How Not To Think

How Not To Think about...Women in the Workplace. Episode 1: How Men Can Do More

Howard Rankin/ Brad Johnson and David Smith Season 2 Episode 5

Evidence reveals that the #MeToo movement has not been a catalyst to move men to action in their organizations, but rather it has instead increased the likelihood of them avoiding women entirely, exacerbating gender inequalities. There are, however, many men eager to learn how to really move the dial on inclusion. They are GOOD GUYS—they just don’t know what to do, or how to get started on their own ally journey.

David G. Smith PhD, a sociologist and former Navy pilot, and Brad Johnson PhD, a psychology professor, guide these men in their new book, GOOD GUYS: How MenCan Be Better Allies for Women in the Workplace (HBR Press, Oct 13, 2020). Based on their major qualitative study, they detail wha excellent male allyship looks like and how to apply interpersonally (at home), publicly (at work), and systematically (through organizational change).

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