How providers, payers should be preparing for new info blocking, patient access rules — with Jeff Coughlin

September 18, 2020 Season 1 Episode 33
How providers, payers should be preparing for new info blocking, patient access rules — with Jeff Coughlin
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How providers, payers should be preparing for new info blocking, patient access rules — with Jeff Coughlin
Sep 18, 2020 Season 1 Episode 33

Healthcare IT News Executive Editor Mike Miliard and Healthcare Finance News Managing Editor Susan Morse welcome guest Jeff Coughlin, senior director of federal and state affairs at HIMSS to revisit our discussion of the groundbreaking information blocking rules that dropped back in February — and go into affect November 5th.

Talking points:

- What the rules do and how the ONC and CMS rules differ
- Why the rules are important
- How providers and payers have responded since the rules dropped
- How these rules could have improved COVID-19 response
- What providers and payers should be doing right now to get ready for the November 5 compliance date
- Looking ahead to a possible new HIPAA rule this fall

More about this episode:

What providers, payers, and tech developers should know about sweeping new patient access rules

HHS publishes final regs on info blocking, interoperability

With info blocking rules, concerns for patient privacy, small practices

CMS final rule poses big hurdles for payers

COVID-19 highlights the importance of ONC info blocking rules, says Rucker

Final rules on info blocking pose multiple challenges – but also big opportunities

CMS releases final and proposed rules on price transparency bound to get provider and payer pushback

Price transparency, still up in the air, not likely to reduce costs

Show Notes

Healthcare IT News Executive Editor Mike Miliard and Healthcare Finance News Managing Editor Susan Morse welcome guest Jeff Coughlin, senior director of federal and state affairs at HIMSS to revisit our discussion of the groundbreaking information blocking rules that dropped back in February — and go into affect November 5th.

Talking points:

- What the rules do and how the ONC and CMS rules differ
- Why the rules are important
- How providers and payers have responded since the rules dropped
- How these rules could have improved COVID-19 response
- What providers and payers should be doing right now to get ready for the November 5 compliance date
- Looking ahead to a possible new HIPAA rule this fall

More about this episode:

What providers, payers, and tech developers should know about sweeping new patient access rules

HHS publishes final regs on info blocking, interoperability

With info blocking rules, concerns for patient privacy, small practices

CMS final rule poses big hurdles for payers

COVID-19 highlights the importance of ONC info blocking rules, says Rucker

Final rules on info blocking pose multiple challenges – but also big opportunities

CMS releases final and proposed rules on price transparency bound to get provider and payer pushback

Price transparency, still up in the air, not likely to reduce costs