Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Podcast- A Polyvagal Theory Informed Therapy

Episode 31- SSP as a Vagal Resonance Field Tuner for Healing with Paula Scatoloni

Welcome to episode 31. SSP as a Vagal Resonance Field Tuner for Healing with Paula Scatoloni. Today you are all in for an interesting conversation about the SSP and SSP group work; we talk about resonance and coherence in the body and between humans for attuned, present-moment connection.
A little bit of background about Paula.... she has been on a journey to understand the connection between consciousness and embodiment through Western and non-Western perspectives. Paula has a Masters in Social Work and has brought cutting-edge perspectives to institutions such as Duke University and co-developed clinical and training programs such as The Embodied Recovery Institute

As a sound, body, and energy-oriented practitioner, Paula loves to blend movement, sound, and vibration with neuroscience and body-based therapies to offer a holistic approach to support individual and collective nervous system healing.
Some key points you will hear in our discussion:
Supporting practitioners in SSP group learning experience- how to become "Master Regulators"
SSP group experiences for individuals- sound, vibration and movement
Cultivating the practice of witnessing the present moment
Emotion phobic
Working with structures (somatics and subconscious safety) of the early 0-3 years developmental period  that may have been impacted by early life trauma
Therapeutic work of "presence" and "touch for trauma healing
Attuned Presence to the body for healing- the body knows how to self-correct
Narratives around relational safety- how Touch work can shift this
Somatic Experience practitioners can sense into the many layers of the body
How do Attachment styles show up in touch, interactions, and communication
Trained Touch Work practitioners work
When our emotions, thoughts, and behaviours are not congruent we are in dissonance- Dan Seigal
Importance of setting intentions
Developmental movement patterns- push-pull-grasp- and subconscious attachment system
Somatic work to help develop body boundaries
Embodied Recovery Program
Integrating Somatic and IFS with SSP

To Contact Paula:

Such an interesting conversation. I am excited to share that I will be experiencing one of Paula's   The Healing Power of Sound:Cultivating Body, Mind, Heart Connection Through Self Harmonics - groups in early 2024 and will podcast about my experience.

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