a better person overall.