Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
A podcast dedicated to female empowerment through living our truth and daring to change. This is a community that's centered on sisterhood, connection, authentic conversations, and creating real transformation. We share what inspires, challenges, moves and shapes us, in hopes that it will do the same for you. Please join the conversation, because while it's great just the two of us, it's so much better when we're in it together!Join the conversation at www.truthanddaremovement.com and connect with us @truthanddaremovement.
Truth and Dare: Female Empowerment, Authentic Conversation, Real Transformation
#16: The Power of the Pussy
Allie and Carly
The power of the pussy. Whoa. That's quite the statement tribe, we know that, and that's why we're here to talk about it! As two women who are learning how to live our truth + dare to change in an ever-changing culture that swings from women ruling the world to women being objectified, we feel it's our duty to rise up.
But stand up to who?
Well, stand up to ourselves and with one another. In this week's conversation we go deep, and we go deep fast. We touch on our personal transformations of external pussy power to internal pussy power, the women we look up to, the current political climate, and how we can start to power up our pussies through our independence and the collective rising! This is an episode not to miss, hit that play button, and let's get started.