Tennis Quick Tips | Fun, Fast and Easy Tennis - No Lessons Required

181 Tennis Lessons From The Australian Open

February 19, 2020 Kim Selzman

Let's talk about the Australian Open! Again! I told you I wasn't going to be able to let this go. In my last episode, I gave you all of my tips for making the most of any professional tennis tournament you might attend. But in this episode, I'm giving you some completely different tips. I'm going to let you know all of the tennis lessons I learned at the Australian Open. And the good news is, these are the kinds of lessons that regular ol' recreational players like you and me can apply to our games to help us play better tennis.


Hi, it's Kim! Thanks for listening! You can leave me your comments or suggestions by going to the show notes for this episode and leaving a comment at the bottom of the page. Those show notes also include an edited transcript, links to resources and tons of other tennis info. You can find them at:

You can quickly get the free ebook I mentioned in this episode, 10 Quick Fixes to Improve Your Serve: No Lessons Required. It's packed with my best tennis for getting a better serve fast! Just click here:

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You can find me and get more of my tennis stuff by going here:

My Tennis Fixation website:

My Amazon book: Real Tennis Tips For Real Tennis Players at

Thanks so much and, as always, Happy Tennis!