COACH - The Professional Coaching Podcast

Understanding and Overcoming Trauma - with Ali Smith


Welcome to the latest COACH podcast with Trauma  Specialist, Hypnotherapist and Coach, Ali Smith. 

She joined me to debunk some of the myths surrounding the topic of trauma and why it's so important to be aware around trauma when working with clients and to understand and process your own trauma. 

Ali has spent many years on a mission to change her client's definition and perception of trauma. Her own story of surviving a terrorist attack has enabled her to really hold space and compassion for others. 

Ali uses a trauma informed approach and a polyvagal theory approach to help entrepreneurs create healthy relationships and massive success in their businesses by understanding reframing the dysfunctional patterns created by stress and trauma. 

In this episode we talk about how trauma can show up and where and what PTSD is and what certain stigmas still remain. We also ask the question around trauma and what it means and why people may think they have never 'had' any trauma. 

But trauma is about the internal process that occurs which affects and triggers how your nervous system responds. Being able to emotionally regulate is a powerful way to overcome and manage trauma. 

As a trauma specialist, trainer and inspirational speaker, Ali provides education to coaches, business leaders and organisations on this hugely misunderstood subject.


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Take the Trauma QUIZ