Entrepreneurial Minds

Striking A Balance: Discussing The Sustainability of a Business With Remi Martini

ChatterBoss Season 1 Episode 8

Entrepreneurial Minds stops in Mexico City with its eighth episode, where we speak with Remi Martini a CCO of Yema, a D2C Mexican supermarket for better everyday products. He shares with us all about educating the consumer and speaks on the challenges with producing sustainable products. Join us for conversations about choosing your journey, business approach, and sharing stories from around the world.

spk_0:   0:02
welcome to entrepreneurial mines. I'm Valerie Donahue and on this podcast will travel around the world to learn everything that we can about individuals, which is to create businesses from scratch. We'll dive into what drives them, what stops them and would inspire some in order to identify. Are there common factors that unite us as entrepreneurs across continents? Here's your next episode. So we're here in Mexico City and I'm here with a C C O off Yemen rang me martini. So let me tell me a little bit about the company and the inspiration behind the name

spk_1:   0:44
High. Very sight to talk about your lessons just evolved three days in division with your own eyes. How can we offer rights to people, this price? The whole vision? He's kidding, intimidated and presses the blueprints natural. So you need food and a whole box. World off course. Trader Joe's Vegas exploration off a really nice way close to us, and we believe that Mexican served to have

spk_0:   1:41
amazing. And do you guys make all of your own products?

spk_1:   1:44
So everything is our table's spread in this way are changed its way. Time grease off 200 again this year by next year. 2000 Esa cames by or we are war way have a team of expert like the gist apologised but way to help us creative. Now we basically cops way. We've got everything first ever going to see us way trying to find the best off everything.

spk_0:   2:57
So how do you strike a balance between producing really quality products while keeping the prices affordable? We

spk_1:   3:04
need that is two master master best markets. Is this off? Intimidate people. So right now they cost $10 our city will take far and body and they have something or three. So what is that being that blues cheating, Thio said. You threw off the small is a way to get to cut price to make sure you get 2% off risk used the same. He's special to do that. You do

spk_0:   4:18
tell me a little bit about how you guys handle packaging and shipping and keeping all of that sustainable.

spk_1:   4:24
That's that's how you know that. What do what next year's way? Combustible backs. We try to find the best ever. Even example form you experience and yes is is we set out to make it like maybe something different like you send off the product transforms kitchen team.

spk_0:   6:01
That's really amazing. And I think that over the last probably decade we're getting more into the trend where you know we have something, and then we have it for a little bit. You know, whether it's a guy, electronics or clothing or whatever and then were very quick to switch things. And so I stake you create a lot of trash. So there is a very big education component to companies like yours educating the consumer. You know what their options are and why you're going with a company that focuses on the sustainability. You know what the benefits are for the environment for yourself. What is the biggest challenge that you guys were finding in educating the consumer about sustainable products,

spk_1:   6:47
decisions that can over to, you know, like that used to have a way with healthy, not working for the bathroom, and that's it. We are. Mark it off the mask, the mask, because they don't know what we used to is very direct proof. You go that why vision like nice, why risk can be as well as a number. Second back, we aimed to get a lot off content that next my best or next to last. Better view is how we get the next that we'll be having for us.

spk_0:   8:30
So that leads into my next question in terms off the different generations and how you guys are doing your messaging again around education. Do you believe that there is an age gap in education about sustainability? And are you having different messaging for different age

spk_1:   8:46
groups? That's a very question. What we do know that this is Mexico are being, you know, being foresee this old trash people, you know, wait out just the way it was off off. The story will set off the sea, and we have people. This conversation is perfect. Perfect, perfect experience. Install a seizure while also treating Pryce will be much point. We'll see better.

spk_0:   10:07
Are there any regulatory challenges that you guys were facing specifically when dealing with food and body care products

spk_1:   10:20
from? I used to think it was a time machine. No kind of skinning up to weight loss is taking is your family expert, and force is actually more off commitment. Hundreds in ST Chris wait. Just say actually like, you know you saw the best practices from way.

spk_0:   11:43
Amazing. I want to talk a little bit about the company you guys launched just last week. Right? Amazing. Congratulations. What is that like for you right now? This first week

spk_1:   11:56
is the actually did direction. Great. You see, it is always some little cease to fix last minutes. But so we are very, very, very hopeful.

spk_0:   12:50
Did you guys get any funding or you bootstrapping this?

spk_1:   12:54
Yes. So by offices Venture was stabbed this as some successes which Kaspar Hauser better actually off under. He's also off the way we are. This'd my first experience at Copan walking just walking in, getting access to just stand there. Ex clothes off J stars is amazing and wait.

spk_0:   14:02
Amazing. And do you have any advice for entrepreneurs who are just starting their business in Mexico in terms of navigating the investment space?

spk_1:   14:14
Yeah, I think that you could use these, but wait over with trees. Yes, these If you found it can be very useful for me Best This accident layer off stars the neighbor the blues to go a brunette for off extras Stars and military school is questioned

spk_0:   15:19
Very interesting. And you mentioned your co founder. So you guys have you have three other co founders? How did you guys get together to form this company?

spk_1:   15:29
So his shoulders, where came for you Most want started? Eso Yeah. This year has graciously My eyes is great from refugees that are walk off for the firm. The difference does she Does she get you way? Start looking This year when I was to get a commercial Myers I wa ce experience must take a shooting war. It was much in a year, a year. I said it the way we walked through the team

spk_0:   16:49
that's really exciting. Sounds obviously like a very strong team. What would you say is the biggest challenge that entrepreneurs are facing right now in Mexico?

spk_1:   17:00
Do these change? I don't want to change which most of it is that today the covers so so three years Congress sales representing different categories. So it is a challenge to know touch Tiu and that's it, we expect, and also in Hughes. This is against but Mexico's still great Jeez, where people are creepy, you seats a suspicion because, as you know yes, you know this we go to the U s. But unless you actually no so unique perspective that face between this for us and next thing you know, off private country. So issue inspired from

spk_0:   19:08
tell me a little bit about the philosophy off the stores that you guys have right now. What was the, you know, what's the concept? Walk us through what it's like to be talking to your shops.

spk_1:   19:18
So right way have a kind of stuff. They that made the best as we could be. Nora off 50. But trouble is, you always get always just track people. These people understand what people wear, what mortal Just say a mass for will start your place. Haven't tried just one stop solution and you tell her place way out to replace lost war is pretty nice to be on that respect.

spk_0:   20:33
So what I'm noticing about spending just a few days in Mexico City is just the how the hospitality industry is just like yours. I believe ahead other countries in terms off how you're being serviced, like the service industry and how helpful everyone is and just truly having a connection with everyone when walking, you know whether it's walking into a coffee shop or a store, or even a cool working space like this. Tell me a little bit about how you guys are planning to do your hiring for these stores. What kind of people are you looking for? Thio. Complete the experience. It's store experience.

spk_1:   21:12
I was walking off. What? For me? Where's the offense? Something so well, in our case that people still stalls trying week ISS the expert Make sure that people used to still happen each and your skates off. So, yes, that's meeting with beautiful. Is the treatments the water wise way together, We can change. Good. And how can kids you know through, you know, best? Yeah.

spk_0:   22:49
Yeah, that definitely makes sense. And my last question, you're a serial entrepreneur. Water the lessons that you learned from your past businesses that you're bringing to you, Emma.

spk_1:   23:00
So, in case, you know, I think I'm saying that this is my biggest contribution. Experience has changed. Who start comparing while she was in a box. It wasn't involved in the war. Be trained. Many machines, Description, boss Way street for men was Was was. Is that why don't you? Why don't you come from Tracy? Crash needles and I suppose it was because not indoors. So it was previously. But way have a great great missile. Something that face created amazing office. So only two horses for $8 you get terminals to get this get get. The problem is, once we got more so go making silly frustration. Wegener's the first thing that I always try to be with you today. Today's rule?

spk_0:   25:31
Yes. So you actually beaten to the punch? I was going to ask you. Where do you expect us to see Emma in a year? Five years on? And you just answer that. So will be. And any plans, Thio. What would be the next country that you guys

spk_1:   25:48
so is low. She exposes you to cease in Mexico. Well, you know, you're best off

spk_0:   26:34
amazing little Cuban on for you. Thank you so much for joining today. What's really wonderful meeting?

spk_1:   26:39
You t talk in English for recent off, maybe. Congratulations.

spk_0:   26:49
Thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode of Entrepreneurial Minds by chatterbox. Our dedicated and on demand virtual executive assistant team specializes in supporting entrepreneurs and business owners with pretty much any admin task. Go to chatter, boss dot com toe. Learn more