The Relevance Of Now

Embracing Intense Emotional Voids

William Linville

Intense, often deeply held emotions, generate the feeling of an “Emotional Void”, that flatline, decompression that follows an intense emotion; yet within that feeling, there is the gift of self-discovery.  Join William as he sheds light on the perceived numbness, that feeling of losing a part of yourself that follows an emotional impact, the dynamics of why emotions arise within your life, and the questions to ask, to rediscover your true self beyond intense emotions. 

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Relevance of Now with William Linville. My name is Michael Connell. I'll be hosting today. I'm here with William. Hello, William.

Speaker 2:

Hello Mr.

Speaker 1:

Michael, how's it going, buddy? Fantastic, everything's going well. How are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing awesome, having a lot of fun and playing a lot, working a lot, just going with everything, as always, and watching all the presents and having fun with it.

Speaker 1:

Fantastic. This topic today is assisting us in moving beyond misperceptions of ourselves and a number of clients experience, when they are moving beyond emotions that they're having based on, whatever the scenarios may be for them individually that after they experience the emotions and there might be a few they hit what they refer to as a void. And today's topic is about how to assist people in walking through the void. And can you describe what this void is?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the void that many run through. If you will, it's much like. You reach this point, you end the race, if you will, like you reach the end of a marathon, you reach a finish line and you've been training, training all these eons and then you stop at the end, you take a breath, you decompress and now you're just enjoying the hype, the adrenaline, everything else. And then you reach a point of a void where OK, but they're done, that Everything's calming down, your body is working on regenerating and there's that space in between the end of the race, the end of the hype, before you decide to re-engage with something new or different.

Speaker 1:

And can you talk about other scenarios where people are feeling a lot of emotions and they're not feeling it.

Speaker 2:

That's the difference, Michael they're experiencing it.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. They're experiencing a lot of emotions and, as they're experiencing them and moving through them, they're taking time to move through them. They may hit a void.

Speaker 2:

Well, they reach a point where the emotions are going to run out and they're going to break down. They're going to end up reaching an end. The thoughts are going to end up ending out. So you're going to reach a point of no thought, no energy. In this case, we're calling emotion it reaches an end to a now. It's like flatline. It's a death of all these ego, perceptions, projections, and just it's another death. It's just a death. All of it is about the death of an old way. Then many do become numb and they consider that a void, just because it's like. They get to a point where I encourage you to ask themselves who will I be? What would I be without the emotion? Because it's you that you're becoming. It's actually you bringing up all this garbage to the forefront. That is not you to look at, to realize that is not you. It's only energy and judgment and all that fun, so it has nothing at all to do with you. Then, taking a breath, asking yourself do I really still require this? There's not a right answer, there's not a wrong answer. It's very individual. Your decision when emotion is concerned, why, as creator, creator of all, that is the facet that you are. If I'm going to get to the very cost score, record the effect of it.

Speaker 2:

Emotions, a two-way street, suppressed, expressed or otherwise. But it really comes to one thing what am I giving my power away to? Because emotion, it's a live deity. So you're obviously it's same with the ego. You're feeding it. Now, is that something you want to keep feeding? Many perceive it works for them. Great, I can promise you it's not. But hey, whatever floats your boat. But nevertheless, when you go into this void, many do it to hide. Many go here to the ego, trying to protect the ego. Just reach that point and hit the pause button because it gets stuck here. They're holding on to what was, but they're afraid to move into what is Right. So now, here we are in this void, whether it be numbness, whether it be a place of in between worlds, where we step back again. We put the angel in the devil out in front of you. We say all right, you know, guys, you take it out back, work out your issues.

Speaker 2:

Right now I know for a fact right here, right now, I am right away confidant. Right now I am conscious. So right here, right now, I have no interest in repeating what I just experienced. Now it's so awesome that right here, right now, I even have the realization that I'm not a hamster on a wheel. I know that I could hop off that wheel anytime I wanted. I know for a fact I'm not a rodent. I walk up two legs. I have two arms, two hands. So from here, yeah, wow, that's amazing. It's really is up to me.

Speaker 2:

What I see is all that I can create and work. Now, huh, I wonder what else I can create that I haven't seen. Now I also know, within the very core of my being skipping everyone else's tabloids, words, manuscripts and everything else, from Enlightenment 101 books and manuals to Biblical, to the Quran, and on and on and on. Okay, I'm going to take a breath right now. Huh, huh, how blessed I am.

Speaker 2:

I now can see the journey of all these other dear ones' opinions. Great. Now, once again, as creator here or as consciousness here, I also see that it's still up to me to decide what I would enjoy. It doesn't make me more, it doesn't make me less. I mean, honestly, I'm going to enjoy it or I'm not. I can go on the Atkins. Whatever Great Was that fun?

Speaker 2:

Is it fun?

Speaker 2:

If it's not, don't do it.

Speaker 2:

It's only the opinions of others. So if you can take that to heart for a moment, this is where I mean to get in trouble, michael. They'll look at Mr or Mrs right now presenting in their life and this is where it becomes very funky because they're not quite aware of it. But they start seeing Mr or Mrs wonderful and then, without even realizing it, they put their ex-partners face on them, they put their mom's face on them, their dad's face, that newly on the playground they lives down the street's face on them. And then now it's like they put seeing and put meaning what's really there. And so the person in front of them, as divinely orchestrated as it is to be loved and loved in this whole boat, because they're putting all of these masks, all of these filters and it automatically they put, start putting up these walls. Then they start trying to change the other dear one, to make them fit the roles of what they've seen in the past and in this whole point of who the dear one really is in front of them.

Speaker 1:

Right. So what I heard you say is that the void is that in between place, where on one side you were describing, if you're feeling these different emotions, at some point they stop, at some point there's no more emotion to be experienced, and you hit the void and you were describing there's a decision point of are you going, do you feel done with all those past misperceptions of yourself and are you going to surrender into who you are, or are you still feeling the different fears, or are you still feeling something holding you back from stepping into your true self?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So let me simplify that there's two different pathways to go here. So, number one, I want all of us to take a breath and right now I want you to really put your hand on your heart, on your solar plexus. Let's just take a breath, and right now I just want you to feel love. It feels different here because it feels like a lot of vibrational frequencies speeding up and speeding up and speeding up up and down your whole body, your whole torso, all the way through the feet, the legs, the arms, the hands, the neck, the top of the head, through the whole head, through the brain, front, middle and back, right and left sides, through the vertebrae column, all the way through the torso, going down the back, up, through the front. Now, let's just feel. Now let's just ask it to increase. I say it feels different.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, of course it may not feel gushy and all this other funky stuff, because it's love in its purest sense, before it has something to project towards. That's what makes it blissful, that's what makes it brighter, lighter. It's when love is projected towards love. For many, you may experience different sensations. You may look at a bird and this love may metaphor, morphosize into joy. You may look at a dolphin playing or a child playing, and it may metamorphosize into bliss. You may look at the star systems on the clearest night and it may metamorphosize into nirvana, ecstasy, on and on, just because you have something to see, a sense of wonder, to let love witness love now, and the omnipotence, the expansiveness, but also the expressiveness of love being expanded as you and love being received from the rest of creator in creation towards you. So, yes, those are all attributes of love.

Speaker 1:

And that's what's on the other side of the void and for dear ones that we've heard share. They're stuck in the void or they're blocked or fears are coming up. It's just an opportunity to look at those and make a choice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there's one last thing, michael, for the one saying all the stuff you just mentioned, I would have you step back, take a breath. Okay, fears are coming up. You're perceiving yourself to be stuck. Let's take a breath, let's sing glory, hallelujah, that this stuff that's been there within yourself the whole time is finding coming up to be resolved.

Speaker 2:

Now I want you to sit here and I want you to ask yourself I wonder whom, I wonder where, I wonder how, I wonder why and what is exposing all this stuff that's kept me from experiencing me? Is pushing this all out of the basement, the attic, my hidden away junkyard, all that? I wonder what, when, where and how, in why is pushing all this stuff out of myself to show it to the rest of myself? I know I would ask myself self to be stuck in all reality factual reality, universal, physical, mental, logical and emotional reality. What is it here that's coming up that is being exposed from myself, pushing all this stuff out, not even to a U-Haul, just to a giant burning man, fiery inferno to be dissolved? What is it here that I'm wishing in trying to hold on to, that's making this so difficult on myself?

Speaker 1:

That question is going to bring the answer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I want to ask yourself another question. These are very important questions. I would say the most important question would be whom or what will I be without it? Right, what will I be without this pain? Who will I be without this pain? There's all these two ones running around not wanting to be in pain, but terrified of running around being without pain mental, physical, emotional, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Well, and while they might not have yet really felt their true self and who they really are and their loving presence within them, this is an opportunity to surrender, in that all that other stuff isn't working for you. There's a real opportunity just to surrender, to see what's on the other side.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. Let's ask ourselves this the whole idea of letting go and everything else. What are you honestly letting go of? The answer is simple You're letting go of everything that doesn't compliment you. You're letting go of everything that's been holding you prisoner and hostage Wow. You're letting go of everything that's been holding you in pain physical, mental, emotional and otherwise. You're letting go of all these self-imposed limits.

Speaker 2:

We can blame our moms, our dads, society, the government, but that's just a lot of hokey pokey. You're the one that allowed yourself to be held back Now, right here, right now. You're the one that allowed yourself to buy into it, hook land and sinker. You're the one that decided oh, you, and you alone that decided that it was true about yourself. We can get caught up in the circle of blame games and what it could have should have, but that's just another whole load of donkey pokey, because it's not true. It's just another excuse to not experience the love that you are. This brings us right back to taking responsibility for yourself and your energy and your consciousness. Nobody gets out of this alive.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful, William. Thank you for the clarity of ability to understand the void and understand the opportunities that we have when we hit that place and working us through different questions that we can ask ourselves and discern about ourselves to assist us in being in the void, walking through it to the other side of the loving presence that we are.

Speaker 2:

Now welcome back all your soul fragmentations, all your energy, all your power and rock and roll in and letting you happen.

Speaker 1:

Thank you all for joining us. This is the Relevant. So Now with William Linville, please click subscribe. Join us next time, namaste.

Speaker 2:
