Grown in Asia

Christian Secci, Co-Founder of Pakpobox

Bertrand Théaud Season 1 Episode 3

Christian Secci is an Italian entrepreneur and ultra-marathon runner who co-founded Pakpobox, an innovative smart locker solution for smart cities.

During this journey from Italy to Asia, Christian shares how he is always persistently bouncing, learning and responding from one failure to another without giving up. In fact, he calls them "hard lessons" and not "failure".

Being an entrepreneur who is always on the move and looking ahead, Christian shares how he has grown his business across Asia.

Bertrand Théaud:   0:09
Hello, everyone, welcome to this new episode of Grown in Asia. Our guest today is Christian [pronounced "Secchi"]. I said she already know exactly how to pronounce it. So that's Yeah, I pronounce it the French Way. Whereas you presented the Italian way. 

Bertrand Théaud:   0:27
for those off, for those of you who have not understood yet And so Christian will tell us about is ah, experience as an entrepreneur in Hong Kong. But I thought you were working before income. You're working on or in other countries in many countries,

Christian Secci:   0:43
right? Yes. Good morning, everyone. I moved to Asia 11 years ago and was the best decision of my life. I came. I went to Beijing for Tree Mans and then I stayed for four years. Enough

Bertrand Théaud:   1:00
was enough. And before that Uh OK, maybe we start with didn't make the proper introduction. We start with what you're doing today. So today you are the thunder and see you off back. Po box?

Christian Secci:   1:11
Yes, eso at papa box. We're building a platform. Tto handle one million deliveries that day and a 1,000,000? Well, yeah. How s so? We're building a platform that connects self collection point Like smart lookers and the retail stores TTO make deliveries more convenient and more efficient. E commerce growth is pushing the logistic and the courier industry to the limit. There is a physical barrier every day for a courier. He can deliver between 60 and 80 parcels a day. With our system centralising the deliveries, He can deliver 600 parcels a day, so we increase the productivity by 10 times.

Bertrand Théaud:   2:01
Okay, so we will discuss all that more in details. Let's see. You know what is what brought you to this business over the last 15 years? So you were telling you grew up in Italy, in Italy or s

Christian Secci:   2:18
O. I come from Sardinia,

Bertrand Théaud:   2:20
serving a beautiful island. For those of you who don't know Sardinia, that's really beautiful.

Christian Secci:   2:24
And, yeah, the Maldives, off Europe And after a grand after living like 18 years in Slovenia, I went to university in Bologna. I graduated in international relations, and then, um I did a couple of experience in Europe. I did my Rasmus in Buda, pursed than a

Bertrand Théaud:   2:49
good experience. I was that the Rasmus is this

Christian Secci:   2:53
Piers that encouraged me. Tto have an international career. In that moment, I understood that I wanted to explore the war than and and go out of Italy toe grow my career. And after the university, I did a master degree in international business. Ah, at the helm A graduate school, the business school of the University of Bologna. And then I went toe, um, went toe Barcelona went to Brussels to do some few couple working experience. And then after my master degree, I got the job with the Italian company and after tree Mount, they sent me to China.

Bertrand Théaud:   3:36
Okay, the question off I was ask almost always as Okay, you did this study in response Spectres is there anything There is this study that was helpful when you started your career on They still may be still helpful today. Is that anything you learn that you are happy that you learned during your time at the university

Christian Secci:   3:55
or Oh, yeah. I mean, like my university studies in international relations. They were very helpful because they really helped me to have the mind set off, you know, understanding the world from this for different perspective on DH from also geopolitical point of view and then my master degree really take me a lot howto do international business in different countries with different cultures, different languages and with different business way of doing business.

Bertrand Théaud:   4:35
Okay. And where did you learn English? Learn English in an Italy or Alicia doing

Christian Secci:   4:40
May there during the high school and then Duke University. And then I did my experience in Budapest. I was working in Brussels and space. I would have been always working abroad, even during my university studies.

Bertrand Théaud:   4:59
Okay, And one. So when you get this first job with an Italian company, there was a job base in Italy or base outside.

Christian Secci:   5:05
It was any talent company with business in 35 countries, and they were making these industrial machineries to process from sexual documents mailing the in the main industry. So we were bringing thing captain folding and putting the bank statement into the envelopes at 50,000 pieces per hour. I was was an interesting, interesting business. And after the 1st 3 months, they just send me to Beijing. Teo Ah, support the rep office needed in China. And I spent three months all over China, did a lot of reserves a lot of Travers and I came back to Italy get them a red Morton. And after three months, So we give you a long term contract and you know you will be our new chief representative office in China.

Bertrand Théaud:   6:06
Did you volunteer to go to Beijing or it was like it wasn't the passion Teo China.

Christian Secci:   6:18
You know, at that time about 2008 the rep office was the fasters, an Aegis Wei Tau start a business in China. And from there, after after the spinster repurpose, they asked me toe build in the neck or off Distributor's and agents in South East Asia. So I start to develop the network in Malaysia and Thailand. I was travelling every week in a different country all over Southeast Asia for almost five years, and it was a great experience. And then once a month, I was travelling between Europe, Asia and Europe with some clients you know, to visit other sides or reference site in in Italy, Slovakia, in Austrian, in UK. And, you know, it was really interesting experience. Have a very good training for me.

Bertrand Théaud:   7:24
What was So what was your first impression? After a few months in in China? You think its's easy to work here? It's complicated. I guess you're right that you didn't speak Chinese

Christian Secci:   7:37
way arrive when arriving Shangai Ah, for an exhibition. And then after I left the airport on the way toe my hotel at the trophy like we stop and the taxi driver was negotiating Ah, with the person to buy some tart owes on anybody giving like a couple of 100 Maybe about you Tartars and provided made a super told that it was my experience, my first encounter with with China and and I loved it because it was completely different. I mean, I think China opened my really my mind a lot about you know how the world is different and how is different. Toa do business country by my country,

Bertrand Théaud:   8:32
but I would always different if you compare with, let's say, Italy, it's the way Negotiate the way you the way you approach business or it's more short term, long term.

Christian Secci:   8:45
So China. It's quite senior to Italy because you need to have a lot of relationship. Where is she took on that business in China? Ah, above all at that time were to be about 2008 and, um, when you sign a contract in China. You never know if that contract is the last day, Pop. They're going to change something, and, um and, ah, everything's happening fast in China. I mean, like, that's another. Another thing you need to understand that if they want to make something they want to do something, they will do it. There is no too much discussion off if we have to do an infrastructure, whatever. Going, decide. And that's good. Because China, in the last 3 30 years, they lifted more than 300 people. 300 million people out of port.

Bertrand Théaud:   9:45
Yeah, Then deliver And Daisy could pretty pretty quickly. Yeah. So that was your experience in Beijing for so was three mounts. And you stay longer because you'd be under Chief Rip. Yeah, began to achieve that ideal basing because you mentioned all this travelling in the region. I was still based in

Christian Secci:   10:05
Beijing, but travelling every week all over Southeast Asia, all over China. Ah, for almost four years and then on. And then I decided to quit my job.

Bertrand Théaud:   10:20
But doing when you had this position your main role wass toe build a team to reiterate fine your clients to find your class your focus to find new

Christian Secci:   10:30
clients, to find new agents and new distributor's on DH to develop to do business development in new countries. Like, for example, we didn't have a market in Thailand at that time. We didn't have a market in Malaysia and the other was in charge to open those markets. So looking for new age, a new distributor, attending conferences, exhibitions and it was quite intense, very intense. But it was fun.

Bertrand Théaud:   11:04
How long did you do? Did you keep this this, Roland Just

Christian Secci:   11:08
God for four years, enough for your dad And then I decided Tow quit and tow change.

Bertrand Théaud:   11:18
And why this decision to quit you?

Christian Secci:   11:20
Because I thought, Oh, I'm working so hard on DH. I wanted to something on my own. I would just I know I am a person that I always need new challenges. I need new goals and because I don't like to stay too much in the comfort zone. I tried when I got off my comfort zone. I tried when I'm under pressure, so I just decided it's timeto to quit and toe to start something new. And one of my ah former client call me and say, Oh, come tto Bratislava. I talk about this business opportunity There. Is this Polish company doing smart lockers. They're expanding fast. They just raise Talk to me. No, you roll. They wantto expanding Asia they're looking for for partners. So I went to Bratislava, discuss with this apartment, and then we went toe Krakoff, don't do the CEO in post the name of the company and then the shake the hand. Few months later, I was in Hongkong, starting my own company with this Viking partner.

Bertrand Théaud:   12:44
And at that time, you you were that distributor weighs exactly the relationship.

Christian Secci:   12:50
We were a partner to do business development for them for six months. And then after the six month, we open the first project in Malaysia in the first project in alcohol. And then we decided to do a jayvee together. But unfortunately, after one year enough, they decided tow, downsize their investment in Asia. And so they left me with all the business looking down and I was like it was three days before Christmas and the calm

Bertrand Théaud:   13:22
Happy Christmas. Merry Christmas.

Christian Secci:   13:26
Ah, are you comfortable? Position Please sit down. Because we need to talk to you. They started to let their conversation over the phone like this and say OK, tell me. We have just a board meeting and we need toe. You know, we have 10 million euro runway and we're spending Tomio Europe amount. We need to Capital one million. So old. We're closing all the subsidiary is that? Ah, they're not performing. And we need around way for 10 months. So we need toe close The business in Asia

Bertrand Théaud:   14:02
where you were burning a lot of cash in it. Yeah, because we were

Christian Secci:   14:05
stalling the locker then.

Bertrand Théaud:   14:07
Okay, so a worthy investment cars. And you didn't you after? I don't

Christian Secci:   14:12
know. We were just starting the project. So there was that time at AM big investment in camping's. Okay, that's why now my company and doing the opposite. I'm using a hassett light approach. I'm building networks, but not burning all that cash. No, because I was a big, less off big lesson for me

Bertrand Théaud:   14:39
and then you because you were partner soju invention. You energon venture. So equity partner in the same company you were partners on so basically they give you the deliver. The bad news just before Christmas. Yeah, and so What was their position in your position that told you? OK, you take, you think the baby and I mean the baby company. You do whatever you want with it,

Christian Secci:   15:00
or they tell me. Oh, you raise money locally and you continue the business development there, or we need to close the operation. So what I did, I turned that business development in tow. A new venture. Okay, Okay. So I create a new bread, made the partnership with the local Coulier and start my own network. So I was an operator with a look at Korea,

Bertrand Théaud:   15:38
and so the original company went down the

Christian Secci:   15:42
region. Can we close the pressure? We pay all the the cables the Yeah,

Bertrand Théaud:   15:51
but all the investment that was made was

Christian Secci:   15:53
lost. I was lost in one wait, but I tried to use the business development that with down so fondle occasional partnership with some Coca Cola here and land merchant, and then he said, Okay, it's timeto you know, I don't wantto let it down because I saw the opportunity. Okay. At that time, sparred lockers. We're not popular. There were no smart look. I was the first to bring this might look in on call and then few other competent. They started the same the same business, so we were just educating the market. But I knew at that time that look in 34 years time, there will be a problem off deliveries because clear they're not a structuring the way tto handle equal. Most believe it is.

Bertrand Théaud:   16:53
And so you managed to leverage what you have done already with that first company, Tow said. You quick set up quick bootstrapping of your off three existing company. How can 50 location? But what sounds surprising to me is that this first partner that you add the didn't trying to get something out of their first investment that

Christian Secci:   17:23
they try. They try to say, Oh, we want to sell the company. I told them I was going to buy cold honey that as low just from washing on the ground. And the business is just starting. No one wants to buy, and they agree. Your circuit. Let's close the operation. They started because we want toe move forward.

Bertrand Théaud:   17:50
Initially, the came I mean, I understand you visited them, but they were interesting in having and making a deal with you because of your China. I mean your Asian experience.

Christian Secci:   17:58
Yeah, and my agent Publish it. So I partnership in several countries. I knew how to do business in Malaysia, In Thailand, in China, Philippines, Japan. So for them was a valuable experience.

Bertrand Théaud:   18:14
UK. So you're the one She the net where you were speaking about at the beginning of the podcast.

Christian Secci:   18:20
My strength is that I know how to start a business in almost any country for Asia because I have a Connexion at all. Several times. So, you know, I learned that there because at

Bertrand Théaud:   18:41
that time, were you a knowledgeable about smart lockers? Or it's more like a coincident. That was a good opportunity. After you decided tow to leave this Italian company, you were looking around. What can I do? And boom. Good opportunity in uses

Christian Secci:   18:55
it. I saw the opportunity. I took the res, and the timing probably wasn't right for Asia. He was a little bit too early, but then I was able to resist. I think Andy Rose is well off the secret ofthe success

Bertrand Théaud:   19:19
strength of the entrepreneur going

Christian Secci:   19:21
from one feeler to another without giving up. And they learn from that sailor and then trying to respond that fail arenas. Trent, you know I don't consider failure. I call them hardly Lessels facing harsh reality. Yes, after that experience. Okay, I felt a single time. There was a company that took over Menu J. Veton and I had to let it go because I didn't have the resources. The fight, that big company, they took over the company. Okay, For their own interest, I let it go, and then another the company after company back per box. And okay, they came to me and say, OK, will you like to join us? We want to bring this company from that regional toe Global player and I bought the shares.

Bertrand Théaud:   20:37
Okay, so that's a That's a complex storey.

Christian Secci:   20:40
That's that's the really where the interesting part of the journey started because I had all the art lessons with me and the right tackle box and the share all these are glass off. Let's not make those mistakes again. Let's make a new one. But now the freezing

Bertrand Théaud:   21:04
Let's focus on success. But the 2nd 1 So you said that. Okay, So the 2nd 1 was also some kind of a joint venture. He was when the message eventually

Christian Secci:   21:15
had 49%

Bertrand Théaud:   21:17
with the local Korea was a local career here in We're not okay. Andi, that company you went with that company for so pretty quick. So you quickly realise that that was not the good partner or you different strategies. What

Christian Secci:   21:40
track? A big company here and that called. That contract was really bad for the Copa.

Bertrand Théaud:   21:49
Okay, on DH. So that that was the trigger for you, you see, was the

Christian Secci:   21:53
trigger. I tried to wind back the 51% and they insisted that they wanted Toa continue the business by themselves with this big called money. That's okay now that that company is closed.

Bertrand Théaud:   22:08
But you managed to exit from this company that you manage to exit, so that give you some cash to find. And I don't want

Christian Secci:   22:14
cash. And I also lost around a couple of Meteors. It was painful, really pale for Ah, and that moment was the lowest moment of my career. And you know

Bertrand Théaud:   22:34
why? Because you knew there was this business. But you didn't find the right angle the right way to a project.

Christian Secci:   22:41
I knew that the business was booming, was about to boo. I give you a number. E commerce in alcohol is just 4% of the total retail in China's 25%. So he called mercy No go. Yeah, as the room

Bertrand Théaud:   23:02
has the potential to grow should

Christian Secci:   23:04
grow 6 to 7 times. But, you know, I believe that everything like, happened to you for a reason. And the reason of the 1st 2 hard lessons I received was that they were not the right wait for me. So we

Bertrand Théaud:   23:28
would you say that's very interesting. But would you say that? I mean, in response Spect you said that thing

Christian Secci:   23:35
that I'm really open book

Bertrand Théaud:   23:38
way don't need names, and so on is what is more interesting is to understand You know why today you consider you made this mistake? Is it because you were too focused on business and not so much on the partner? So you didn't have discussion along enough at the beginning of the partnership to sell, get That's the people I showed. I showed, you know, built the business, will ya?

Christian Secci:   24:00
We had a different agenda. Different priorities. So att the beginning I thought we were a line, but then we're not the line Okay, there. I'm still in business.

Bertrand Théaud:   24:15
But when you move, too, So when you move to the third company, which is Paco box. So you took more time to discuss with with the existing shoulders because you say you are you You're quite some share. So, you know, we're not the love again. So you thought this this new guys are the good guys

Christian Secci:   24:35
with my partners, and I really enjoy it because we have all different skills. They're amazing. I mean, we are a lot like every family. Okay, we have some time, different vision differently. But then no matter what, we're always reunited. If we decide something, we all support each other in that direction. I think that's the secret of the partnership. You can have different opinion, different vision, you can argue. But then after you decide something, you must push and support the other partners. And this is what is playing now at Papa box. And that's why I think one of the key, um, aspect of our success.

Bertrand Théaud:   25:22
How many of you in paper Box? Wei ru we discuss. We had three partners upon a storey co

Christian Secci:   25:27
founders and then we have several investors because we're not a few rounds off raising

Bertrand Théaud:   25:34
used throughout the one running the company, and

Christian Secci:   25:38
they see off the company s. So I run the company on a daily basis on DH. I tried to summarise the strategy of the common listing toe The other partners, my partner is ah is ah, serial entrepreneur in the logistic industry, his family is running local union uncle more than 30 years, and the is more focused on business development and open relationship. Andi is Iran's also, yes, other companies. So, um, that in the tower partner is in the in the ancient scent is in charge ofthe RND factoring and and so if everyone is a different role, okay. And I'm the one keeping everything

Bertrand Théaud:   26:36
in line.

Christian Secci:   26:36
Yeah, together. It's stuff stuff. It's sometimes tiring their days. You arrive like I have tired of safe while I'm doing these. Then they think about your past and so have been through so many difficult, more so many challenges. It's okay, let's move, Let's move forward and then we really enjoy. It's not It's not the job for me really happy because first of all, every day is different every day and learn new things. Ah, I need to learn. I very curious person. I need s o curiosity and the needs to learn new things, the need of new challenges as my my main main drive.

Bertrand Théaud:   27:28
Okay. And then So coming back with the beginning of this adventure respectful box. So you made this new future partners, you decide that they were. My competitors are there where your way went to them when they came to

Christian Secci:   27:48
you both. I say we met over coffee. One of my party was talking me off leaving, so I sent them a mess and say, Hey, Sheldon, instead ofthe stock in my Lingnan just asked me for a coffee, and I can tell you whatever you want to know. And then we went for coffee. We're discussing, I think way had the same vision.

Bertrand Théaud:   28:14
And so at the time you joined this company, I mean, out, developed, developed Was

Christian Secci:   28:23
it a few projects in called Macau and one project in Indonesia? Wasn't it regional company? Listen, um, since when it took so I joined the company, we double how revenues Clearly

Bertrand Théaud:   28:46
with the same business, small, smart lockers, orange business

Christian Secci:   28:50
model. That's that's interesting part. We're evolving as a human being and we're evolving as a cold honey. Okay, So for the first few years, we were focusing on be Toby Business sales off our solution and softer. It means that we were beating public tender with post organisation toe, provide them smart lockers, the harbour, the software installation, maintenance and service and

Bertrand Théaud:   29:21
the potential clients were a proposed old post post organisation

Christian Secci:   29:27
Australia posed on composed, we warn in the last four years Ah, 15 out of 19 tenders. Whoa, great s

Bertrand Théaud:   29:42
a limited number of clients, but I guess big contracts

Christian Secci:   29:44
culture there. A few years ago, we realised that hey, we're building this letter. But no one is connecting this network to the Poland merchants or to the other logistic companies.

Bertrand Théaud:   30:00
Because your plans. So you have this tender you want. You want the contract. So out the out. Do they use this equipment, this model workers that they buy from your company?

Christian Secci:   30:11
Yeah, they use for the on the

Bertrand Théaud:   30:14
loan clients they oak liars don't open the lockers to certain parties

Christian Secci:   30:19
travel that what we're doing now we are connecting the's network that we build for fossilisation or other logistic company, and we are creating a platform? No, we're connecting this nectar to the hole and merchants to the commerce platform like shop line, Shopify toe. Other logistic companies and we are also driving business. Tow those that work,

Bertrand Théaud:   30:48
so it's a much bigger market. It's a

Christian Secci:   30:50
recurring revenue model that will investor, you know, appreciate a light because it's more consistent. So in this moment, as of today, 57% of our business is sails off harder solution when 43% is software service, entrance action, business

Bertrand Théaud:   31:16
and the other solution. So you manufactured the small local

Christian Secci:   31:22
way. Have several manufacturing partners in China in Indonesia and ours in Brazil.

Bertrand Théaud:   31:28
Also in Brazil.

Christian Secci:   31:29
Yeah, we're spending quite fast.

Bertrand Théaud:   31:32
And so you manufacture. You assemble, then you deliver, and then it's. But then it's kind of ah, sas business more.

Christian Secci:   31:39
Yeah, because for every harder that we saw, then there is a software licence one off. And then there is a monthly softer fee for maintenance and service and upgrades. Okay. And normally, the contract for suss deal there. I mean, one and three years or five years depends on that. Well, the client

Bertrand Théaud:   32:06
and at the time you change the business model on thinking loudly about when you were selling your smart lookers toe different. You know, a national past. Then you didn't have to pay attention to where you were. The lookers on the smart locals will be located. There was the pride of your client. Now, is this new business model You're against you. You have to take this into consideration. How do you find, you know, the space between Hong Kong and some other big cities? Teo, to have us mad lockers rightly located in the city.

Christian Secci:   32:45
Okay, I give an example. Now we're managing 300 lockers, OK, 75 of them. They're all by us, Okay? And we installed them in shopping malls and residential estates.

Bertrand Théaud:   33:01
So you must reach an agreement with the shopping mall and with the other reason

Christian Secci:   33:06
insured properly their unique value and selling point for the shopping more and that we are driving traffic to the shopping more our best location. They drive between 1000 and 2000 people every month to the shopping malls. So we're talking tohave thousands off 40 24,000 people per year. Okay. In the residential state, we're offering a service to the 10 bells because you're not a tall, so you can have it delivered to the local, and we're not stopping them. Property management companies to streamline the operation because we're there is seeing more and more packages. And it takes time toe, you know, sort them and then delivered to the kennel.

Bertrand Théaud:   33:57
But as an individual using your services of love a nap.

Christian Secci:   34:00
So you receive a notification by SMS or by email, and it depends. Like, for example, if you shop on Tao Bao, you find our location and cheque out, okay? And then Okay. I want to collect from kiss my locker in this location. Click cheque out, and then you receive a notification with a pin code or in the vedic your coat.

Bertrand Théaud:   34:30
Okay. Once dough, I mean, when's the parcel is dead even.

Christian Secci:   34:34
And then you can go and you can collect easily. 24 7 And the total privacy from your nearest mart. Loker. Now tto gett tto the smart locate location. We're adding a network off retail stores like photo Max, Circle K and other stores around on call Toby. Ah, click and collect self collection points. Okay, So if you don't have a locker near you and, you know, in your building you can select while off the ah retail store affiliated to the platform. So we give. We're giving convenience. We're offering convenience and options. Tow the receivers to select their preferred location. Okay. Second thing is that we're offering and network to the courier toe optimise their deliveries because if you have to go every day in a different location and every day is different and to deliver one single parts of publication is expensive, and it's not efficient and is not sustainable. But if you have to go every day in the same location, you can schedule the deliveries and you can optimise because per stop, you're the living more parcel. So you're optimising their delivery costs, and we're also doing deliveries and night to the lockers so you don't need. You have with the traffic jam. We are cutting the number of theatre mission, the number of delivery trucks on the road. There are so many benefits for different stakeholders involved in the process, and now courier companies are realising this more and more receivers shoppers. They're also realising these because they want options, and the online merchant there also benefiting because they offer their for more delivery options. And actually, sometimes, you know is the all emergencies paying for that delivery. So it's cheaper to deliver toe. But locker to return store, then doing home delivery.

Bertrand Théaud:   37:03
Yeah, because that was my next question. So the cost of your services is usually absorb idea by the online merchant.

Christian Secci:   37:11
It depends. Some online merchant absorb some some online merchant a charge. I give you an example. Now, some of the merchants you know, Kong they're charging 17 0 Khan dollar. If you collect from ours. Mart local. Okay, if you If you want on delivery the charger between 40 and 50. Uncle Knoller Extra. So it's they they live there. Decision to the consumer.

Bertrand Théaud:   37:40
Okay, consumers, the choice is really too much is ready to spend.

Christian Secci:   37:46
And some of them they're absorbing the cost. But it's included in the price of the goods, for sure.

Bertrand Théaud:   37:52
Do you have an idea already? Which will be the radius around a position where you have smart Loker issue? Have small looker every two miles. Every Okay, what? What is optimum?

Christian Secci:   38:04
Our our goal is to have a smart Loker or a self collection store. Ah, every 3000 people in uncle and every kilometre.

Bertrand Théaud:   38:20
Okay, that's a lot of ogres. Yeah, we're talking about 2000 locations that those in location?

Christian Secci:   38:24
Yeah. By the end of this year, we will offer 660 location. So, awfully, by the end ofthe 2020 oh, Q 1 2021 will be able to offer 2000 locations.

Bertrand Théaud:   38:39
And now people that say in the industry, they understand the interest off working with you. Of course. Eso What is the main challenge now

Christian Secci:   38:48
at the main challenge is scaling the network. Because, of course, it takes time. Okay, Toe the 2000 delegation

Bertrand Théaud:   39:03
waiting to find where to have this location or to manufacture the dismount. Lookers don't think not. That is

Christian Secci:   39:12
not the problem, because we have a manufacturing capacity off thousands of location ofthe local pera Pera per month. But it is like building the network, finding the deck, the location, you know, it's like you need to go on the site survey. You need to deal with the landlord. If you're going to residential building, you need toe deal with the older committee at that says that the challenges like slow process. Sometimes, you know, it takes, like to acquire more location. Maybe 234 months depend on on the base changing.

Bertrand Théaud:   39:51
You have a big business development team waiver, self

Christian Secci:   39:57
esteem. We've business arriving team with the location team and that we have operation and customer service team. We're growing. We're growing the team. All right. Every month we're hiring on C like we needed a team now toe sourcing off the location and close the contract.

Bertrand Théaud:   40:18
Okay. And so that's a no on Kong. And you mentioned that the company is operation in many other countries now.

Christian Secci:   40:23
So And we we have office in Hong Kong and our own network, you know, call. Then we have ah subsidiary as our R and D and the I t ah company in Shenzhen. We have ah subsidiary in Australia. We have a subsidiary in Italy for the European market, and then we have to join Venture One is a joint venture with the courier in Indonesia, and that one is a joint venture in Brazil where we're doing something very interesting. Were stolen lockers into the subway stations and we're doing less

Bertrand Théaud:   41:05
of an agreement with the MTR of Rio de Janeiro, calling local anti

Christian Secci:   41:10
yeah, local media. That's death's a unique case in the world because we're doing fulfilment into the MTR. It means that if we have already the product in our warehouse incident here, we can deliver to those my local within one hour.

Bertrand Théaud:   41:31
And do you think that's something you go doing with the empty I non com? That would just be perfect.

Christian Secci:   41:36
Very weird talking to them. They're more conservative and

Bertrand Théaud:   41:43
with an inconvenience for them.

Christian Secci:   41:45
But that is not is not a convenient inconvenience that the cost of the space inside MTR in Hong Kong is too expensive. So we need to find that meet the crown to make this business sustainable. And ah, but they we hope that the case study of Brazil can inspire Heather MTR in the world tto do the same. Apply this senior business more business concept

Bertrand Théaud:   42:19
because that's definitely very comforting. Yeah, well, you know if you can collect your castle and your underwear to the office on the way back home because when you use the empty are just

Christian Secci:   42:29
great, yeah, and also we are optimising the deliveries because you don't need delivery trucks on the road If you go to show one during the day now you find SF tracked everywhere park and double that line. It's becoming a problem. Is no sustainable any more? We need to create a more efficient solution

Bertrand Théaud:   42:59
and Brazil and and Malaysia and your country will donation to go. So s

Christian Secci:   43:08
so now we have project in 13 countries. Okay, but I in the five of them we have also our own operation, our own place for our own network. And in other countries, we just provided solutions Toe organisation, logistics companies

Bertrand Théaud:   43:32
And and you're the one looking for this partners abroad, you know, because we're coming back with your first expand,

Christian Secci:   43:38
Remember, in post my first experience. Ah, now we have four parlours that they were a dimples with me during that period

Bertrand Théaud:   43:53
s. So you're very good at keeping your network leveraging your network.

Christian Secci:   43:58
I think that I learned one thing from the experience. Your partners Ah, one of the best asset you need to treat the partners in the proper way and to keep them at ease. And some of the partners that became our investors Okay, so the Brazilian partner is also investor in the company. So yes, skin in the game.

Bertrand Théaud:   44:26
And so because I'll do you finance all this extension, you are way our catch for positive profit. Already at the beginning,

Christian Secci:   44:34
at the beginning, we boot strapped and ah, we So we put our own money, and then we did to a round found raising around 2.5 million us each time total. And now we're raising. We're about to close five million stolen around our Siri's around tow. Grow our platform business in Southeast Asia. Which version? Yeah, Thank you.

Bertrand Théaud:   45:02
So this five million is was is financed by your Brazilian

Christian Secci:   45:06
know our busy and partner E invested in the second round And these around Ah, we're talking with some venture capitalists and Ah, and with some strategic partners on and we're about to close these this round I cannot disclose to magic were in their final negotiation stage, and they have some and the A's sign. So I want to put myself in travel and we're we're goingto knows soul. And I think this is ah, this round will fill our growth explanation. That's

Bertrand Théaud:   45:52
very pretty. Very, very promising.

Christian Secci:   45:54
Yeah, it's exciting. And like a found raising is a tiring job. It's a 24 7 job like it's really tiring. It's time consuming drain. A lot of energy is a lot of negotiations in progress. But

Bertrand Théaud:   46:09
why don't you discuss with many potential investors

Christian Secci:   46:13
or many potential investors?

Bertrand Théaud:   46:15
Because the company is the company is going well. Guess they must have been a couple of investors looking at the door, right?

Christian Secci:   46:22
Yeah. Yeah, way. The investor joining now they really like our vision off creating these blast for this infrastructure tow, connect existing network and you network with asset light, um, structure and with less cop IX. Ah, investment. So there, there, there locking our door. That still is a negotiation. You know the valuation. It's a bit science, a bit art. There is lower fixit formula. So the valuation part is is that

Bertrand Théaud:   47:08
you do have people advising you way

Christian Secci:   47:11
have several financial advisor. We have current investors. They're doing an amazing job, and my partners, also one of my partner, is very good at on raising. So, you know, and we learned something from the previous rounds. So all together, we're we're now Maura, experienced toe. But still, you know, every round is is different. So

Bertrand Théaud:   47:44
there is. Every one is even more complicated because you have to keep happy. The former investor out, please. The new investors find you find the right balance,

Christian Secci:   47:56
Fred. Right, balance And sometime you know, every negotiation is like even take, even take you cannot always take or you cannot always give. You need to find that at that battles. But it's interesting is it's an amazing learning experience, I think stressful but five,

Bertrand Théaud:   48:16
but used to have timeto focus on business when you're doing with your investors part of the day.

Christian Secci:   48:24
Okay, so I have time to focus on business, but, um no, not with the same focus at attention that he can give when you're not proud raising. And so that's why I want to close this round and focus on business and growth.

Bertrand Théaud:   48:45
So did you get organised at the moment? You delegated? I try find with the good people in the organisation, you delegated some of the things that you were doing

Christian Secci:   48:55
before. Yeah, I tried to delegate a lot. I have a person that is taking care of all the operation and in project management and well of the partner is taking care of our Indy and development and all the managers like we have in Australia neatly the name Brazil. They're also doing an amazing job, and and I'm lucky that Ah, I have a lot of energy. That's that's my strength. I've really a lot off energy, and I really motivated myself a lot s

Bertrand Théaud:   49:38
so typically you start your day. What?

Christian Secci:   49:40
16? Because my daughter she wake up at that time and actually, honestly, my daughter and my partner in crime they are the ah, they're the best energy, the best motivation off African because they're very supportive. There always, you know, pushing me to do great things. And my daughter, Really? Since when she's born nothing. My life skyrocketed in every in every sense, even business, because you have more more focus. Because now the day is around. Herr schedule.

Bertrand Théaud:   50:27
Okay, so you managed to keep a family life. I'm glad that you're really a question when you sent

Christian Secci:   50:32
your managed to keep a family life. Okay? There are some billeted in some moments. Like for example, the last few weeks I had to travel a lot. We're closing the round were towards the end of the year, so we need to deliver results. Eso in the last few months, um, I wasn't able to manage as I did before. Bad.

Bertrand Théaud:   51:01
So you were in back home at seven. Every every day. Our dinner with the family

Christian Secci:   51:07
on now. So we have an agreement with my wife that every day we need to be home to put our daughter too bad. Okay? And

Bertrand Théaud:   51:21
then she goes to bed at 11 on. Then she has to work after she's She's

Christian Secci:   51:26
an amazing lawyer and she is amazing off Stanely, mother. And like I admired she's an inspiration because they owe if she can do these, I cannot complain about other other things. Ah, so we tried Toby hold. If she cannot shit, if you can't be home. I tried to be owned. That were better. Bad way wasan. Amazing. Alpert. I must admit that now we're lucky because he's taking care of our daughter like amazing. An amazing way. So, yeah, you need to have a circle around the people that you know support. You can't do everything alone. And I'm lucky that dolphin family and the business and the company I'm surrounded by a lot off a lot off really amazing. Amazing People are supportive

Bertrand Théaud:   52:27
But you said that you have a lot of energy and your family is a source of energy. Is there anything else? Do you use a lot of sport? The heady days Do you listen to music that anything that is can explain this energy that you have with you all the time? I run ultramarathon. So that's that's my main tore. This thing this doesn't take your energy,

Christian Secci:   52:51
it takes my energy. But ah is my mentor because it teach me out toe, you know, overcome any challenge toe control your mind When when your mind is tell Yuto, quit or toe give up,

Bertrand Théaud:   53:14
but very demanding. You have to train every day almost every day. You cannot go for trauma written if you haven't had training for the last, even even the last two weeks

Christian Secci:   53:23
before Before I was racing more. Now at least I'm doing one. We'll trap Martin. A year is your last year in a pile under a kilometre. And this year the Kazakhstan 100 kilometres. So at least once a year I tried toe complete a race. So I have to train for four. You buy six months before.

Bertrand Théaud:   53:50
It's what Every day, one

Christian Secci:   53:52
hour, every day during the week, short training when our when I were in 15 minutes and then during the week. And you do the long run. And this was a moment where, you know, I disconnect from the world because I like to run in the trails. It's not road running this train run. So I running trails and these cities cost amazing seat in the war because 300 metres from my apartment in Cannes in town I have the drunken trail. I can go to the peak and every day and you have waterfalls is like Is that the best moment to disconnect and, you know, to recharge the batteries. And, you know, if you started, they appeal. You go to the peak and now come back and say, OK, I've done already, but the challenge of the day, everything bells will be downfield

Bertrand Théaud:   54:51
the Wendy. So when you run, you say you disconnect, you disconnect completely, or you are so much focus on your own that that's the right time for you to think ofthe sometimes that you want to solve and because you don't have people interrupting you So that is the right time to think about your business and the strategy in the vision which I guess you don't have You come to win you in the office right

Christian Secci:   55:13
on DH. I have, um I have sometimes the best ideas when I'm running and the because the mind is free and there's disconnected from the four from from work from social media. And that is the best moment. Then sometime you know, once a week I trade toa do sound in a steam room massage on DH. I do. I meditate even though I'm not constant in in the last period. But I read a lot of books I listen to podcast. I'm always trying, finding, you know, sources off motivation, off learning. I'm going to see how other people Dave ah, they've overcome their challenge is how other people they've built great companies. And

Bertrand Théaud:   56:15
that is the way you keep on improving by reading, reading books, raising too. But I

Christian Secci:   56:21
talked to many, many people every every day, and I think there is always something to learn from every person you and country in your life. There is a storey behind every person that is important and that you need toe dig and bi curious and try toe learn and understand. You know, I mean me and you were the call a few weeks ago, and I was learning from you about the lifestyle how you manage with the family, you know, How was your life in the in? Poke it and am Bancha. There was a good experience because so, look, this is one way off. Ah, approaching life approaching live or managing the the balancing Ah, family and and work life.

Bertrand Théaud:   57:10
Okay, that's all good. And so speaking about books Is there any books you have in mind that you will recommend for people want toe set up your company, create their business, developed their business?

Christian Secci:   57:21
01 book that I'm completely in love and is my new mentor Principle by Ray Dahlia. Ready Azaz is amazing. Ah, I advised to read at least once a year the seven habits of highly effective people and then another book that it's amazing. It's a bundles. The future is better than you think by Peter Diamandis. And it's my mother's book and I must rake its master. It really as it tells about the future, about how we can solve big problem, how the world is going to grow exponentially in the next 10 10 to 20 years, and now it's coming up with a new book as Ah, the future is faster than you think, Andi wrote. Another book is also called Bold has also related to abundance. That bold is more for entrepreneurs that they wantto apply these new technologies and tow the Today New World into the future. And them. A book that changed my life is the monk who sold this Ferrari. Very spying by rubbish are Mutton and the Greatness Guide, also by Ravi Sharma. And when I want to learn about Asia, I read the books of Italian journalist teacher Tani and

Bertrand Théaud:   58:50
translated in English.

Christian Secci:   58:51
Some of them are translating English and they're they're amazing because they tell the Storey of Asia in the seventies and the eighties. It was an amazing journalist that it was really describing the ward with cool his eyes when they die, and they was like trying to find the soul off Asia.

Bertrand Théaud:   59:09
Okay, so it's beginning now. We speak about Asia. So is your new home. You feel that only non Congo do you Miss Italy from time to time. That will be my last question.

Christian Secci:   59:21
Okay, so you know, I come from Sardinia. I have always said Indian product at all. You know, Sardinian cheese having a honey. Um and I spent the 1st 20 years of my life in Sardinia. I go back every year. I have my family there. My grand parents, my friends, is an amazing place. I was penned, probably the last 20 years is a good place toe slow down and retire. Enjoy life. But now my home is Asia. Miami's uncalled I love the city because I think the city gave me a lot of opportunities is vibrant as a unique energy. But it's not for everyone. Okay, I think everyone has a different a feeling and different vibration from the places in the world. And I love him Call because you know, I drive a motor by before going to work. I can go toe in 12 minutes. I'm in deep water bay. I can swim in the in the in the ocean for 40 minutes for 40 minutes and then a shower and go to work. I can run to the peak in the trails and then go to work. What is the city in the war where you can enjoy nature? City life Amazing restaurant, amazing people Because I'm really you can Hong Kong is an Arbour city So Arbour city always attract people that they are really dynamic and couriers and people from all the works off life. So I think on I just I love this city Massimo If she laughs, she loves the city Our daughter is born here s o I think I think this is our home on DH We're also doing some other projects side projects with the same inn in Asia, in Thailand and Cambodia. So I think Asia is our own for now Then who knows? One of our target and gold maybe is like you know we were discussing in the same cell waken spend one year our daughter She's half Italian ALF Iranian on DH Sim She's American Iranian So, Seo we can spend three months in Sardinia Three months in Iran, three months in the US and then maybe three months in Bali Ah, for one year as a family

Bertrand Théaud:   1:2:05
That's a good project

Christian Secci:   1:2:06
at family trade And we were talking about it You know, I think that if you do something, you have to talk about it. But 1st 1st I need toe. Get this company listed.

Bertrand Théaud:   1:2:21
Okay, That will be the topic for another podcast. When's your I mean all the best for closing this existing round. And we will keep track on development. That back po box. Andi, I beat to have you again as a guest on this bus. Cats when things that happen when you go for the for the I p o. So thank you. Christian Christian said she said she s so now I know how to pronounce it. Thank you again for your time. And I thank you all for listening to this broadcast until soon and have a good one. But

Christian Secci:   1:2:54