We Have Seen the True Light
Here you will find youth and main sermons given by Fr. Demetri Costarakis...Recording of various homilies or guest speakers...Various Liturgical Services or chanting to the Glory of God...Bible Study Sessions...Orthodox Life Series topics
We Have Seen the True Light
Sermon on Time (1 of 3 Sermons on Stewardship) - Main Sermon 1/12/25
Fr. Demetri Costarakis
This is the first of three sermons that will focus on our Stewardship in the life of the Church.
Our brief time on earth is God's gift to us. We are accountable for our stewardship of this precious gift. Yet what are we doing with it? Of the 168 hours in every week in which we have been blessed, how much do we REALLY offer back to God?
We are all busy, but not all of that busy time is well-spent. How can we improve the gift of time that God gives us?