Real Rebel Podcast

Audio Coffee: The Danger of Expectations

Katie Buemann

On this episode of the Real Rebel Podcast Audio Coffee edition, we talk all about expectations and how they can be a rather dangerous thing if not properly minded.

It's super easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of expectations. We have a desire that we want to see come to life (aka manifest - but I'm trying to keep it fresh here), and before we know it we're gripping tightly to a multitude of expectations. Expectations around when it will show up, how it will show up, in what form, and on and on it goes.

When we expect too tightly and start to attach ourselves to the details we put ourselves in a contractive state of energy. And when we're in a state of contraction, we're essentially blocking the flow of energy. Which means things come in slower and with a lot more effort. When we release expectations and detach from how things will come into form for us, we open up the doors to all that good stuff.

As always, we pull a card for the collective and finish off with a Monday Mashup to hopefully leave you feeling all good and jazzy. :)

Your Host - Katie B