CS2 News Podcast

Day 35 The Good, the Bad, and the Truly Ugly People of War

A J Wildman Season 3 Episode 6

To War or Not to War

I posted on this topic due to the going 4000-year turmoil that has once again flared-up in the Middle East.  My comments on this reality were mainly taken form my 2008 self-published, non-fiction political book, The Second Coming of Common Sense. 

Whether you are talking Sunni, Shiite, Israeli, Kurd, Turk, Arab, Palestinian, religious extremist group, or any other blissful group in that four thousand year old train wreck called the Middle East it breaks down like this:  

The Good - Some 90% of the people in the Middle East "just want to live in peace".  

The Bad - generally are not pro-war, but make their living off of the military conflicts and wonder what would they do without it.  

Then there is the Truly Ugly - It may be difficult for some to accept that there is the smallest but real  percentage of those ON ALL SIDES that love the hatred and the killing. 

On Ending a Given War

My observation is that a real war cannot be ended until one of two things happens.  

You must either kill or successfully threaten to kill the right person or persons.  

That is the Plain Truth.  

Take care,  A J Wildman 

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