Emotional Intelligence - Dr Martyn Newman and the RocheMartin team share their insight

Why Empathy is even more important during the current times we face

Dr Martyn Newman and Judy Purse - RocheMartin

As the whole world deals with the current crisis we have seen a "collective empathy" as we make the extra effort to help others. Whether that be looking out for those that more vulnerable, or our neighbours or clapping for the NHS we all seemed to have felt more empathy. But with no end in site of the crisis, how do we sustain that and what are some practical learning strategies that we can all learn to help do that?

We are joined by

Kate Reid - Former Producer and BBC and Head of Editorial at BSkyB and an experienced leadership coach

Judy Purse - Co-founder of RocheMartin

Martin Daubney - A hugely experienced executive coach with a background within communications for the pharmaceutical industry

Some the topics discussed include:

  • What is they key definition of Empathy?
  • Why is Empathy so particularly important in the current circumstances?
  • What are some real life examples of this?
  • How does Social Distancing effect this?
  • What are some of the negative impacts people could face?
  • How would developing Empathy help?
  • What are some development strategies everyone can practice?
  • How can we use technology to help us?

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