Busting Addiction and Its Myths

Special Request - Treatment Doesn't Work or Does It?

SafeHouse Rehab Thailand Season 1001 Episode 6

Here's our final special episode that we have relaunched as requested by many of our followers.

Welcome back to Busting Addiction and its Myths, and we have called this episode Treatment Doesn’t Work, Or Does It?

Here’s what we cover:

  • My guest Tony and I bust the myth that some people believe in, and that is that treatment doesn’t work. That is true if you don’t do the work and if you aren’t honest with yourself, and you aren’t willing to surrender your old ways of thinking.
  • Many affluent, educated people end up addicted to opioids who might not have otherwise become addicted were it not for being prescribed opioid pain killers post-surgery. The odds are that better than one in ten patients will become addicted, and even higher if they are genetically pre-disposed to addiction.
  • Families can educate themselves on ways to help arrest and treat addiction, and how they can join a community of caring people who want to help our society and support each other in the campaign against opioid abuse. Just visit shatterproof.org to learn more.
  • An addict seeking recovery will get the most out of treatment by throwing himself fully into the process one day at a time.
  • Long term recovery is less about recovering normal brain function and more about learning things that addicts never learned while living in a self-imposed closed system. Addicts need to outgrow their self-centeredness in order to become responsible, caring and authentic human beings.
  • One more shout out to the miracles that happen in AA, and an invitation to contact us at info@safehouserehab.com and to visit us at safehouserehab.com where we stand by 24/7 to help families who are desperate for answers.