Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi

Episode 18: Sharing the Attitude of Gratitude with Donna Campisi

Donna Campisi Episode 18

An important practise that is commonly forgotten, when going for goals or just in life in general, is the habit to show gratitude. I’ve had so much support and I’m still very grateful to people who gave me support in various areas throughout my life.

Take my stroke to marathon goal for example, I’m forever grateful to my coaches for my physical training and their support. But I also had great support with encouragement from people who followed me, such as through social media, and letters from supporters. I had people create events for my fundraising goal, and people attended events that I created – I am super-grateful for that. I had businesses who sponsored me as well. 

So always show gratitude; I truly believe this should not be forgotten. For example, I show people gratitude by simply thanking them and letting them know how I truly appreciate them and their support, and how important their involvement has been within my projects. I also share this with others to let people know of their amazing support or the work they’ve put in, and help promote their skills.

This is really important when going for your goals too. There will be individual, or groups that you across that will even just say something kind, to pick you up, when things may seem hard on that particular. It may be colleagues at your work place that may put in an extra effort to help you with a job that you are finding difficult, or to lower your workload. Or you may have a coach, sure you pay them, but also show gratitude by doing the action, whether that be what was asked of you or a simple thank you…even if you are having a down day. 

Be polite to the checkout person at your supermarket, I notice when I acknowledge that person and ask how their day is going, they usually respond with a smile, appreciate the acknowledgement, and do the best they can to help you. But this should come from a good place…. not with an expectation of getting something in return. 

At the end of a keynote speaking event, I enjoy it when people come up and share their stories with me. It’s awesome!  I usually invite people to come up and talk to me and even share what their goal is, or if they’re struggling with something. At one particular event many years ago, two people came up to me, a mother and daughter, to say hi. I remember the mother saying to me, ‘My daughter and I were just talking about how people like yourself … who have been through some sort of struggle … we notice that they come out to be inspiring people. Why is that? What do you put that down to? Can you tell us why and how you’re like that?’

I said to them, ‘Maybe it’s because we’re determined.’ Then I said straight after that, ‘It’s gratitude! I think the main thing is gratitude. Because we’re grateful for where we’ve come from to where we are now.’ I’m speaking for myself here, but I see it a lot in people who’ve been through adversity.

But you may say, I’m in a really tough place, there’s no way I have anything to be grateful for. READ MORE AT SHOW NOTES HERE

Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.

Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE

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