Earth Sky Woman Podcast

April 2023 Astrology and Libra Full Moon with Chiron


Dear All,

I'm so excited to be initiating monthly Astrology Oracles on my Youtube Channel and Earth Sky Woman Podcast!  Check out my just released Youtube HERE and my Podcast HERE

The main events for this month are as follows: 

April 2023 Earth Sky Woman Astrology Oracle

All Times Central

April 3 11:22 am Mercury moves into Taurus

April 5 11:07 pm Full Moon 16 Libra 07 Opposite Chiron

April 10 11:47 pm Venus moves into Gemini with Pleiades

April 11 5:07 pm Sun with Jupiter

April 14 11:38 am Venus Square Saturn

April 19 11:13 pm New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse 29 Aries 50 Square Pluto

Visible in South/East Asia, Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, Antarctica

April 20 3:14 am Sun moves into Taurus

April 21 3:35 am Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

April 23 7: 43 am Moon Meets Evening Star Venus at Throat Chakra Gate

April 27 8:34 am Mars square Chiron