iMoveU Physio: Thriving & fulfilled health professionals...

061 - Career Goal Setting

December 29, 2019 iMoveU Season 1 Episode 61
061 - Career Goal Setting
iMoveU Physio: Thriving & fulfilled health professionals...
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iMoveU Physio: Thriving & fulfilled health professionals...
061 - Career Goal Setting
Dec 29, 2019 Season 1 Episode 61

061 - Career Goal Setting

In our last podcast for 2019, Pete talks through the importance of goal setting and planning to get the most growth and fulfillment out of your career.

Show Notes Transcript

061 - Career Goal Setting

In our last podcast for 2019, Pete talks through the importance of goal setting and planning to get the most growth and fulfillment out of your career.

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This's the I'm a view podcast getting you private practise ready. We give you fresh ideas on mindset, communication and clinical skills so you can have a full field career. What a time to be alive. Welcome to the review podcast P here today, and the topic of choice is gold setting. Pretty timely being, I think, coming up to the start of the 2020 now it's crazy New Decade because sitting no often enough do I see people actually set concrete goals around their career and where they'd like to be. And because of that, a lot of people don't seem to hit exactly exactly what they would like to be hitting. They're not achieving where they thought they would be, however, they haven't even set a goal to get there is that there's this huge Miss Nash between those two, so it was goingto have a little bit into that today. So if we just pull it back for a second when we got into health care, when we got into whether it was physio off serious speech eoe t, we saw something for ourselves. We knew where we wanted to bay. We knew what sort of people. We want to be working with Ruff Ruff, and this can change over time. But because we had that goal, we went and we did. That course was successful, hopefully in that cause and how we're either just finishing it off. All we've begun working in that area. The next thing is, now that there's no rule, strict, arbitrary goals creating your own goals, creating sling that actually drives youin motivate you to do better. And so that's that's what I'd like you to do. As you're listening to this podcast started. Think about where do you want to be in five years time? What do you want to have achieved now? This might be hard to comprehend. It might be hard going five years. You know, I wouldn't have done this. This is this and this. But if we flip it and go all right in five years time, if you are pretty much exactly in the same position you are now today, are you happy? Are you fulfilled? If the answer's no to those, then we need to set some dogs. We need to set singles around growth around moving forwards. However, Mr the caviar, if the answer was actually, you know you'd be really happy in five years time. If you're in the very similar position, then hey, your goals might be around maintaining way while it's still want goals around that. But there just be different types of goals. So we've got five years time where we want to be in five years. I'll give you an example. And this was one that I set myself. When I first started, I said, five years from when I first started being physiotherapist, I want to be a shoulder physio. I wantto only be seeing shoulders. I want to see 60 shoulders a week. So after one year, because that's what going to do now. When a pullback in gold in one year's time at the end of 2020 what are we gonna have achieved and break that down quarters month? Wait a day. So then I said, All right. In a year's time, however, progressed to that, and it might have looked something like 25% of my caseload is made up of shoulders, so I might be seeing 15 people a week who were shoulder patients in 45 people with. We're not short of patients as I'm starting to build my reputation in that area of starting ATM or more of my new client. So that's the sort of four process I had now for you. I'd like you to starting him out in a year's time, one year from now. Where do you want to be on that journey to your five year goal? So if you if you look at that $5 right, this is a big, big goal. And if I break it down year by year, after that first year, where are you? Like you did jot that down. Now, the next part of this is going Let's break this down to probably quarter by quarter. If we had to break into four parts to achieve what you said you're gonna have achieved by the end of the year and it might be, I'm going to be seeing a certain case load of patients or I'm going to be seeing a certain number of patients. Rival have attended these two professional development courses in the field that I like to be moving into, so it could be really anything. It depends on you, but start joining these deal, Because if you're go like me was to be a short of physio, then you're going to want to look at How can I start to do that reputation? Because that's going to be huge. Part of moving forwards is developing a reputation. So you have social media you're gonna have going in meeting refers, who worked with people who are likely to have short falls. So you're not going to be going in working with sprinters. Most likely, you will go and find tennis coaches and volleyball coaches, baseball coaches, those types of people. We're going to see more of those types interest. So already, by seeing where that goal is that you want to get Teo, you can start to sort of narrow. You focus in on what we need to do to achieve that. And you might say, I'm going to contact and try and create two new refers each quarter, which doesn't sound like a lot, but if you do two new good refers per quarter and you nurture them by the end of 2020 you've got a really amazing refers and maybe they're referring one person of four lines that is four of your ideal clients coming in every single week. It's really incredible when you think they're like that. So this is this is the next party is you want to write this down, So you've got your one year goal. Break it down into quarters. So the first quarter of the year, what do you want have achieved in three months time? This is where we get down to the nitty gritty see, first quarter and their 2nd 3rd 4th quarter. What have you achieved by each of those now for the first quarter? All right, that's three months away. Let's say, for example, you said I want to be seeing 30 clients a week by Lin, and I would like maybe five of those to be my ideal client. Okay, what do we have to do to start seeing more of your ideal client to start building that reputation? Are there any courses you, Khun, Go Teo, that are around your ideal client with that area of health you'd like to be working in. So starting to think along those lines Who were the people that could be referring into you around 60. Jot those people down too. You have this. This whole list of things that you can start doing this first quarter, they get you towards that goal you want. All right, now what you've done that the next thing is going to be trying to put some logical order around this and trying not to do too much at once. So the logical order could be Well, the first thing I'd like to be doing is actually just going out and meeting A few refers. We're identifying Cem mentors in the space. Some people who have already done what I wanted, Teo, and maybe a reach out to them and ask, How did you do it? I don't really like to know. How did you do this successfully? If you had your timing in, what would you do differently? Would you do anything differently? What advice would you have? Someone like myself that would like to get to the position that you're in. And most people who have been successful in any area like that actually really happy to help you out to have a conversation with you. So let you know the journey that they went on and to help you on that journey the next thing that I would get you to do is to start building it into a weekly plan. Now, Weekly plan is a great way to go right. Have ticked off everything I need to do this week. Everything I do in order to get me one step closer to my doll now, anything like me and you procrastinate a little bit. It's really nice to have this quarter plan broken down week by week. Now, what this looks like for me anyway is it means I get to wake up on a Monday morning and the standard going Facebook Instagram Snapchat. If anyone uses that anymore, or any of those sorts of things I can. Actually, it's straight into what I need to do, because I know what I need to do. And that's the hardest thing I think is when you've got so many things you know you need to do. And it's just this big long list with it. It's everywhere. It's in your head. It's really hard. Teo, I'm going to do this. But if each week you have these air the one or two main things that I know I need to do this week, I need to complete this week to get me close to my goal. Each with each Monday, you wake up and you go all right. I'm energised motivated. I know what I have to do. And I know that once I've done these things, I'm actually well on my way to reaching my goal. So that is my challenge to you is for the first quarter of this year. Where do you want to be in three months time that we've broken it down from five years toe one year to three months. And then what are one or two things? Just one or two things that you could do each week. They didn't get you closer to that goal in a logical order. Really interesting topic. Get something that we don't do well enough in our career. We definitely We definitely see people set a lot of goals. We set goals with people. We know that when we set goals with people, when we write them down, we get better results. So I challenge you to do that for yourself for your career, get more growth, get more fulfilment. You will guarantee it. What a time to be alive. The review Podcast. I'll catch you next time. This's the timer view podcast. Getting your private practise ready. We give you fresh ideas on mindset, communication and clinical skills so you can have a full field career.