The Relevance Of Now

Demystifying Suicide & Death

William Linville

Suicide and the transition from life to death is a composite of multiple components that often leave us in a confused or unsettled perspective. In this heartfelt, insightful conversation, William and Michael bring clarity and understanding into the topic of death and suicide, the misunderstood reasons someone may choose to take their own life, and the pivotal role intentions play in transitioning from the body back into source consciousness.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Relevance of Now with William Linville. My name is Michael Connell and I'm here with William to discuss today's topic about demystifying suicide, and when William and I were briefly chatting before this, I was referencing that a couple years ago we did a podcast on demystifying death and this podcast and that one can really correlate, and you may desire to review that additionally to give you more clarity, because this really is about giving us our power back while we're living here and the power to choose, and choice and clarity about what are we really choosing, whether it be on a conscious level or a higher level. And so, looking at demystifying death, william, can you share distinction about the two podcasts? Demystifying death and then we'll roll into demystifying suicide.

Speaker 2:

Well, with the podcast we did about demystifying death, we specifically targeted towards what occurs when you leave the plant, when you leave the body, did you once around portals of lights, life reviews and the halls of honor, making up full transition into and through your source consciousness once again, going through the caves of creation and being walked with your enteritis, the angelic, working angelic and ascended waste realms. Others, at times, are surrounded by family members on and on those that have made a full transition, those that are familiar to you, to assist you with comfort and familiarity as you're stepping up all these echelons of vibrational frequencies and going through your halls of honor, rungs of honor, being embraced, loved, held, and each and every step you're taking you're losing vibratory, like when you first step out. Yeah, you still have your consciousness, your presence still has the outlining form of the body and each step you take you start dissipating that form of the body and coming into your natural state.

Speaker 1:

Real quick. Well, because I've really brought up a big question about suicide. Can that happen with suicide? Does that happen when people commit suicide?

Speaker 2:

Yes and no. Number one where are you coming from and why are you doing what you're doing? It's really what is loaded there, what is charged there with so much emotion, so much angst within yourself, like a dear one, that I've seen this in so many different ways. That goes to a party and going there to get inebriated, going there to escape their life, and they over this or they get into a physical altercation and are they getting to a car accident on the way home from the party. When I look at all that, I look at things most importantly of okay, what's going on? Why are they attempting to escape? What are they attempting to escape?

Speaker 2:

And, yes, that has a whole different outcome and more often than not they end up just stepping out of the body.

Speaker 2:

They're standing over their body, looking at the body, still in a state of shock of what the heck happened, and they're still carrying all this weight.

Speaker 2:

This weight, emotion, identification of everything they were trying to run from in a state that they never quite resolved within themselves or for themselves and that situation. More often than not they end up in a realm where it looks really kind of all black in the astral planes of consciousness. It's like a state of a void, a state of an emptiness, and they get caught up in the astral planes and a good 9.9% of the time it's what you're referred to as entities, this carnates, that are now just looking for another body or another dear one, where the corneal vortex of the brain is open and their bodies are vibrating at 68,000 MHz per second or less, and they attempt to go into that body with the current one in the body and then they eventually they get bound out, whatever, whatever, or they're just lingering around the astral planes and they're still looking for call it, the light, they're looking for the pathway home, and of course we are that. The Archangelic realms are working with the astral planes to assist their ones home, but they're still in a state of lostness.

Speaker 1:

What's a scenario when someone commits suicide and they are welcomed fully and make a full transition.

Speaker 2:

Once again it comes to why aren't you doing what you're doing? So in other regards and I've seen this several times as well different ones that just got a major diagnosis of Parkinson's or cancer or leukemia and just basically an unperceivably unovercomable illness and they're looking around, that their wives, their husbands, their children, their grandkids or just their loved ones around, and they really, with love not emotion, love, genuinity, sincerity they look around and they love these two ones so much that they just really do not wish to put them through all the pain, the agony and the determined. And that's when they take it upon themselves to remove themselves from the planet with love, without all the indoctrination, belief and blah, blah, blah out of love or their loved ones. And for some they do it, so they don't drain the bank accounts, they do it. It's like hopping on the love boat bon voyage, and they do it gracefully, simply.

Speaker 2:

Of course, everyone feels that they feel the disconnect. They go into wishing it was different and wishing that they would never have the ailment in the first place, but more often than not it's not like you get over it. But more importantly is that they leave the planet. They walk into the arms that they're entourage, their loved ones that have made a full transition and they walk through their life reviews and a lot of them are already going through their life reviews before they even take the pills, fire the gun or string up the rope and they make resolution. They reach resolution before they ever go through the act. So when they do go, they're greeted and they're walked through the halls of honor and they're pretty much not 100% but pretty much done with their life reviews and they'll go through the rest of their life reviews, make a full transition and it's interesting because you can tell, because they're at such a state of peace within themselves when and as they go through with the act.

Speaker 1:

So one, and this is so related to suicide people. The demystifying part is it's related to enabling themselves to make a full transition. I mean, there's no I know from a higher level there's no judgment about it whatsoever. And now we're talking about some distinctions, about making a full transition or maybe not. And what I've heard, what I think I've heard you say is the transition, whether it's going to be in the astro planes or fully up to creator levels, source consciousness is in this lifetime. What was their intention for doing that act?

Speaker 2:

And how loaded is it? Unfortunately, many do these things to punish everyone else that they perceive never saw them, understood them, never accepted them, and it's like a like you stick in their eye to make them like trying to punish them, but in reality they're really just punishing themselves and that's the more the me me me thing. They don't see me, they don't appreciate me, they don't love me, and what was me? Blah, blah, blah, where they go into these caves of torment, punishment self-inflicted punishment, obviously, but then it's basically trying to punish everyone around them. And then the ego kicks up. And this is where there's an interesting distinction.

Speaker 2:

I've worked with a lot of Germans in the past that it's like they're doing it out of anger, in rage, not out of law. And that's where we get back to the me me me and those that wake up in the body of the planet. It reached a point where they realized, hey, you know what, I'm off the karmic grid system. They actually feel that sense of there's no have to need, should do whatever, whatever to be in a body on a planet. But then they go the opposite direction. That goes into like I'm working with a girl right now who my life's not going the way it's going it should be going the way I want it to go, or life's not happening the way that I think it should happen and basically no one loves me, I'm gonna put my head in the sand like an ostrich in pout and punish everyone else for my unhappiness. Well, that's in the number to make a full transition into the universe. And now I'll just I'll pick up another body or not, go play elsewhere.

Speaker 2:

But they're very, very misinformed, misinterpreting and not dealing with their anger issues. And that right, there is a lot of misinterpretation, whether you're awake, asleep, enlightened, not enlightened, where you know you don't gotta be here, blah, blah, blah. Well, you're kind of forgetting that you've still been in line to be here waiting for a body to step into. And then the other part is just a lot of anger, rage and pouting because life is not turning out the way you think it should turn out, through your ego, missing the whole point of bookline and sinker of your heart. And it's a bummer because they'll step out, they'll go through her life reviews and then they'll be stepping right back in because they've never dealt with the issues that got them in that state in the first place, which is a little, tiny little girl having a temper tantrum.

Speaker 1:

I want to ask you, will? While we've shared a little bit about making a full transition with suicide or not, it's not black or white. There's so many levels of it that we're not getting into. So I just want to make sure everyone keeps that in mind, that it's not as simple as, oh, this person is doing it out of love or oh, this person's doing it out of spite. Someone that's doing it out of spite might have five other reasons why they make a full transition. Is that correct?

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, except like coming back full circle, one of the typical ones no one understands me, no one loves me. They'll be better off without me. That's just a lot of ego nonsense. Missing the whole point of being in a body of a planet from the get-go. Missing the whole point there. I promise you're going to end up in the astral planes, that's just the fact, because they're carrying all that me, me, me. What about me? Notice me, love me. Blah, blah, blah. Who blah? They're missing the whole point of who they are.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, they haven't been aware of it yet. They weren't, up to now, able to wake up to who they are.

Speaker 2:

When they memorized all the Enlightenment 101 manuals, spirituality 101 manuals. Maybe they're vegan, vegetarian, maybe they're breath-arriant, but they're still missing the whole point. Yeah, they're going to start about what you eat, how you eat, what you drink, what you believe, how much you've memorized, that's all. It's like soap operas. But now who are you? I've looked at other things and I can honestly, fairly say, literally, say with fact every death is a suicide in one degree or another.

Speaker 1:

Why can you say that?

Speaker 2:

Well, because if I'm in a hospital bed I have cancer throughout my whole system, or leukaemia, or subsistence and all that kind of stuff. Well, it makes me wonder. Or if I'm super depressed, blah, blah, blah, which depressed and suppressed are kind of one and the same. We go back to asking ourselves, out of so many wake-up calls, no longer just a nudge, just got louder and louder and louder. To our now it's just flat out no denying the wake-up calls. Now you ask yourself, as you're laying in that bed, that's part of the laying in the bed part. Anyways, you have that void between worlds, you're not engaged in your day-to-day activity, preoccupations and you haven't left the planet. But you see, you ask yourself why have I been holding on to all of this guilt, resentment, irritation, frustration, overwhelming, you know? Why have I been letting the world tell me who I am and trying to live this way, that way or in the other way for the world? Why have I been harboring all this stuff, storing it in my body for so long that has put me in this situation? So, yes, I can easily call that a suicide by not letting go and letting yourself low. It can be a car accident which is kind of like a car on purpose. What got me to that point? I could have been anywhere on the whole planet other than that situation. So what led up to this, to led up to that, to led up to that, to led up to that, to for myself to be put into that situation? What is it that I am not listening to, including myself?

Speaker 2:

And you can take the latest and greatest Ma Maas and Mishra. We can take the Tome Tower, you can take blah, blah, blah. How many there was have got the message of? You know we might want to go elsewhere, we might want to start living our life stream, rather than how others all around me are telling me how I should have my life stream and really taking your power back, and really I mean from the Twin Towers. Why does some day ones get the message or listen to the message? Everyone got the message, but to not go to work that day. Why did others go to work, playing with? Okay, I got to, I have to, I should do, I must do on and on and on.

Speaker 2:

Why did they not listen to themselves? Now, is it good? Is it bad? No, because why go into these scenarios? And there's, like all these very violet purplish, these beautiful vortexes that are open, assisting all these dear ones to transcend women, children, males at every age, from synagogues to even the ones following orders that they don't want to follow. But they have to order, follow orders because what's going to happen to them, their family, blah, blah, blah and all this other stuff, still going against themselves and listening to someone way at the top of an ego bigger than the whole European Union that is giving them all these orders. Well, it's interesting because, you look at, they're really not all that powerful. They're only powerful due to the people giving them power and giving their power away to them, rather than listening to their heart and listening to, I mean honestly to their heart, but honestly just to themselves and being courageous enough to say thank you, but no, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Wow, thank you, william. As we just take a breath, is there anything else presenting to talk about suicide and demystifying the concept of suicide?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just Everyone I could say pretty much everyone has had a suicidal thought sometime in their life that they just wanted to lay down, curl up, perish and disappear and leave the planet. But is it really about leaving the planet or is it more really about leaving a situation? If you're really really struggling because this over here seems blocked, that seems blocked, that seems blocked, this over here seems blocked on and on and on, and you're feeling helpless and hopeless, great, let's pick up our body. Let's drop everything. Pick up our body, let's walk away from it. Let's forget about, well, how am I going to pay the bills. Let's forget about my credit cards and cars and homes and even anything and everything. Let's just walk away from it for a while, take a breath. You don't have to.

Speaker 2:

No one's making you do what you do, when you do it, you do the work. Do this enslave to barely make the bills, whatever it may be? No one's making you be in an awkward relationship, which really just means the ability to relate. No one's making you live where you live, when you live, how you live. The universe is bigger than any borders. Now asking yourself, give yourself permission to walk away. Step out of all of that hoopla, mental health, whatever, whatever excuse you want to give yourself. Well, you still are a creator. You still are that light in what you are. Everyone has options to go a different direction. I live in a communist country. Great Move, I mean. No one's making you put your head in the sand.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, william, for that clarity, all this clarity about demystifying suicide. Do do a search for demystifying death for more information as well. And thank you all for joining us. This is the relevance of now with William Linville. Please click subscribe. Join us next time, namaste.

Speaker 2:

Namaste, have a lot of fun.