64: How Can We Address Compensation Gaps in the Nonprofit Sector? (Sally Loftis)
Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership
Your Path to Nonprofit Leadership
64: How Can We Address Compensation Gaps in the Nonprofit Sector? (Sally Loftis)
Oct 15, 2020

64: How Can We Address Compensation Gaps in the Nonprofit Sector? (Sally Loftis)


It’s a cliché to say no one gets into nonprofit work to get rich.  However, if leaders in our sector do not take steps to address the compensation gaps that exist, all of the important work being done will be further diminished by turnover and burnout. In episode #64 of the Path Podcast, Sally Loftis brings a researcher’s eye and HR expertise to this strategic challenge for nonprofit leaders, and provides a wealth of resources and ideas to help you address what is often an elephant in the room. How do you develop a compensation philosophy?  How can you do a pay equity assessment?  How do you better understand the compensation factors affecting your community?  And finally, how can you engage your funders in your efforts to provide a better compensation platform for talent recruitment and retention? Find these answers - and much more - in this episode!


Sally Loftis is the Managing Director of Loftis Partners, and is tugging at the webs of relationship that hold our systems of injustice in place through consulting. Her professional experience lies mostly in human resources roles while her lifelong volunteer experience spreads across social justice causes. Sally has worked in strategic roles for a Fortune 50 corporation, a boutique consulting firm, and the largest non-academic craft school in the US. She sees a need to bring equity and inclusion work into all levels of organizations through brave practices, community safe spaces, shared power, active vulnerability, and consent culture. Sally received her Master of Science in Organization Development from Pepperdine University, where she did her thesis on Talent Investment Strategies & Nonprofit Employee Pay.  She received a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Duke University and a Bachelor of Business Administration (Concentration: Human Resources) from Freed-Hardeman University.