Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi

Episode 37: Dave Barnes speaks with Donna Campisi

Donna Campisi Episode 37

Dave Barnes is a rock climber who grew up climbing and made a career from climbing. Dave claims, climbing fuels him for whatever life throws his way. 
David Barnes has lived with type 1 diabetes for close to 50 years. Dave had a curve ball thrown at him in 2018.  Whilst training for an Ironman race, he pushed his body to the edge, went to sleep one evening and woke up in hospital. 

Dave spent the next six months recovering with a traumatic brain injury, caused by the pressure he was putting on his brain, due to low blood sugars from training.

Since then, Dave has had to go part-time in the workplace, and his life has been thrown up-side-down. The positive from all this is that the climbing community has Dave’s back. 

Dave has traveled the world climbing in New Zealand and Alaska, Canada and of course, Yosemite Valley.

His Acquired Brain Injury and Type One Diabetes means he doesn’t climb a lot now, but when he does, he still loves it.

Dave also enjoys interviewing climbing talent as a writer. He is now carving a platform to write climber's stories and to share with others the awesomeness of rock climbing.  

Dave is the author of The Red Curtain: CLIMBING EXPEDITION TO MARS 2043

This novel is an adventure story set in 2043. About a small team of highly skilled climbers, who are to climb an extreme cliff on Mars, in search of a mineral that may save the Earth. 

 Dave lives in Hobart, Tasmania 

 Check out more of Dave here

 Get Dave’s book here


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To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works! 

You can purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE

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Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE