Good, but not the best... a Dancing Gnome podcast

September 2023 with Loran Sekely and Mike T

Andrew Witchey & Jaron Barton Episode 45

It's September and we are back with a fresh episode of Good, but not the best... a Dancing Gnome podcast! We start the show with a new review, including a new acronym that Andrew gets right away. We continue by talking about some local brewery closures and Mike T fills us in on some other local brewery news, before Looking Back and Looking Ahead in the world of Dancing Gnome. Then, we are joined by our guest Loran Sekely, who you may know as an Okta superfan, a Pitt Panther stan and a big muscle man. We talk about 2 out of those three things while tasting and talking about a few beers that we each brought for this episode. We wrap up what might be our longest episode ever with another round of Watch,  Listen, Learn.

 Intro & Outro music by: Kabbalistic Village
 Break music by: Kevin MacLeod