Super Saints Podcast
Super Saints Podcast
Pope Gregory the Great Feast Day September 3
Pope Gregory I the Great -540-604
Father of Medieval Christianity - Doctor of the Church
The First Monk to be elected Pope
In this, Pope Gregory’s influence on not only the Church, but on the world, its governments, its rules of behavior, and much more, extended far beyond his lifetime.
Pope Gregory composed the calendar of festivals.
For his most extraordinary life, his numerous writings and encyclicals, he is venerated as the fourth Doctor of the Church.
Among his many achievements, he is credited with, the Antiphonary,
the introduction to new styles in church music
the composition of several famous hymns,
and the creation of the Schola Cantorum, the famous training school for singers.
Worthy of his title, Pope St. Gregory the Great worked tirelessly, right until the Angel of Death summoned him Home.