Down to Birth

#161 | Four Tips to Train Your Body for Natural Birth with Doula Krisha Crosley

May 18, 2022 Krisha Crosley Season 3 Episode 161

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You may remember today’s guest from episode #105: Tips for Supporting Women in Labor with Guest Host Doula Krisha. This time, Krisha of @serenitylifedoula returns to the show to discuss her effective techniques for "training" - in the athletic sense - her clients for a natural birth. As a former collegiate athlete, Krisha has developed a methodology for training your mind and body to have your easiest, fastest, and safest birth. Today, she explains her four key steps to get there and how you can utilize these practices at home to get your mind and body in the best birth shape.

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Work with Cynthia:

Work with Trisha:

Please remember we don’t provide medical advice. Speak to your licensed medical provider for all your healthcare matters.

I see many women in the tub end up their knees in a not in a full forward leaning position like hands and knees, but kneeling as the baby is exiting the pelvis. And that is because it's natural for the knees to be in in the feet, the feet to be out, your body position during pregnancy is very vital. We are going to modify and train the body that's in front of us, it doesn't matter size shape, you can still train any body. And you know, so many of these are linked specifically to the fact that they were deprived of water specifically to the fact that they were not allowed to eat specifically to the fact that they were put on their spine. Those are interventions. So if we could remove all of those, the word on the street about childbirth wouldn't have been so negative, which wouldn't be feeding all the fear around giving birth.

I'm Cynthia Overgard, owner of HypnoBirthing of Connecticut, childbirth advocate and postpartum support specialist. And I'm Trisha Ludwig, certified nurse midwife and international board certified lactation consultant. And this is the Down To Birth Podcast. Childbirth is something we're made to do. But how do we have our safest and most satisfying experience in today's medical culture? Let's dispel the myths and get down to birth.

Hi everyone, I'm Krisha. I have been a certified birth doula for eight years with Dona International. I have developed train for birth workshop and I love love love training expecting parents for their birthing game day at 34 plus weeks. I am so excited to be with you ladies today. I really enjoyed my time with episode 105. When we talked about partners at birth, I very much enjoyed it had a lot of fun. So I'm super excited that y'all have asked me back to do another podcast with y'all.

We're so happy to have you back. Krisha thanks so much.

So we think that you have a unique style of teaching women about how to have their best birth because so often we're hearing about positioning and labor, but it's mostly just around like, you know, being upright, not being on your back, making sure you're walking, and then all about baby's position and how to optimize that. But what you have to offer is this whole method of training your body in a way that is going to make you physically more capable of birthing your baby in the easiest and fastest way. So we gotta know, let's start off by talking about why this is so important. Because you know, we've been doing this for millions of years. And if we do nothing, the baby is still going to grow and come out of us. Let's start start with why it is so incredibly beneficial to physically prepare your body. Your a comparison is to a marathon which I'm sure is a very daunting analogy to many people who have never run a marathon. But tell us what you mean by that when you say that?

Well, I've been an athlete all my life. So all I know is to train for stuff, practice, practice, practice. And I am a firm believer a woman's bodies created birth her baby and will stretch just enough to have her baby. Yes, we've been birthing babies for a really long time on this planet. I think in society, we've gotten really far away from that and discouraging moms that our bodies aren't created and they need some sort of medical intervention. I don't believe in that at all. My philosophy is, I'm going to train you like an athlete. And the day you step up to that starting line to run your birthing marathon you're going to be prepared physically and mentally. That's how athletes train, we train, we train, we practice we practice the day we step on the court the track or the field and do our sporting event. You can do the same thing for childbirth, you're gonna work hard, you're gonna burn a lot of calories, you're gonna sweat, you're gonna cry, you're gonna bleed, you're gonna be utterly exhausted, and you still have to cross that finish line to get your biggest reward is compared just like to a sporting event. So over the last few years, when I went out of hospital, I started really watching how moms labor, what positions are they getting into what movements are they doing? Are they lifting their leg? Are they getting on their toes? What are they doing lifting on their belly? And then I was like, Oh my gosh, I can train expecting moms, how to do this, how to build that endurance in that stamina, to run their birthing marathon. So that's how train for birth was born. And it's all about practice. 34 plus weeks is what I recommend. We have a baby bump, we get to figure out you know how our body moves with that bump, and pay attention to what our body's doing, because your body's going to guide you through labor and where you're going to feel Low power to your body and this birthing process you're born with and run your marathon. So it actually makes it one you're prepared physically to, you're gonna be prepared mentally, because you're going to step up to the starting line, you're birthing Game Day with competence and know that you can do this.

So this is really interesting because here we are on a call talking to a performance athlete about how to train for birth and treat it like a competition and like the day you show up, it's like you're you're very, you know, bringing your best self to it, and that you the labor begins, and you're at the starting line, and you kind of like, give it all your gumption, and you've been training for it. And then we also have hypnobirth. We're here with the HypnoBirthing instructor where we're talking about, like, how we completely settle into our body and release tension and relax into the process. So I find this interesting juxtaposition. How do we, how do we use both of those things? What does that what does that look like? So tell us more.

It's more of the mentality way of training for an athlete, because you get in your zone, you put like your blinders on. And you get in your mental zone and you play, right, because you practice. So when you practice, practice, your body just does it. So it's still about the mindset. This is interesting, because they're each about mindset and focus, but in different ways. Cynthia, do you have any? Any other thoughts on that?

Yeah, no, it never even occurred to me that it was remotely contradictory to HypnoBirthing. To me, it's perfectly congruent with HypnoBirthing. So it's funny that it took an outsider to both to see that HypnoBirthing is about visualization. It's about breath. And it's about focus. So even if you're doing an exercise, you know, if you're, it's kind of like, you know, if I'm holding tree pose in yoga, or in the years, I was learning how to do that, I would sometimes visualize my leg turning into a cement pillar. So there's always visualization no matter how active you are. And there's always breath. But focus is really the key. And it's the one in HypnoBirthing, that gets ignored because it is the hardest of the three focuses the hardest when you focus. That's really where your power is. And I think it's perfectly congruent with the stuff that Krishna teaches. It's, it's, I'm so glad you asked that question. Because people must be asking that there are a lot of MIS conceptions about HypnoBirthing, where you have to zone out and, you know, just go with the flow. Yeah, no, at all just smell it. It's perfectly congruent with actually every approach, because it's it's the mental work and the breath and the physiology.

It all goes together. It's that 80 20% versus 20%. Physical, I rely heavily on that 20% physical and really train it's the 80% mental that we hear on why we can't do it. Oh my gosh, you're nuts for thinking about having a natural birth or a home birth or any of those. It's the mental part we hear from society and how we're conditioned that, oh, just go to the hospital, get your drugs and have a baby. Well, not. That's not for everyone.

Let me ask you a quick question. You mentioned 34 plus weeks, were you actually indicating that they can not do this training up until 34 weeks, and then they can work really, really hard in the last couple of months? Or where were you saying about 34 weeks, I encourage exercise through the entire pregnancy, but 34 to 36 weeks, I work a lot with first time moms, that's when they realize, Oh my gosh, this is getting real, I need to prepare. And when you do something daily routine daily, over and over and over again. If the runway is too long, you're gonna quit. So the runway is a lot shorter. And the likelihood of moms continuing the program until they meet their baby is higher, because they'll do it. And this isn't something like super taxing. I'm gonna make you run 10 miles and no, this is like fine tuning, going to the exercises, listening to your body doing the stretches. And just repeating that stuff.

Tell us what it looks like to train for birth. What's where do you start? What's the first thing?

I have goals? Everyone has a goal. So we have goals listed for the birthing workshop and we also go over like pregame warmup, what is your body going to do in this last month of pregnancy to like, prepare and get ready to have a baby? I start with ice and I can watch but when I suggested, hey, we're going to hold a piece of ice to create a little bit discomfort. I mean, they're gonna get oh, because it's cold, they already know mentally, it's cold, it's gonna burn their hand. So I'm like, Well, how do you react to holding a piece of ice? How do you think you're going to react to a contraction? So we work on the mental focus and it's multitasking, breathing, movement. What are you going to do with your mind to cope to the contraction, you can't quit a contraction. You got to cope and find what's going to work for you to get to the other side. So we start with ice.

So what are we talking about? Like how often are we holding ice in the palm of our hand? My midwife actually made me do this when I was pregnant for the first time it was Have fun. But I did it. But like, how many times a day how long.

So we do one minute and one hand, three to four minute break minute and a half on the other hand, so it's about six and a half minute drill. To mimic a contraction pattern, I'm lucky to get six and a half minutes out of somebody wants a day because of life and how fast you know society is so at least once I encourage as much as possible, or your willingness to do so when you can pick up a piece of ice and do it up to two minutes. And you're like, Oh, this is a piece of cake. I got this, then we up the ante. And we do all sit.

Let's start with let me say something about the ice. Because I've heard that before. And I I've had clients say they really liked that or in prenatal yoga classes. Sometimes the instructors have them hold out their arms and wave their arms in place for a long time until they're burning, which is extremely uncomfortable. I just want to tell anyone listening who wants to try this at home, that what you're going for is to breathe throughout it and to have a relaxed face throughout it to muscle through, oh my god, it's so cold, it's so cold to go, how many seconds left, you can do that. But that isn't preparing you for birth in the way that will serve you so well. If you can end up holding that ice calmly or holding you're about to talk about wall sets, which is going to be another really good example. If you can do what you do calmly with a relaxed face and physiology. That's what yoga is all about. More than HypnoBirthing I say HypnoBirthing is exactly like yoga. That's what yoga is about. Regardless of what you feel, despite what you feel, can you keep a deep breath, a relaxed face and and a focused mind. So I just wanted to explain the details on that because I think it is a powerful technique. But I want everyone to know if you really want to do this effectively, keep your face relaxed and calm throughout it. About that. Let's talk about while sets I totally agree and it's the multicast or the discomfort as well. So whilst it's kind of ups the ante, you know, holding a piece of ice does not feel like a contraction by any means. But that's more mental. It's a people knowing it's cold and it's going to burn. A wall sit fires a muscle, just like your country, your uterus is a muscle and it's going to fire with that contraction, they start getting more intense closer together, you're going to have some level of discomfort. So with a wall sit, you go night I encourage 9090 I know some moms have knee issues, you won't go quite as low because we do want to practice safety. But 9090 is getting down there in the knees and the hips.

90 degrees in the knees and 90 degrees between the wall and the thigh muscle. What's 9090 the hips. 90 hips aren't 90 Anthony's are at nine Yes. So

it's like if you're sitting in a chair and the chair is just not there. Yep. Okay, press the lower back into the wall, it causes the quad to burn more, and takes the pressure off the knees, but it's also prepping the pelvis for delivery.

How so neutral pelvis. Tell us more about that.

When we are pregnant, we have a tendency to go to an anterior tilt, which means the belly goes further out, we get a sway in the back because of the weight of the baby and our muscles start to get tired trying to hold the baby up. So we want to practice tilting the pelvis pelvis backwards to strengthen those muscles so we don't get the baby too far out over the pelvis. So it makes it easier at birth to have a baby and not have to pull the baby back into the pelvis to be born.

How many wall sets are we looking at for how long? At the same time, it depends on whether you do well such regularly there are some women that have never had done a wall set in their life. So it's second. So if they've never done it or don't for the first time, they should shoot for 15 seconds because your body will start to burn in the quads and then you're going to start to shake just like intense contractions. So we work on breathing. And we work on mental focus through a wall set movement you can't do but you can work on those two things. I encourage you to work up to a minute and a half wall sit because transitional contractions will last up to a minute and a half. But it's really breathing, not trying to tense your shoulders up, clench your face, you know, clench your buttcheeks trying to tighten some other muscle to compensate because your quads are burning. So we work on letting go low and loose breathing through it. And what are we going to do with our mind it's different for each person. So I let each individual figure out what's works best for them. Once a day, at least, most will probably do two or three times a day but it's the more you do it the faster you're going to build and the more competent you're going to get quicker. We're also building our sexy birth and legs to hold our bodies up right holding our body is upright using gravity, which is our legs, you'll be strong enough and have the endurance and stamina in your legs to be able to hold your body upright and birth. So it's twofold exercise.

So these are your these are your top two techniques for mental training. Is there anything else in the mental training department that we need to touch on? Before we go into the physical work, I have four tips that I encourage in my workshop to really work on and focus on as you train through my program. One is water, hydration, your uterus is a muscle, it's going to contract, it's going to need a lot of water. And it's not talked about very much. But being an athlete and know how quickly an athlete, how much we sweat and how much the body needs. All labouring moms need water like overhydration type of thing in labor, and I leave that up to the partners to help remind her to drink enough water and stay on top of that.

It's also important regarding water to be hydrated in the weeks leading up to labor. Absolutely, you really have to be hydrated before Labor begins, you have to already be hydrated, you must have been extremely frustrated to see how many American hospitals are telling women they can chew on ice chips rather than just drink water.

Due to lack of water, lack of food and labor will cause labor stalls your body to burn and operate, you have to have water and food and labor.

It's linked to fetal distress and prolonged labor. The two top reasons for a C section. So it's it's absolutely a shame. It's not evidence based. It's old school rooted in the days of general anesthesia for birth, they need to get with the program change things. And you know, it's this is the policy and the policy means nothing. So for anyone listening who is birthing in a hospital, you can sit there and chug leader after leader after leader right in front of them, and it does not matter. It's your body. You are a human being you need water, I tell all my expecting athletes that they need to pack their own food bag and water bag and take it with them.

I'm crazy. I mean, imagine would you ever go to workout without your water? Would you ever run a marathon? Without not even running a marathon? Would you even just like go to the gym for an hour without your water bottle? No.

Yeah, look at marathon runners, they do water and food on the way. And when I played the one, volleyball, we always had food. Because you'd be out in the court for three hours burning it and burning it, you're gonna get hungry, because you're gonna start going downward. Because you're out of energy, you got to supply it, you got to put it back.

I think about all the women through the past few decades who told other women childbirth is horrible, painful, brutal. And you know, so many of these are linked specifically to the fact that they were deprived of water specifically to the fact that they were not allowed to eat specifically to the fact that they were put on their spine to give birth reclined sometimes with feet up if we could remove all of those enact those are interventions, those are interventions. And Nature never expected any of those criteria to be in place when you're giving birth. So if we could remove all of those, the word on the street about childbirth wouldn't have been so negative, which wouldn't be feeding all the fear around giving birth, which is what most women feel as soon as they realize they're pregnant, like oh my gosh, this is really going to happen. That fear is because of everyone else's negative experience, which wasn't nature's way of birthing. So it's just like a perfect storm. And it's a shame. It is. And that's the 80% that we're struggling with. So what are the other three on your list.

So number two is breathing. You've got to practice your breathing in pregnancy, don't expect to run your marathon and not be able to breathe. When athletes train, we train ourselves how to breathe and continue to breathe, you still have to supply good oxygen for your body to function, right, you still have to supply oxygen for your baby that's in utero. So practice breathing, I'm finding more and more women are using breathing as the coping mechanism to get to the other side of the contraction. That's how important it is. So remember, your body is going to work hard, you're going to burn a lot of calories. So that means your cardiovascular system and your respiratory system are going to work hard breathing, you've got to control your breathing. So we practice that in pregnancy to prepare for birthing game day as well.

Tell us about it. Tell us about what practicing breathing looks like. I mean, obviously we take many, many, many, many 1000s of breaths per day. But breathing as you said, not just in childbirth, but in life. How we breathe is intricately linked to our overall health and performance in everything we do. So what does it look like in pregnancy? How should people be breathing? Yes, most of us day to day are kind of like lazy bleep breathers we breathe with our chest and our shoulders up like this. So in pregnancy and giving birth is I Teach diaphragmatic breathing, there is so many different types of breathing techniques. I encourage moms to kind of explore and practice and figure out what would work best for them. So with diaphragmatic breathing, we inhale through our nose. And then when we inhale, we press everything down and out. So the expansion to the torso, we have a pelvic floor drop. And on the exhale, we let everything recoil on its own. And that's what I teach 34 plus weeks, a lot of moms can't feel their pelvic floor drop, or they don't know what it feels like sitting on a ball or the couch or something like that. So I encourage them to practice on the toilet. The toilet is where we, our pelvis opens 30%, more, we also have our pelvic floor drop naturally. So when they sit down umpteen times, they're going to go the bathroom, there's a great this great time to get a couple breaths multiple times a day, and oh my gosh, your breathing is done for the day.

And a very simple nuance to breathing that is so important to how you breathe is to make sure that you're breathing in through your nose and not through your mouth.

So inhaling those, so we have an open mouth, open jaw, open vagina. Three is movement. Our bodies are created to move from time a conception and all the cells we move, move, move. So to help wiggle the baby through the pelvis, if mom is being moving, changing positions, it's going to wiggle baby down and labor is going to progress and keep going. So we work on movement through the contractions. It's a coping mechanism as well. And it also takes the edge off versus just being tight, tense and not moving, which causes the intensity and discomfort to be greater. And this is something moms have better control over actually they have better control over all four of these things. So they can take the edge off and make the experience better for them by doing all these four things, but movement is a comfort measure. Once they try it, they're going to realize, oh wait, this feels better than being tightened tense.

So I don't know if you've heard of Elana Trinity bloody Matoba. But she's the creator of the birth as we know it. Movie, which is a documentary with all the water births in the Black Sea, really spectacular, spectacular documentary. I showed it to clients for many years. And she has a whole segment in that one hour documentary on what she calls spiraling, pelvic spiraling and she being very spiritual as she is. She says it's the movement of the universe itself. Everything is spiraling. Everything is moving in the vortex. And when we're in labor, that's exactly the motion the spiraling motion that helps the baby to descend optimally. So it's satisfying to hear that it's one of your top tips, even though you probably weren't influenced by her work at all, but you came to it on your own right.

I was not I realized when I started really observing and pay touching to moms bodies. Laboring is there's a definite rhythm through the birthing process front to back, side to side, front to back. And as a doula, I don't do vaginal checks. And I have no idea what dilation is, I think dilation is very overrated and moms are way too stressed on it. It's a fear factor that's being put into them. But our bodies will move through labor in a certain pattern and tell us where the baby's located based on what her movement is. So if you can get mom to move and continue moving. You'll also train partners to know where the baby is based on what her body's doing. So some don't have doulas some are want to labor at home as long as possible for changing environment. So it gives them a tool to use and be an active participant in the birthing experience as well when they're aware of oh, look at that her hips are side to side, I know my baby's in the mid pelvis.

I think this is one of the important reasons that out of hospital birth tends to have higher success rates for vaginal birth because women are able to move freely when you're in a hospital. Sure, you can move around your eight by 12 room. But that doesn't give you a lot of space. And the natural inclination is just to end up in the bed, which is obviously restricting your movement.

Exactly. And number four is gravity. Keep your body upright, the exercises and train for birth workshop really build the legs and work on keeping your body upright. I also do a lot of hands and knees exercises because towards the end of labor transition pushing, a lot of moms are bent over using their arms to hold their body up and their arms are I mean, the muscles on our arms are kind of puny. They're not built to hold a lot of pressure over a great period of time. And if you don't train your arms to hold your body up daily, it's going to be much harder so I build endurance and stamina in the arms as well for that gravity so gravity keeping upright as much as possible also really helps with the birthing process and helps the baby navigate the pathway as well.

What kind of exercises are we doing to strengthen our arms in pregnancy?

I will give you a simple one that I get everybody kind of their eyes get kind of big, but I tell them but getting on your hands and knees and crawling around on your floor up to 10 minutes at a time, three times a day. The knees would hurt. Perfect. Do you some good mats, get you some knee pads, no excuses, get the crawlin because it also helps. optimal position. So that's gonna say it's also super good for rotating your baby. I had that excuse so ready? I know. Well, I can't even imagine. Yeah, but the knees go outside in the grass. The grass. Right, right. I tell my clients and students I'm like, you may not love me in the moment, but you'll love me later.

So you have women crawling 10? Three times a day for 10 minutes.

Yeah, wow. And I know life happens, something's gonna get missed or whatever. But I encourage it because you really you need to build this the stamina and the risk the shoulders and your knees? Because what positions are you seeing women mostly birth babies in my hands and knees is a common one man's knees very common more than you would think I was going to ask you do you have a favorite go to position for birth? If the client isn't feeling any one calling to her. I mean, I really believe that there's a lot of communication between the baby and the mother and labor. And in the case of a natural birth that commission that communication is very powerful. And she can just listen to it. She can know when she has to turn over and when she has to create space. But in the case of a natural birth, do you ever have a client who and Trisha you too? I mean, have you ever had clients who said what should I do? What position should I go in? And if so, what's your go to? I'm always thinking hands and knees. But I'm very biased because it's only a matter of my own births. What is the and I also read the book act of birth, which also seemed very inclined to recommend hands and knees above all, but what do you what's your experience on that both of you.

Most of my clients go hand to knees naturally, I think it grabby, like can move in the sacrum can move freely, they can change positions. The platforms are stacked for pushing diaphragm over pelvic floor, it's greater force. It's literally physics. And if they if they should ask me, I'm like, Well, let's try hands and knees. They're like, okay, and then they try it and it's fine. And then if we need to alter or change positions based on what mom's body's cueing, then we will but it is rare, very rare that I have someone be like, Oh, my back is good. But sometimes, depending on baby's position, being on your back could be the best position but it's very rare.

There are no black and whites. I learned that a long time ago. There are no absolutes as soon as you think, you know, one thing doesn't work for you know, as soon as you think this doesn't work. There's someone who comes along and says that worked really perfectly for me. And it's it's an ever humbling process. And we've you know, I learned two years ago, there are no absolutes in this. Trisha, what about you?

Yeah, I'm actually always surprised. I think I've said this before on the podcast, I'm surprised how many women actually do end up birthing on their backs, not reclined, though. However, because reclined works, that opens the sacrum, yes, sometimes literally, on their backs. And I think it has a lot to do with just where they are energy wise, and they want to get into their bed and they naturally kind of just move into that position. But as far as if somebody isn't sure what position to be in what I recommend, it really depends on where they're at what stage they're in, and labor and what their energy levels like if we're in a long, late. You know, we're in like the transitional stage of labor between eight and 10, where they are kind of tired, then I might do sideline position. If they are actively pushing, we'll try squat position or hands, knees. It really just depends on what they're feeling like and what we haven't tried already and what feels good. We try one thing if it doesn't work, we try another thing they know very quickly if something doesn't feel right.

And let's talk a little bit about the importance of a free sacrum. Krisha. Do you want to talk about that why the sacrum has to be free and clear and what benefits come when we allow that.

I really focus on making sure the sacrum is mobile when it comes time to birth. We are in a society society, especially over the last couple years that is very sedentary. We sit we reclined back because we're told to lay back you're pregnant, kick your feet up. And then what's happened over the last couple of years hasn't helped any.

And we slouch when we set. Most of us don't sit with a tall posture and that's so important. You are setting your body position during pregnancy is very vital. Your body is the carrier and pathway for the baby to navigate. And if you're putting your body in different positions, your baby's going to grow in the available space which leads to more Are malposition babies and possibly longer labor. So if you can be sitting upright on your sit bones with a neutral pelvis, I know it's oh my gosh, it's so hard to think about. You're providing the baby the correct space where babies actually should grow or spending a little bit more time standing up. Our bodies are erect, we're supposed to be stand up in mobile. So the sacrum is the movable part of the whole pelvis. Yes, the pubic bone will expand outward, but you have much more bone all the way across. There's not much movement there. So I really rely on that sacrum to move and shift and adjusting the legs to help either close off or open the pelvis to top or bottom depending on where baby is. And when that baby's ready to come out. The sacrum will lift and pull the tailbone out of the way. And even when the baby enters the pelvis, the sacrum has a tendency to dip inward to pull this the spinal promenade out of the way to create more space. So when moms are trying to get baby into the pelvis, we have a tendency to do more knee wide exercises because it opens the top of the pelvis and we have a tendency to want to tuck our pubic bone upward because it pulls the spinal promenade out of the way. When baby's trying to leave the exit, the moms will arc their backs a little bit more, but then their knees come closer together and their ankles rotate out. So opens the bottom of the pelvis. So these positions and training help make sure that sacrum is very very movable. When it comes time to birth your baby.

I see many women in the tub end up their knees in a not in a full forward leaning position like hands and knees but kneeling as the baby is exiting the pelvis. And that is because it's natural for the knees to be in in the feet, the feet to be out.

Yeah. And if you watch labouring moms don't try to pull their knees in when the baby tries to exit and then that's why you hear and especially in a hospital setting, keep your knees wide. Keep your knees why, why she's trying to communicate her knees need to come in, keep your knees wide so I can continue to see. That's why Yeah, it's totally for the provider. It's has nothing to do with mom and baby. And the baby's been squished through those. You know, those sit bones, that tight squeeze.

I was just wondering, I'm trying to hear this from first time pregnant woman who doesn't believe in her own athletic ability? And do you see that strength builds up quickly in the final weeks when they are pretty committed to these exercises I imagined that they do but would you do you really see that are women ever surprised and how fit they feel after a few weeks.

I do see that. And it's the repetition and the training of the muscle every single day to be like this is where I need you. I need you to stay here and now let's get stronger. Let's tone and the more repetition you do, it'll stay. If you go more than three days without exercising that muscle then the muscle will start to go back to where it was. So being active is important. Now my workshop could be for someone who's never worked out a day in their life to an elite athlete. Like I said before, it can be someone who never gained weight or someone who's gained 60 pounds. We are going to modify and train the body that's in front of us it doesn't matter size, shape, ethnicity, it doesn't matter you can still train any body that knows the innate birthing process within and it's just flowing power to that process and then building the confidence in that mom within her to know Yes She Can

Thank you for joining us at the Down To Birth Show. You can reach us @downtobirthshow on Instagram or email us at All of Cynthia’s classes and Trisha’s breastfeeding services are offered live online, serving women and couples everywhere. Please remember this information is made available to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice. For our full disclaimer visit Thanks for tuning in, and as always, hear everyone and listen to yourself.

I got I believe I utterly believe 100% Every single woman can have baby like it's like I believe in the process so much. But we find ourselves handling the 80% and the fear driven about childbirth. It's the conditioning we receive in society about you can't there's no way your body's never gonna go on labor. Now I truly believe every single woman can. Oh yeah, we're innocent innately within us now. Things happen we don't live in a perfect world I understand that but it's in our DNA