Tomorrow's Leader

#342 - 7 Ways To Stick To A New Year's Resolution

John Laurito

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!! This is the time for you to reflect on the year that was and start creating new goals for 2023. The only problem is, and data backed this up, the majority of us don’t keep our resolutions. So how are we going to make 2023 different from all those years we’ve made promises to ourselves but never kept? Tune in to find out.

Show notes:
[1:39] Some stats about New Year's resolution
[3:34] Simplicity is the key
[4:23] Track your resolution
[5:30] Don’t only think about  your resolution; create a plan around succeeding it
[8:20] Find a way to make it easier (and fun) for you to reach your goal
[10:52] Involve other people
[13:20] Outro

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