Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi

Episode 28: Paula Johnson speaks with Donna Campisi

Donna Campisi Episode 28

Paula Johnson is our guest today. Paula describes herself as a mix of boho hippie, spirited rebel and a regular Kiwi with a ‘can do’ attitude. 

At the young age of 29, Paula was diagnosed with early menopaue. This was the catalyst that set her on her journey, delving deep into the mental, emotional, the physical and the spiritual self. Finding meaning became her mission - Why? Why did this happen? And the even bigger question - why am I here? 

The consequence of that diagnosis at such a young age was also going to impact her long-term health. Looking after her heart and bones became paramount if she wanted to live a long, healthy life. This guided her to become interested in natural health and wellbeing which led her to train as a Bowen therapist and therapeutic massage, attending trainings in New Zealand, Australia and Bali. 

Paula is passionate about travel and making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. She has been co-sponsoring a brother and sister in Bali for the past ten years, helping change the cycle of poverty within their family.   Never thinking she would be a mother; these two young adults are now very much part of her life.

When she’s not helping local clients out of pain and stress through her holistic bodywork practice, she’s a digital nomad, creating websites while travelling and house sitting. 

I asked Paula to be an author of Change is not a Scary Word, as I have seen her go through many changes in her life, and knew she would be a great contributor to this book. 

Paula is a Champion of Change, having reinvented herself many times over the years, she knows only too well that change is an inside job. She uses her experience to support and encourage others to follow their dreams.  

From blogging to being a published author in two collaborative books, CHANGE is Not a Scary Word and From the Ridiculous to the Sublime, and her very own memoir is underway (due out in October 2021). 

Paula is in the process of putting together a Writer’s Retreat in New Zealand all going well for 2021.

Paula is based in New Zealand.
Show notes HERE

You can contact Paula at

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You can  purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE

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Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.

Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE

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