The Movements: A Podcast History of the Masses

The Russian Revolution #3 - The Reds Return

The Movements: A Podcast History of the Masses
Reform has failed and the Social Democratic Parties of Europe have failed to stop the war. As the European war grinds the working class and peasantry like meat, a demonstration by proletarian women revives the Russian Revolution. The Tsar orders a brutal suppression of the uprisings just as he did during the 1905 Revolution. This time, however, the soldiers of Petrograd turn their guns towards the regime and engage in pitched battles against police in the streets. The working class begin to form revolutionary committees while the bourgeoisie abandon the Tsar. The Soviets and Provisional Government embark upon building the new Russia, but dual power creates tension within the revolution.The Movements is a leftist history and politics podcast. Transcripts may be requested for accessibility reasons by e-mailing Find us on facebook and twitter @movementspod and support the show by donating at

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