Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi

Episode 25: Sean Nicholas O'Leary speaks with Donna Campisi

Donna Campisi Episode 25

Sean Nicholas O’Leary is a growth and transformation expert.

With more than 30 years' experience in business growth and development, Sean has now created a coaching business, where he uses a collection of transformation tools and techniques, helping people grow and transform from where they are,  to where they want to be.

Through his own personal transformation journey, it’s now his mission to help people create their own success, without stress. 

Sean is passionate about helping people tap into the energy that can help them transform their life and business.

To many, Sean is simply known as The Transformed Man. He hosts a podcast by the same name, featuring expert advice, insightful interviews, and inspirational stories. The Transformed Man Podcast.
Sean is one of the 10 Change Influencers in our new book Change is not a Scary Word. Get your copy HERE to read more of his amazing story and tips he shares. 

Sean lives in Melbourne, Australia

Sean can be contacted at his website:

Go to the shownotes to see Sean's amazing transformation pics.

To contact Donna go to

Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.

Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE

Listen to more episodes of 'Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi' podcast at: