Success Systems

Season 7 Wrap Up

Michael Bauman Season 7 Episode 12

I am wrapping this season up earlier than I typically do and I wanted to share with you why. 

My family has the opportunity to go back to the US this summer and see our families for the first time in 3 and a half years!

We have a 3 year old baby girl who was born here in Shanghai that neither of our families have met. 

We will be spending the summer traveling around and visiting friends and family in different states and we could not be more excited!

Seeing as this is our first chance to travel outside of China in over 3 years I wanted to put a pause on the podcast until September to make sure that I am present with our families and enjoying a magical summer. 

As always, thank you for listening and keep engineering your success!

Hello everybody. Welcome back to Success Engineering. I know it's been a little while since I actually had an episode launch and I wanted to let you guys know why that was. There's a couple of reasons for that. So the first one was, um, I actually got Covid again, so it's still kind of sweeping its way through China. So that put me down for a little while. And the other reason was I'm actually. Getting ready for the, our summer trip. So this is actually the first time in over three years, so three and a half years that our family will be able to travel outside of China, which we're so, so excited about. I can't tell you how excited we are for this. We'll be able to go back to the US for the first time in three years. Um, all of our family will actually be able to meet our three year old baby girl who was born here in Shanghai. So none of our family has actually met her. Um, and then of course they'll be able to see our older son as well and they'll all get to play with the cousins. And, um, just we'll spend the whole summer, you know, traveling around to different family in different states and super, super excited for, it's really, really, really looking forward to that. So that's gonna be incredibly exciting. I'm actually leaving a little bit early, so I'm leaving. Um, in a couple days here from China, I'm gonna be going to Europe for a friend's wedding in Amsterdam. A friend that I grew up with in Papua New Guinea, actually, which is pretty incredible. We'll have some other friends from Papua New Guinea there, and then I'll get a little bit of time to travel around Europe, which I'm so again, so, so excited, um, to be able to do. And all thanks to my absolute rockstar wife. For watching the kids for those couple weeks so that I can do that. So tho that's the, that's the main, those are the main reasons why I haven't had it. Another reason was I was actually switching my website over to a different provider and it ended up, you know, getting restricted for some reason. And I had to go through the whole process of, you know, figuring that out and figuring out what was going on with that and going back and forth. Um, the process that you never wish anybody has to go through and you hope. You know, you don't have to go through and then of course, you know you do. So that was, that was very unfortunate. Um, so that was part of the reason why I haven't posted in a little while, but I did want to do this one. Um, most of you guys know, typically I wrap up my seasons by having a little summary from the different guests and stuff we have this season. This is just a little bit differently because. We haven't seen family in so long, and I have this opportunity to be able to travel. I'm gonna be taking a break from the podcast for the next couple months and then I'll be jumping back into it probably around September time, just so that I can really enjoy this summer with my family and with everything that I have going on with that. Um, so that's, that's kinda the reason for that. I wanted to share, share that with you. I know we've had some incredible guests on. This, this season that I had a ton, ton to say. And we have some, some other stuff that I'm planning on doing too, and I'll keep you up updated on, on that, you know, as far as new website, potentially some courses and things coming out as well. But just wanted to have a really quick, kind of give you guys an update on. Summer plans, like I said, we're, I'm really excited to be able to travel, but I will be putting the podcast on hold probably until September so that I can just be really present and really enjoying of my time, which is part of success engineering, part of what it means to, you know, be successful. You know your work at times, and then there's times where you take off and you relax and you get to have a break. So this is a short. Short update from me. Um, thank you guys for listening. It's always, I always appreciate it. I always appreciate the comments and the feedback I hear from you. And as always, keep engineering your success.

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