Hanging Out With Jesus Podcast

Celebrating 100 Episodes and the 4 Most Important Lessons Learned

May 09, 2024 Lyvita Brooks Season 2024 Episode 100
Celebrating 100 Episodes and the 4 Most Important Lessons Learned
Hanging Out With Jesus Podcast
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Hanging Out With Jesus Podcast
Celebrating 100 Episodes and the 4 Most Important Lessons Learned
May 09, 2024 Season 2024 Episode 100
Lyvita Brooks

As we praise God for the 100th episode, I can't help but marvel at the unexpected gifts this podcasting journey has bestowed upon me. From the moment God inspired me down this path, I've experience lessons not just in the art of conversation but in the very fabric of life. This milestone episode is a tapestry of reflections, weaving the humor found in divine guidance with the threads of personal challenges that have shaped both my spirit and this show.  I invite you to look back on the moments and messages that have fueled our collective growth.

Resources Mentioned on the Episode and suggested reading & social media handles:


Calls to Action:

·         Sign up for The Me Project Academy Newsletter for resources on decluttering your mind in order to grow in Christ, academy news and new releases of the podcast. 

·         Website: www.hangingoutwithjesuspodcast.com

·         support@themeprojectacademy.com (for comments)

·         YouTube Channel: The Me Project Academy

Thanks for listening. I pray this episode was a blessing to you. Leave a comment or rate this episode . Then pass it on. Share this link: https://lyvitabrooks.com/

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As we praise God for the 100th episode, I can't help but marvel at the unexpected gifts this podcasting journey has bestowed upon me. From the moment God inspired me down this path, I've experience lessons not just in the art of conversation but in the very fabric of life. This milestone episode is a tapestry of reflections, weaving the humor found in divine guidance with the threads of personal challenges that have shaped both my spirit and this show.  I invite you to look back on the moments and messages that have fueled our collective growth.

Resources Mentioned on the Episode and suggested reading & social media handles:


Calls to Action:

·         Sign up for The Me Project Academy Newsletter for resources on decluttering your mind in order to grow in Christ, academy news and new releases of the podcast. 

·         Website: www.hangingoutwithjesuspodcast.com

·         support@themeprojectacademy.com (for comments)

·         YouTube Channel: The Me Project Academy

Thanks for listening. I pray this episode was a blessing to you. Leave a comment or rate this episode . Then pass it on. Share this link: https://lyvitabrooks.com/


Saints. This is our 100th episode, woo. After four years of using this medium, we finally made it. Thank you so much for joining me and making this possible. You know there are times when I think I'm only talking to my family or crickets, but then someone will email me to let me know they're listening. Glory to God, praise God. If you're new, I pray this is a place you keep returning to for growth and encouragement as a believer in Christ Jesus. 100th episode 100th episode we've arrived and I have four things I've learned during those four years that are business related and personal Saints. As the podcast was growing, so was I Listen in to find out more.


Welcome to Hanging Out with Jesus podcast, the podcast that equips and encourages you to spend time with God in order to declutter your self-talk intentionally, so you can go and do what God's called you to do. Hey, thanks for listening in and welcome. I'm Lyvita, author, bible teacher and speaker on a mission with the purpose to help the saints break free from the things that distract us from doing what God's designed us to do. But today we are reviewing, looking back to see what four things we have learned in the past four years as a podcaster. This is episode 100. I pray this episode awakens your senses to the truth of who you are and whom you belong to, as I share highlights from spending time with the Lord. Let's get started. Isaiah 43, verse 18 to 19, reads Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I'm doing a new thing. Now it springs forth. Do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. This is my verse for the year and I find it so fitting for this episode.


Saints, have you ever reached a goal that you didn't think you were qualified to reach? Well, that's me with podcasting. First, I didn't know it existed until 2019. Then, in 2020, god led me to start one. From then to now, all I want to do is share what God placed on my heart and invite whomever he led me to invite as a guest on the podcast. And yet I never realized that God's been grooming me all along for such a time as this. It's 100 episodes and a little over four years, and I've got to say y'all. I've learned a lot, I've grown a lot. I've encountered things I never thought would happen to me, nor did I see a way out of some of them. I've endured where I thought I could and lived where I didn't know I would. Saints, I did it all because Christ Jesus was right here with me. He was leading me, he was picking me up when I couldn't walk, holding me when I needed love, dancing with me when I needed to release pent-up energy for my sanity.


Saints, here are four things I've learned since the beginning of podcasting in 2020. First thing I learned is that when God calls you, he has already prepared you, even though what you think you don't know about a specific topic, or the technology that is needed to know what you need to know about a particular topic, or that you might look stupid because you don't know what you don't know, that you don't know that you don't know, well, hey, there's a 50 50 chance that you will succeed or not succeed. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? When I look back on how God presented podcasting to me, first let me know that it existed accidentally because I was deleting apps off my phone. Then, as I searched through the app, he led me to Pat Flynn and Joanna Penn's podcast, which focus on indie publishers and authors and learning about podcasts. For some reason, they caught my attention. I was intrigued by Pat Flynn's episodes. He is now one of the top podcasters who still teaches how to start, maintain and grow your podcast. Where's Joanna Penn? And that's with a double N, as she says on the Creative Writers Podcast, her last name is spelled P-E-N-N. Now, joanna Penn is an indie author and publisher, and what we'll call a self-published author. Well, she talks about all things for indie publishers and authors, including what she's doing and has learned so that we can make better decisions about our businesses as creatives.


Creatives, when I look back at that, god was using Pat Flynn to help develop my guts and skills for podcasting. That included me being able to attend his SPI group so that I can ask questions. And yet God was also using Joanna Penn to help develop my guts and skill as an indie author and publisher of the products, tools and resources he wanted me to produce. Wow, say stop, stop. Let's pay attention here.


God is doing something in your life right now. It's that thing that you aren't paying attention to. That is where he's grooming you. You may not see it right now, until it's ready. What I'm saying to you is get ready, spend some time with the Lord to get ready. Saints, god really does prepare you before he introduces you to stuff. Even though I was shocked that he'd lead me this way. After I got over the initial shock, I realized that it was doable. All I had to do was follow the path of those who went before me, and as I went, I began developing my own voice. I'm reminded of Ephesians, chapter 2, verse 10. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we shall walk in them. Y'all, god made us, therefore he will lead us. We just have to spend time with him, listening and paying attention.


The second thing I learned as a podcaster of four years is that God's got jokes. I know you have heard that one before, but seriously, I believe my aunt is right, because she is the one who says it a lot. There have been times when I didn't know what to talk about on an episode. My frustration and anxiety rose, leaving me feeling insecure and living on a tight rope. You see, I like planning ahead. God's always been faithful to give me the topics for discussion during my 21 days of fasting and prayer at the beginning of each new year. Well, there have been some times when that topic wasn't clear enough or that God was leading me to change it, but I had to wait to get what that would be. Here's where God's got jokes come in Just about every time this happened. God's got jokes come in just about every time this happened. It was because God was adjusting my focus for what the podcast purpose was. Saints, I know you have realized. Well, if you knew, when you go back through the episodes, you see where my introduction changes.


One of the things I've been talking to God a lot about during the past four years is why is my purpose so long? You know, like, can I shorten it? And also, am I really talking about spiritual discipline or something deeper? Because I really wanted to share what was happening in the world. Well, say, write a comment and leave it alone. If you remember when I had a section in the episode where I was talking about world events before getting into the actual episode, well, that changed Because I was being changed more into the podcaster, speaker, teacher God is designing me to be. And saints, I'm not there yet because growth is an ever existing thing in my life and yours.


I laugh because of the many ways God brought me through to what I believe was supposed to be the purpose of the podcast, the Me Project Academy and the YouTube channel, but only found out that get me to see what my purpose is for these three mediums. You get it? Okay, let me try again. See, I'm trying to find the purpose for the mediums. For the mediums, god wants me to see my purpose and for the meeting, I didn't realize that I should have a purpose for using them. You got it. It's funny. It's like what I'm supposed to have a purpose for using them? Not, they have a purpose for being okay. Everybody's okay, but that was funny to me.


You see, it's my goal, for what I do is my mission, what? I heard it in my head that I put it on on paper because you know, god, and I have been around the bar about this so many times, y'all you know. I was just saying, oh God, you know you got jokes. Okay, I'm looking here and your answer's there. Okay, okay, saints, here we are now in the present. Here, we are now in the present, and God has given me a simple, to the point mission, goal and purpose. That cleared up everything. Here it is here it is here it is. It is to produce content and use mediums for equipping and encouraging believers to live for Christ with intention and be more productive. I've been producing content, which is writing, speaking, making products, and the mediums are the form of communication, like podcasts, youtube, journals, books and events that I've attended. That was so simple and so not what I was looking for.


Say we will be back to the episode. A part of my mission in life is to provide you with tools to help you declutter your mind lifestyle from things that weigh you down and stop you from going and doing what you are designed to do. This is why design creates space with you in mind. It is a bi-monthly newsletter about productivity planning being organized with weekly encouragement and things I've learned being in ministry, as an educator, indie author and publisher and just living life. So join our email community. It's free Links in the show notes. Now back to the episode.


The third thing I learned in the last four years of podcasting is that you need to stay in your lane. How many times have we found ourselves doing stuff we don't have to do or need to do, like staying in the way of someone else getting their blessing because we are too busy trying to solve the problem instead of letting them do? Parents, how many times have you told your child to clean up after themselves? They weren't doing it fast enough, so you did it yourself. The child's lane is to learn how to do it. And when asked, in your lane is a teacher child. What happens when they don't hold up their end? Entrepreneurs, how many times have you come to the rescue of a family member or a friend by giving them money instead of sitting down with them and teaching them how to save money or live within their means, and that you are not their ATM?


Learning to stay in my lane has allowed me to find my voice, see where my niche is and my part in supporting others. It allows me to set goals that align with God's will for my life and pay more attention to what's happening in my business, in my life. The more I hang out with Jesus, looking for a simple purpose, reading books on my craft, talking to others within my industry, god was opening my senses to hear him more clearly. There's several scriptures that come to mind, like Isaiah 30, 21. And your ears should hear a word behind you saying this is the way. Walk in it when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. And then there's Jeremiah 33.3. I love this one. Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Woo Y'all. Psalms 119, 105. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. And then there's Mark 4, verse 27. And he said to them pay attention to what you hear. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you and still more will be added to you.


Saint, staying in your lane and, like my cousin Alita says, not your water to jump in. Well, there's a reason for that. You end up becoming overwhelmed, tired, restless and even irritated because you're doing things you shouldn't be. This I learned for my personal life, business and ministry. Well, my business, my ministry, is my business. I don't know everything, nor am I supposed to. That's why we each have spiritual gifts and talents.


Why talk on a topic when someone else has been gifted to do so? My job is to interview them in a way that brings out their uniqueness for you, my audience, through listening to the Holy Spirit. That's my part, and I am learning to do it better and better. Can't you tell I'm getting better with the interviews? Still some work needs to be done, but there's progress. Sometimes y'all will have to start small and get the momentum going so we can finish.


Complete not necessarily faster, but like James 1 says, count it all. Joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness, and lets steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete. Lacking in nothing, finish complete so that you run your race to completion. You run your race to completion. That sounds deep. Finish complete so that you run your race to completion.


Now that leads me to the fourth thing I learned as a podcaster for four years. Your personal life will always have a direct impact on your ministry, your business, your job, whether you want it to or not. Your family life. Listen, saints, getting a divorce this year, dealing with anxiety, depression, emotional abuse all of which weren't something I saw myself dealing with seemed to all hit me at one time. I was crippled with heartache, feeling unsafe, insecure and questioning everything I did, even to the point leaving the house became a chore. I'm doing better. The depression has lifted, except I'm learning more about what triggers them. The anxiety seems to be putting up a fight and the headache, well, god's mending it to the point. It doesn't hurt like it used to. Now you would think that I would stop podcasting no way.


Instead, I continued with ease. My writing was flowing even at 1 am in the morning, but God led me to a Bible study around sisters that loved on me for 12 weeks and only one knew what I was going through. Thanks, judy. Thanks, judy. God also had me going to divorce care at another church because I just didn't feel comfortable sharing at my church. My church was supporting me they were, but I was the mess. My pastor and ministers they were, you know, but I was the mess. My pastor and ministers and friends that didn't know they were praying for me, but I needed another space. You see, when you aren't thinking straight, when you've been through a toxic relationship that can throw you for a loop, my Bible reading continued. I continued listening to sermons and inspirational messages, along with books. You know, I seem to get more books Everywhere I go. I just seem to get more books. I just love reading, you know. You know I even got a therapist during this time to help me navigate these emotional whirlwinds that I was on. You know.


Now, one thing, okay, that I had to deal with during this time was the thoughts of other people judging me and thoughts of me judging me. That was a devastating time, but, y'all, it was one of the most valuable times. It is true that God will never leave you or forsake you or forsake you. God was with me through it all. He was sending me red flags, but I kept pushing them away. He was sending people my way that I thought was just trying to start something, you know, but he was providing ways of escape for me, especially with the finances. I still don't know how God saw to it that the bills were being paid when the money was short at times. God did it. God sent dreams that I couldn't understand until now, because they were dreams telling me that he is building me up during this time. Don't fret, I will get out, I will be the victor.


That day I left was the best day of my life. I felt like a caged bird that was let free for the first time, and all I wanted to do was fly, just fly, because my wings had been clipped, so my flying was a little off. My knees were sore from praying and my voice oh God, my voice was beautiful. I spoke without hesitation. I spoke without hesitation. I spoke without fear or second guessing. I just wanted to fly, and that's why the podcast changed and that's why I'm able to hear God clearly give me my new season of life, mission and purpose. Now, my new season includes a YouTube station. My new season includes moving the strategic planner and fortified coaching program out and into the world.


Why, you see, god never left me or forsook me. Even when it felt like life was being drained out of me, god was there, making sure that my foundation never cracked, because that was a thing the enemy couldn't take from me. I am a child of the true and living God. You see, saints, I said earlier that God's got jokes. Well, here I am telling you that you should be doing what God's called you to do and coming out of the pandemic. God has many businesses. It's funny, I was talking to myself also. I didn't even realize it. God was setting me up to come out of an emotionally abusive relationship so I could do what I was called to do. Now, isn't that personal life impacting your ministry business?


Saints, god's always with us, but it's those times we spend with him where we can see him moving the most, even when we need rest. So those are the four things I learned in the past four years as a podcaster, celebrating our 100th episode. One when God calls you, he has already prepared you. Two God's got jokes. Three stay in your lane. And four, god will never leave you or forsake you. Even when you think he's not there, he is.


Isaiah 43, 18, 19 says Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth. Do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers and the desert. Saints, I started with the scripture and told you it was my scripture for the year. God gave this early to me, in January 2024, during my 21 days of fasting and prayer with him. What I am seeing now, five months later, is that in January I didn't perceive it, but now I do. God has truly brought me from out the former things and the old things into a new season. He has made it way out of the wilderness, because it was a fight to get free, and rivers in the desert, because at times I didn't see that he was restoring my health, my finances, my self-talk, ministry, dreams, business, relationship. This new season is a new thing and the road ahead well with God, who has proved himself faithful over and over again. I can be confident that he will continue taking care of and loving me, for I will continue producing content and using medium for equipping and encouraging believers to live for Christ with intention and be more productive.


Let's pray Our Heavenly Father. Thank you for 100th episode. Thank you for the lessons learned. You truly have brought me to a new season where things are not like they were in the past. Even our form of communication has deepened.


I pray for your listeners that, as they seek your face, they will hear your voice and, with boldness and courage, see where you brought them from and when it is time for them to step out. To step out in the name of Jesus, knowing that you will not leave them or forsake them, realizing that they have been designed by you for such a time as this. In Jesus' name, I pray amen and amen. I pray amen and amen. Saints, thanks for tuning in. If you enjoyed this episode, then get your free weekly newsletter to help you declutter your mind, make sense of your heartaches and improve your self-talk, so you can go and do what God's called you to do. All this and more can be found, including my contact information, on hangingoutwithjesuspodcastcom or the show notes. So Until we meet again on the airwaves, intentionally and daily, hang out with Jesus Shalom.

Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Conclusion and Prayer