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Don't be rude to food - with dietitian Kate Wengier from FOOST

The Nutrition Guru and the Chef Season 1 Episode 8

The words we use when talking about food can have a profound effect on us, both positively, and negatively.

Tara catches up with Dietitian Kate Wengier from Foost to talk about how we can choose words to promote a healthy relationship with food, and encourage healthy eating without force. They discuss the words to avoid using, and why we need to steer clear of labeling foods as 'good' or 'bad' foods due to the effect this may have on the development of eating disorders, restricted and fussy eating, and stress associated with food and mealtimes.

This episode is important for those who have kids, but also those who don't. It will help learn how to be mindful of the language used around children, and also how the language your parents/caregivers used around you as a child may have impacted your thoughts and feelings about food and your body.

As a dietitian, and mum of four, Kate has loads of real-world experience helping families take the stress out of mealtimes and build a positive relationship with food.

In this episode Kate and Tara chat about:

- What Kate says to her children when they nag her for chocolate or complain about their lunchbox
- How to tackle whingeing at the dinner table
- Consideration of 'safe' foods
- Why we need to be more neutral about food
- The mistake she made when she was a new mum feeding her first born
- Who's job is it to eat healthily? The parent, or the child?
- How to create a positive eating environment
- and so much more!

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Buy Kate's kid-safe knives here

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