The Derm Vet Podcast
The Derm Vet Podcast
21. Race in veterinary medicine
Today, we cover skin within veterinary medicine in a completely different and deeper way. Dr. Courtney Campbell is a board certified veterinary surgeon practicing with VetSurg in Ventura, CA. We have a real discussion as a Black male and white female, specialists within veterinary medicine with very different experiences. A raw, candid conversation occurs about race within our field. Dr. Campbell opens up about his experience in the veterinary field as only 2% of veterinarians are Black. We talk about what it means to be a true white ally, white privilege, and the importance of knowing the history of oppression so we can appropriately diagnose the problem and implement the treatment.
It is one of the most important and impactful conversations I have ever had. All of the thank yous to Dr. Campbell for sharing on this episode.