Tennis Quick Tips | Fun, Fast and Easy Tennis - No Lessons Required

175 The Life Lessons I Learned From My Big Tennis Break - Part 1

December 30, 2019 Kim Selzman

 Well, here we are at the end of 2019 and here, at last, is the episode I've been promising. If you've been listening to this podcast in the last few months, you've heard me say that I was going to explain where I was and what I was doing in the two years that went by between Tennis Quick Tips Episode 164 and Episode 165. That's a pretty big gap and a lot happened during that time, not just in my tennis life, but in my life life. I learned a lot about myself during that time and I also found out just how big of an impact tennis has in my life. 

So today, I'm going to talk about what happened during that two year gap and I'm ultimately going to tell you about what I learned about myself and about tennis. I'm going to tell you just how I came to love tennis again. Because it wasn't simple or easy to do. And I wasn't loving tennis at one time. And I'm going to tell you the big life lessons I learned that I am trying to apply to my tennis game now.


Hi, it's Kim! Thanks for listening! You can leave me your comments or suggestions by going to the show notes for this episode and leaving a comment at the bottom of the page. Those show notes also include an edited transcript, links to resources and tons of other tennis info. You can find them at:

If you enjoy this show, I hope you'll subscribe and download a bunch of the episodes. And I would be so grateful if you would take just a minute or two to review this show on iTunes. You can easily do it on your computer but you can also do it on your phone by searching for "tennis quick tips" in the Podcast app, clicking on the Tennis Quick Tips artwork, and then clicking on "Reviews" (it's easier than it sounds!). I would love to highlight reviews on the podcast so if you leave one, listen in for me to read it! And thanks in advance for doing that!


You can find me and get more of my tennis stuff by going here:

My Tennis Fixation website:

My Amazon book: Real Tennis Tips For Real Tennis Players at

Thanks so much and, as always, Happy Tennis!