How Not To Think
How Not To Think
How Not To Think about...brain injuries
Kim Justus attended the University of Nebraska earning her B.S. in Business, then worked in the Financial Services Industry 25+ years. At 35yrs old her life took a sharp turn, when she suffered a life threatening Ruptured Brain Aneurysm. Being in a coma, undergoing brain surgery, and a near death experience changed the course of her life journey drastically. One diversion on her path, led to being the weekly Wednesday host on Brain Injury Radio, for nearly a decade.
She also enjoys writing, entertainment, travel, gardening, and genealogy. Kim has been accepted into, and been a longtime member of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and National League American Pen Women (NLAPW), credentialed in both Writing and Art. Kim is the author of two books, In a Flash Miracles Here and Beyond and Hootie’s Hollow and the Magic Tree (https://inaflash.org for more information on both her Books & Radio Shows).
Kim enjoys a variety of activities including natural light photography, where she has been featured in a number of special exhibits. Her images encompass a regional flavor and other points of interest. Visit her photography web site, Capturing the Moments, at: https://kimotofoto.com for more information.
She has a spirit of adventure and discovery, seldom afraid to try new things. She and husband Gary, share their home with dogs Libby, Benny, and Tino, and Sun Conure bird Petey.