Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Podcast- A Polyvagal Theory Informed Therapy

Episode 28- Somatic Experience, Polyvagal Theory and SSP for Trauma - Panel discussion with SE Experts

July 18, 2023

 Welcome to Episode 28.  What I really enjoy about hosting this podcast is the opportunity to meet authentic people passionate about their work and who are open to sharing their knowledge with you. In this episode, I speak with 6 .....yes 6 skilled Somatic Experience (SE) practitioners. To be honest I was a little concerned about how it would flow with 6 people but I feel it resulted in a wonderful conversation.  Please listen in as I speak with Paula Scatoloni, Laura Moorehead, Kate Appleton, Melinda Cornish, Katie McClain, and Leah Dawang about Somatic Experience therapeutic work and supporting clients with an integrated model of SE and the Safe and Sound Protocol.

This team of practitioners can be thanked for their work in developing a set of Guidelines for Unyte which inform SE practitioners about how to integrate the SSP to facilitate deep somatic healing work.
 You will hear as they each discuss their unique approach and their commitment to an integrated SE and SSP model to help in the healing process.

Some of the topics touched on include:

  • What is Somatic Experience - the main premise 
  • Peter Levine- SE Founder- his thinking in developing the SE Approach
  • Priority of the practitioner for self-regulation
  • Shock trauma explained
  • Exploring the somatic completion of an event that was not completed in a trauma
  • SSP expands the "relational field" to help the nervous system work through stored stress
  • SSP resourcing the nervous system to enhance expansion
  • SSP helps the relational connection- somatic patterning of early attachment and bonding
  • Somatic scaffolding of the attachment system
  • OT sensory tools
  • SSP, Focus, SE, and Parts work
  • SSP and resonant frequencies in the body
  • Developing agency and control
  • SE, SSP, and Touch work
  • Touch work to help anchor the sense of safety in the body- a gentle hand over the adrenals or occiput
  • working with children should involve the whole family
  • 6 views of what is the gift that the SSP brings to helping clients
  • Kate Appleton..." a potent experience....opens a portal to safety without language..."

 Recommended Books
Books by Stanly Kellerman- Father of Somatics
The Gifts of the Body- Johnathon Bowan
What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing- Oprah Winfrey and Dr Bruce Perry
Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma-An Integrative Somatic Approach by Kathy L. Kain and Stephen J. Terrell
The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk

To contact the panel members please see below:
Paula Scatoloni-
Laura Moorehead -
Kate Appleton -
Melinda Cornish -
Katie McClain -
Leah Dawang -

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