Old Boys Book Club

Episode 16 - Fear & Prostate Cancer In Norman Shaw North, Old Boys Book Club, Boris Johnson's 72 Virgins

Andrew Mole and Jonny Lennard Season 1 Episode 16

Episode 16 brings a rare lock-down treat: a chapter double header, as we round of Part Two of 72 Virgins. The Eagle-eared amongst you may well think, 'but hang on, we've only just started part 2?' - and you'd be right. Because, whilst Johnson has adhered approximately to the 3 act structure, he has only committed ~ 25 pages to the second act, in effect rendering his work one of backstory and climax, each dragged out more laboriously than the last. 


Join the Old Boys Book Club - a weekly reading group led by Jonny Lennard and Andrew Mole, Anthropologists by training, cynics by choice, determined to understand one of modern societies oldest (and most incongruous) tropes - the Old Boy.

We have reached peak 'Old Boy' with Johnson, Trump, Farage et al leading the world towards a leather-clad man cave of environmental catastrophe. 

But what exactly is an Old Boy?

In what will almost certainly be called the pinnacle of modern satire, but is as yet unreviewed, Jonny and Andy introduce the world to Old Boy after Old Boy in the best way they know: by decoding the literature they have willingly created.