the Offer with Michael Glinter

McDonald's to Millionaire - Secrets to Success

Michael Glinter Season 1 Episode 19

This is a story of how a person who started out bagging fries for McDonalds continued to drive himself to find his passion and become a self-made millionaire.  While success is not soley defined by money, money can motivate someone to find their passion and developing a purpose in life. Today we will explore what it takes for a person to figure out his why in life and what methods and processes he took to achieve success.  

Top things that made me successful
1.Set long term goals 
2.Work Hard – put in the hours, the time, and the hustle – however work smarter not necessarily longer
3.Time Management
4.No matter what I had to do, I always wanted to find a way to do it better than anyone else
5.Records were made to be broken
6.Life is a step ladder not a ladder
7.Learn how everyone else has done it and what didn’t work, and then find a way to do it better than everyone else
8.Be the first 
9.Never accept No.  
10.You don’t get if you don’t ask – Take Risks
11.Constantly raise the bar
12.Ask for forgiveness, not for permission
13.Set backs only delay your success, they don’t prevent success
14.Have passion for what you do
15.Don’t just define life on just money but also experiences
16.Servicing – discover what you are good at and meant to do and strive to be the best at it
17.Don’t follow other people, define your own path and be true to yourself.

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