Entrepreneurial Minds

The Value of History: Discussing The Connection Between Tourism and Business With Frederico Ocampo

ChatterBoss Season 1 Episode 10

Entrepreneurial Minds stops in Colombia with its tenth episode, where we speak with Frederico Ocampo the owner of YOLO hostel, a space that for three years now has created a home inspired environment to all of its visitors. He shares with us all about crafting out a welcoming area for tourists and the adjustment period for the changes taking place in Medellín. Join us for conversations about choosing your journey, innovation, and sharing stories from around the world.

spk_0:   0:02
welcome to entrepreneurial mines. I'm Valerie Donahue and on this podcast will travel around the world to learn everything that we can about individuals, which was too greedy. Businesses from scratch. We'll dive into what drives them, what stops them and wouldn't buy or sell in order to identify. Are there common factors that unite us as entrepreneurs across continents? Here's your next episode, Frederico, Come vote So nice to be here with you. Frederico is the owner of YOLO Hospital here in the heart of palm Blotto in Meta Gene Columbia. This is a cozy space that invites Backpackers, couples, families, even dogs and offers offers tours, free bikes, beautiful garden space and even barbecue facilities for its guests. The space has been operating for three years and the location brings in more than 1000 guests a year and has some of the best ratings in the city. Pretty good. Thank you so much for having me. Can you to start. Can you tell me a little bit? How did you get into the hostel business?

spk_1:   1:12
I started working in the tourism business since 1999. Okay, Back in London, so much of the thing that I learned about this business is because off London with the prettiest people's asses, you know London is one of the busiest seat in the war, talking about threes and different kind of prisms. So I started working in the hotel business. Then from the bottom jobs I teach import a night porter. And then I started moving forwards. And then it became a general manager in one hotel, and I start doing tours also in London on. Then I went back to Columbia, and then I started looking for places to open a hotel, lie or tell like this Jonah something in the middle of the city, but more connection with the natural. It's no like boring house of boring building. So I'm trying to mix the national with with City in one place. So that's why I took me, like, five years to find a place like this. And then as soon as this house come up, I took it, sir, Wait and then I start opened this business because one of them our goal, because there's no only me. It's ah, a nice team that we have in here. We always focus to make people happy. We are no folk whose only to make money or get money from people we know that people spend time, you know, to have our holidays means times means money. So people trust you when you are going to Ah, very faraway places site meta Gene. So is our opportunity to give our best to these people because the best payment that we have from people is at the end. Thank you very much. Make our trip for us. Does more important than money. So does my goal with might. My team is that focusing happiness, focusing, making people interested in this city telling, telling the people the truth give it a good advice is to have a very good experience in this city in Colombia on in these three years, we find out that he's being being has been very successful in all the ways and tools and a commendation in the restaurant in all the ways. And the most important thing is that we make friends.

spk_0:   3:36
Yeah, that's incredible. And one of the things that I'm noticing as I'm moving through the city. It's my first time in Colombia's my first time in many jean eyes that everyone, uh, local that I come across. They really take so much pride in the city, and there feels like there is an educational component to everyone, not just people in the tourism and are in the hospitality industry. Everyone that I seem to be coming across seems to want to educate people who are coming into meta gene about about the city and about the history. Do you feel like there is three educational component when it comes to the guests that are coming in and, you know, and how that effects the way that you're running the business?

spk_1:   4:22
I mean, one of the good thing about people from Colombia, especially people from many genes. We have a very difficult time before. Yes, so managed to improve our life because we were very quiet society before, because we were very scared to talk to people. Then, as soon as the difficult time Phineas and begins the confirmation of the city, people start open. They're mine. They want to share with everybody everything that we went through by in a very good way. No, not to make people sad. It's like to show to people that everything is possible. If you believe so. That's why humility, in especially meeting you find a lot of people that say they want to help you in different ways people that didn't know anything about tourism. But they are the perfect tour guys because they are the local touch. I mean, that's our goal in our tools, trying to involved people with local people with local touch, You know, there for people to understand this city, because information you can have information Wikipedia, Google. You convert as much as you can. But taking the information for the real people is completely different. So that's why I put religion like different. They were compared to different cities because we want to show people what what happened in the gym before. How was this city? I was completely different. And now we have a good opportunity in this business to show to people that it's possible to work together to make a better city and a better people. You know them to show the best in our country to everybody.

spk_0:   6:07
So being from a city that has a tough history and being in this space as you call of transformation now, how do you think having this mentality and having lived having the people have lived through what they did. How do you think that it effects like the start up in the business culture? How do you think it affects the mental space of the business owners? Do you think that it gives them a particular advantage or a particular mindset? Yes,

spk_1:   6:38
very positive opens in during these three years and then before mate this hostile. I used all my travel agency also so doing tools. And then I think so. He's one of the The key to be successful in this business is that you have the experiences from people. Yes, and then I think so. Right now, people, young people wants to find out people like the real people wants to lease in the hit stories. You want to know about the life, and that's the good thing about Meridian. We are very open about that. So for business intern prices, you want to become a new business. It's nice to come to places like this, especially in the popular neighborhoods, that those places are very used to be very difficult times. And now it's you see the community 13 Allah, Sierra Santo Domingo that are very difficult places. You're gonna find a lot of culture music, but they are mix with really histories, so people wants to tell people that makes at the same time. So you make more interesting for people. And then I think so. That's one of the issue that in May Minnie Jean more interesting than all the cities in Colombia, for example, talking about the transformation is

spk_0:   8:05
sitting on the topic of transformation and how we use language. One of the things that I've been noticing in businesses around the area and in your hostel as well is that there are a lot of signs and a lot of plaques that say different things about maybe the businesses ethics or the or or the values that they bring. So I noticed that you do have a few signs out in the front. I believe one said, Remind me the one that's next two year old, you're them. No, them. Them that you are the best version of yourself and then also, like a lot of Sinus, isn't in this place. We are like this, right? Like we're open. We're loving, you know we care about and and also yet on the note of like the sexual tourism as well, Right? So there is. There's a lot of communication inwards within the business spaces. Can you tell me from bulled aspects, right? One from How do you communicate your values to your team and is part of that, you know, having written language and then this And then the second piece, I'll want to come here after in terms of the sexual George, because I am seeing that everywhere.

spk_1:   9:15
Okay, with first thing is like as I said before my team, there are Colombians on these people that they're not from any gene. Actually, they're coming from Tom's far away. Were difficult times where at the moment, they're having a very difficult situation. So they come to me the gene, to have an opportunity. So as soon as these people arrive and made my team and then it was very clear with them that this is a house for people is our home for people. This is no business, Okay? We are working because we need money. We need to pay expenses like that, this kind, every business. But if you are focused to open our hearts to people to give our best to people because people come here very tired. People sometimes have a very bad experience in different places. But if we are trying to explain to people that this is no, like a normal hostage, like a normal business, people are right here. As soon as people make a reservation at the field that they are talking with people. No numbers. Yes, there's my gold. I mean, I think so. Right now in the war, we need to change many different way because we're still if we still focusing numbers, we're gonna have any future by. We're focusing people because it's a lot of people everywhere. Different nationalities, different religions, different colors. But we are the same. Yes, but in here, every open that on then we are a very good warm welcome to people. People going to feel very comfortable people going to remember us. And then maybe we're gonna touch these people that as soon as these people go to their houses to the countries, some of them, they're very cold countries in Europe, Atia, even in North America, come, people is no as warm as us. Yes, but as soon as people feel like is It doesn't matter if you open your feelings to people. If you open your heart to people, you're going to have more friends and then we're gonna help each other. So we're gonna be a better world. So does my goal in this hostage. So maybe somebody came from, Let's say, Finland very faraway contra, very cold country with a few hours with sunlight. And they come here and find people very open. How are you? Are you feeling? How was your day? How can I help you on? Let's go together to have our lunch or let's cover this beer together. How you feeling today? I find that you feel will be down. What happened with alive So people would touch that people and then assume that this person go back to the country. So I learned something in this country we can be open and you'll be more with my people in that country. So this is our idea. He's doesn't feel embarrassed if you show your feelings. Yeah, it doesn't matter if you if you write down sentence everywhere, there's one way. Yes. Yeah, but if you mix both the same things, you see love everywhere. If you see sharing So people to start open their their heart. Yes. And they will become friends. Yeah, and then that's why we touch people every time. That's all right. Idea with that. Science is

spk_0:   12:38
yeah. No, I love that. And, you know, especially when you're traveling like you're saying where you stay makes a difference. Because it's, you know, your home at home is your home. Like that's the space that you make to to relax and feel good. And, um, But when you're traveling, I think a lot of the times we don't think about the places that we stay as being, Well, it's your temporary home. That's the space for one day for two days. That's where you're gonna get your energy. That's where you're gonna riff you for, you know, for the next day in to explore and again as I'm traveling, I'm seeing that makes a huge difference. Much more like in percentage than I thought it would, right? I thought the space that I stay would depend on, you know, I'm just sleeping, you know, for a few hours, and then I'm going about. But actually, the feeling that I get from being in a place stays with me the whole day. So even if I just come somewhere just to sleep, the feeling that I get from being welcomed the feeling that I get from interacting with people, it's it's at least for me how I most remember the city. I have other things that go on. But if I'm feeling welcome or from feeling not welcome, it will it will overlay itself into my experience throughout the day. So I think that that's that's wonderful and the directives that you're giving in the language, I think that's I think that's wonderful. And I think that's something about Latin America where, like you're saying, you know, you're not afraid to be vulnerable, to share how you're feeling to put these signs everywhere on dhe, just to really welcome people in and you're right, you don't always, you know, in different parts of the world, you don't always get that, and it's I think it's one of the reasons that people travel to Latin America just to get a little bit of that, you know, like love and hospitality and just kind of and it's true, you do you bring it back and it's Um, it's really cool. We started also saying about the signs about the sexual tourism. I'm seeing them everywhere. Can you just color a little bit for me? What that's about? I

spk_1:   14:42
mean, actually one of the difficult issue that we haven't made the jeans, the sexual tourism on drugs, tourism? Yes, because it's very sad to say. But it's a reality that we are famous for for drugs now for prostitution. So again, in Cartagena, there's a couple of city. They have a very but impact about this kindof tourism. Yes. So places like prostitutes in Colombia there are They have a very bad reputation. Yes, because most of the conservative people think the hostiles are full of prostitution. Drugs? Yes, but as you see it like this for stale of Selena or other posters in many Jean, we are working to change that. Yes, I did nothing to give to their to the society and even to the authorities that we are working with them. You don't think to prevent that? Yes, because it's no is Nova replacing that we have people that only come to places like this only to have to use girls to use drugs because, as I said before, we have a very bad background. Very difficult time with many difficult people, like public school bar. So that's why we are famous for. But we're trying to erase that. To show the people that were more than that. Drugs and prostitution are everywhere. Yes, everywhere in the war. Some places are more difficult than the other ones. Yes, but through there are good to reach him by not your three. Same city. Tourism wants to give another opportunity to these girls. You know them for there not to start working with prostitution. That is much better to be like with us, that these people could be a tour guides. Yeah. I mean, actually, we have a tour doing the nine minutes, huh? Taking two people to deuce places. Okay. To take foreign people to see a different face.

spk_0:   16:39

spk_1:   16:40
like drugs and prostitution. Yes. So because if you stay only in popularity in energy, when I see only a beautiful face of energy But every city has got different faces. That's why we have one, too to show to people. Look, this is one issue that we have. And then if people start coming here to use drugs and prostitution. We're gonna end like this. But in the other hand, we have people like doing good things, people who improve their life coming from that to here. So we want to support these people and they want to fight against these people, you know, then to everybody have be part of the same cake. Yeah, it's stories.

spk_0:   17:22
Do you ever get frustrated with how, um, with how that that conversation goes in terms of, um Oh, let me. I think your problem. Do you ever get frustrated with how, with how the changes taking place or how long it's taking or does it feel like it's happening? Does it feel like the change here in the city is happening quickly or is it moving slowly? And do you ever get frustrated with being here at it at the time, where where you're moving in that direction and you have to be a part of that or you get to be a part of the re education?

spk_1:   18:03
I mean, I think so. It took a lot of time to become like to be like this, like today, my things For the last four years, he has been a big boom in Colombia special in this city. And then I think he was too fast because I know many people has got the same it occasionally us, for example, though the war that we did in a different country. So if you go to different places in Midian will find out that they need more, but is no because they don't want it because they don't know how to do it. Because they the change in the city was so quickly that give you the right times. Two people to be prepared was going on right now in this city, for example, one of the most difficult thing. Imogene, It's fine. Two guys professional, two guys because we don't have a few people like that. Yes, but I'm a professional. Two guides and then I d. Medically, I finish like, a couple of years ago. Yes. And then right now, the people who are doing the news profession limit that they have is the language. You don't know anything about English or any different language. So he will take more time to be prepared. Was gonna be next a few years in Colombia because I think So in the next five years, the tourism with priest a lot. And that's why a lot of foreign people still living in the region on the same, in my opinion, is good. Some people find now like competition, but I'm not. I'm thinking that's a very good key. Indicated teach others because people with experience but people who doesn't live here You don't know anything about me, the gene. But we work together. So you teach me and then I tissue and then we make something good. So I think so. This is the good. They're good fun people like you, for example, coming in a tissue nuts. Many things because being in different countries, you can talk to dying the commoner 13. So I'm like these, like these on condition that so these people, that person's gonna live for you. You can alert for him, So I think that the moment is too fast. But we're doing well at the moment with both

spk_0:   20:29
Yeah, when we speak about tourism and creating these new opportunities for tours and for people that are coming into the city to learn about a different neighborhoods and the history of the city when you start to bring when you're creating new tours and you're bringing people to different areas that previously haven't had tours and income with 13 being, you know, probably the biggest example. But I know yesterday we also spoke about you guys starting tours into like the indigenous communities. So it's, you know, from both facets. It's people that haven't seen, like they've been living their lives. They haven't been seeing, You know, this kind of tourism, and now people are coming in specifically just to see them do their everyday to things. How do you feel like that's affecting those communities? The tourism.

spk_1:   21:14
It's a very good question because it's in my opinion, is a very good opportunity for them to get more income in different ways. On also another opportunity for them to show the people how they live, how they are. But the problem is, is a very small line. You can't cross that line and you make a mistake. It's like, for example, even me or foreign person. We want to go to a very faraway places, like they say with indigenous are and then if you would, if you go there to learn from there is good, but if you were going there toe push these people to be like us is very wrong. Yes, or to try to teach people to use the technology is very bad. Yes, it's good to use the technology but not to lose the traditional issues. Yes, for example, I give you one. It's more example in my family coffee farm, we have our indigenous community and then we head them being one school. Yes, but in that school we don't get involved until toe planted the key. They have 12 years old because before the 12 years old indigenous allow only to teach them their own language. The own traditions. Yes, so they keep the tradition. So it's good. You know, we're not getting involved with the 1st 2 years. We get involved after 12 years to tease them. The different issues in the war live my eulogy or stuff like that. Yes. So that's why we work together. But they to help them. But to keep them like the way they are, Yes, not to infect them with our I don't know how it could say that our traditional different than them. Yes, So try not to mix them. Yes. Yeah, because if we do it in a few years, we don't wanna have anything to show people. Yes, Keep them. Take care of them. Help them. But leave them the way they are. Yes, It doesn't matter if our indigenous off it doesn't matter if they live in a very poor neighborhood. Because also we have a foundation with some friends in Poland will be the school for poor kids in Colombia we help poor communities. But we lead them to be like that the way they are. We don't bring our constants to them because way infect them. You know what I mean? And this is nice. When we bring people like you, for example, to two DUIs neighborhoods. These people live like that. But they are very happy. See their faces say they way. They say hello to you See the way they are open their house to you. This is the way they are. But if you come to put a lotta were different this the way people are so we don't mix. But we learn from both. Yes, You know them to have the same board?

spk_0:   24:12
Yeah. I mean, I've been thinking about that a lot. It feels to be so challenging. It's such a you know, it's such a big conversation because the moment you bring anything new, right, you know, here to the neighborhoods. But you know, specifically when, like the purest example of it is if you're going out into the indigenous communities and you're starting to bring tourists inadvertently, whether you like whether you like it or not, that once you start doing a tour, once you start bringing the people, that brings an element that was never there. And whether you like it or not, they're going to see the phones that this you know, the technology, um, and and and that's just like That's just the way that the information right gets passed. So I'm curious. I know that us, the owner of the organization. But you worked so closely with the team. What are the conversations that you guys have like? They seem to me like very like, difficult like debates? Almost, you know, like how? How do you approach creating these things from scratch? I

spk_1:   25:15
think so. One of the thing die makers will be successful in this kind of business is like we create things that we like it. Yes, we create things that we wants to see in another country's cities. Yes, because we keep going with the same conservative tourism, for example, of doing the same boring tools with the same. A lot of history information that you can get it from any website. Get bored. Yes. So that's why you always trying to to innovate this but innovate nothing to give more happiness to everybody. No, only for people who is gonna pay for the tools for everybody. When I show how you live, I'm gonna show you how you cook how you sleep. For example, who is your friend And you're gonna tell them that? Yes. And then at the same time, we're gonna tell around the history about what happened in the area. But we're trying to get our personal life in the tools. Yeah. So that's why you make us a little bit different than other ones. Because, as they say before your question, we are very open. Yes. As soon as you are open, people get involved. Your life, yes. And then doesn't make us lie easier to make this kind of things. Because we are no force anybody. You're just gonna take our life. And then as soon as you make your life simple things, people become happy. People say, Well, this is the way we were looking for. Yes, this is the two. We are still looking for a different cities. Yes, As I said before, the most important is if you focus in the your tradition, traditional life or your but the way you leaving your city because the beginning, you just live your life like normal Even thought that your life's gonna be very famous. Yes, but if you can communicate that to people, people get more involved with the city's air country. The culture?

spk_0:   27:23
Yeah, going back to YOLO. Um, can you tell me what's the difference between a hotel and a hospital?

spk_1:   27:30
Yes. The big difference between hotel and hostile is the

spk_0:   27:34
s. I is

spk_1:   27:38
is in a Spanish called social Lisa. Okay, Yes, means in a hotel. You have your own room, your own TV, your own bathroom. We own everything is yours. So you don't have to go out. You know how Still you don't have that kind of thing. You have your bed. You look, er that's it. So you need to go to different rooms to meet two other people. Yes. So you socialize with other people. So does the main main difference between the both business? Yes. And then, in my opinion, if you're a traveller, is better to stay in hostels because you make friends get rid of Isis. You pay less. So you have the opportunity to see more in the city. Yes, but I don't say the hotels, but yes, people like Ted. But in my opinion, that's the big, big difference. There is only

spk_0:   28:33
Yeah, but that's a really interesting way to put it. I really love that. I'm gonna keep it, Um, And hostels. You know, I think that depending on who you talk to and if if people have never traveled, you know, goingto hostile that they've been going to hotel. So their life, you know, maybe there is a misconception. I think at least I think for me, definitely. I had a misconception of the hostiles are for young people who are backpacking, and that's it. But here this morning, I mean, you had a family of eight people. They were with their dogs, their babies, their grandma's I mean, he was like a whole and like they were here. And I saw you guys interacting in the lobby and just chatting. And he was like a really like a community feeling. So hostiles aren't just for Backpackers there for everyone.

spk_1:   29:21
Exactly. That's why we were trying to break the world. Because before people thought that hostel is for people who don't have money to travel, you want to spend anything they want to pay very cheap. They went to save money. That's not I mean, also, there's people like that. Yes, but when we opened YOLO the first time, I told everybody here, know this whole studies for everybody from animals, all people, young people singles everybody's welcome here, every nationality. So we're gonna show the people that it's better to stay in hostel because you became friends. Yeah, and then you're gonna learn from young people. You're gonna learn from all peoples on there. We are very lucky because, as you say before you, so families here. But in here it's also all people who stay days. Yeah, and then it's nice when you see the old guy going out with a very young guy, so two different age. But both are travelers.

spk_0:   30:23
I am.

spk_1:   30:24
Both are learning. So is so happy when we saw that kind of things because they say we made it. Yeah, that's our goal. And then we are working on that. Yeah, and then is in this hosted Many people say this is the first time I stayed hosted. I'm not gonna stay in a hotel anymore. So does our goal. Because he's we're trying to get the best for people don't pay that much money. But we went to a body to open to become friends and to have, like, the same community.

spk_0:   30:53
Yeah, it's incredible. And one of the things four hospitals and you know, within the hospitality industry is your reviews online. They really like they make it or break it, right. Like people. They just go straight to bookings or wherever hostels dot com And, you know, and this is like naming their decisions based on their reviews. How do you knowing that? That's Ah, I'm just gonna assume that that's a re big part of how you get your clients. Um, how do you bake that into the experience? Are you always thinking about the reviews? Or is it something that, like you're just focusing in on the experience and the reviews come kind of on their own?

spk_1:   31:31
Actually, I mean, in this at the moment, the reviews are very important because people can have a picture of the places that they write the book, and it's good bye. I know focusing that we are focusing to give our best on. Then we know if we would give our best people is gonna write whatever they want, But we're gonna feed free or trying kilos that the people are gonna write good things. The only thing that we turn to people. Look, if you want to make a review, do it. Write whatever you want, Please tell us if he if you notice that we can improve in something that's very important for us, we just want the reviews to improve unknown. If you feel bad, if you feel good, is good show to other people. But they last also here to make people know or not to make them say mistake, for example, is, But we are no focus on that. We just focus to make people happy, and then after that, everything it's coming in the way.

spk_0:   32:32
How do you take the feedback from from your guests? And do you have a system in terms of implementing that feedback?

spk_1:   32:40
Yes. I mean, actually, in right now in Colombia, most of the places like Terry in four states, our business, who probably grew from of accommodation, they need to prove how they get that back. So it's very, very important. That's why in July, soon as you make your booking doesn't mind a few any off those pages, we're getting contact with you. So you are in contact persons getting comfortable with that number when I would say we're so nice of you. So this is good for people because the beginnings we teach people how to deal with the gene with basics stuff. And then as soon as they get here, they go a little information already. So now we have, like a bridge connecting both parties. And then, after doing the state, we made that bridge even a stronger Yes, and then when they go, we are very happy because we know that person we make a friend. The person cannot make a good review. Yes, or if you're a person, make a buy review that It's also possible that by revealing, give us, like on opportunity to improve more. Yes.

spk_0:   33:51
What was the inspiration behind the name?

spk_1:   33:54
The name. As you say, your low means you only live once on then. I have a vory a few years ago. I have a very but s sparing my life. I lose almost everything. I used to work in a different business. I was doing well very well. And then somehow like this, I lose everything. And he was very difficult beginning really, really difficult to understand Why, yes. Why happened this to me on film? Good person. You always criticize yourself. Yes, but when something happened because something good is coming up. But that time for you to realize that takes a few months. A few years. So I learned that you need to leave once very deep. Does Ahmad How's your business? Relations with your family or parents or your girlfriend? Boyfriend? Friends are forever. Yes, this is the time. This is the person way. Need to leave with your present, hoping that your future is gonna be very good. But not trying to be like a guilty with all the thing happens your past. Yes. So that's why I put John Yes, for the meaning of the war. First of all, yes, because it's for me. It's really, really meaning You only live once for me is the most important thing in my life. Give your best. But at the same time, it's a very easy way to remember people. So if you have a good experience and then you have ah, good bye in this holster when you're going to another country is very easy to remember your love. If I pull for the Rico Compost and nobody's going to remember yes. Yeah, So also for marketing is good. Yeah, but for the some people don't know the meaning. So people assume that they're coming here. The That's the meaning. I like. Yes, I want to leave once. I wanna give my best to in these lives. Yes. I mean, also, everything is like connected.

spk_0:   35:59
Yeah, and coming out of coming out of a difficult time, you know, lots of business owners. I mean everyone, you know, like we were living our life like there's ups and downs. And but particularly when it comes to businesses and entrepreneurs, people who who become entrepreneurs. Well, a lot of them. They'll go through multiple businesses in their life, and unfortunately, a lot of businesses do fail. And so, you know, entrepreneurs who end up being successful, they will have inadvertently had some failures in terms of business in their life. Is there any advice to entrepreneurs or business owners who are currently in that kind of space where they like They want to believe that, like better things, they're coming? But it's really hard because they just they went through through a loss in their business.

spk_1:   36:50
I mean, if I think so. I mean, this is a good a good question because I always tell my people here because I always wants to communicate to, to tell other people my life. You know them to give a key to the other one that it's possible to to improve. But when people lie, they have in their own business and they have a very difficult time. But if you still believe it, you and if you still believe that if your business is make you happy, don't worry, don't worry, because that crisis is very good, because the crisis will give you more opportunity to be barbera business. Yes, because you're gonna force yourself to find the exit toe improve. So is good because it forced you because nobody's gonna be with you. It's only you is your business. You are trying to to be somebody you want to become your business, to be very successful. It's only you need to work hard because everything is easy From the beginning, you have to be very worried. Business is still very easy all the time. You need to think Why? Because it's very difficult Mito believing you the crisis is always good If it's no crisis, you need to be very worried. This you learned for crisis this you'd be better from crisis. Yes, the crisis give you the opportunity to show who you are. The crisis give you the opportunity to see if you are the right person to toe take your business in a different level because the business is going to prove you were crisis for the fresh crisis. You go down and you're gonna say, I'm not gonna make it. It's no my business. And then you're going to criticize yourself. You're gonna be very guilty. This is no you you need to work with somebody else. But if you believe in your business, if you believe in everything that you wanna do it in the future in your business don't worry about that crisis. Learn for that crisis later, you gonna show toe different people. Look, my crisis was this on then I learned from this that Yes. So for me, crisis are very important.

spk_0:   39:22
Burger, that was really good. You just You made something so negative. I mean, honestly, you, as you were talking like you really sold me on, like having a crisis. I was like, Well, like we haven't had a crisis in a long time. I'm like, I really need one. So that was that was actually I thought that that was very, very motivational to wrap things up. What is the one thing again? You know, you having this, You know, being in the hospitality business here in Meta Gene, what is the one thing that you wish travelers would know before they come to Colombia? That's a

spk_1:   39:57
very nice question that you're gonna find a very nice people that you're gonna find a nice places to see by yourself on Tried to escape the traditional places. Try before you coming to Colombia. Tried to search different times, different cities, the normals places that people go and you're going to find the real Colombia. Yes. And then if you come here very open, you're gonna learn from many people. You're going to have a very good time in Colombia, but try to go to different places because I mean, I'm from Colombia. But I can tell you that this is a paradise with different kind off places to visit on a different kind of people. And then if you if you have the opportunity to see that at the end of your trip you will find out that in one place different cultures, different people, different places can be in the same country. And then you're going to live with a big smile. And then before you came to Columbia so So I think in our reputation that we have before so for you not to come to Colombia to do that kind of things. Yes, because you won't help us. Yeah, you will help us if you come to be beated us to see us to learn from us. And then you're going back to your country and your friends family that we are more than they normally seen that normally people know about Columbia.

spk_0:   41:44
Thank you so much. It's been, you know, as I've been again moving through Mother Jeanne and meeting different people in having different conversations, I actually haven't had a lot of opportunity here to dio interviews. And so I You have been such a lovely example of encompassing everything that I personally have been experiencing here in the city, which is just just very kind people, people who are just so eager, so, so eager to share their experiences, to share their life that are just so open. And I've been learning so much. And so this has been so wonderful. I feel like in one conversation you really encompassed kind of like all of the people that I have met and in such a positive way, and and you've really colored for us, you know, a little bit of the city a little bit about your business a little bit about yourself and as a representation of the people here, I thought it was really wonderful. So I really, really thank you for your time.

spk_1:   42:46
No, thank you for being with us. Something to do. This kind of things with us is very important. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode of Entrepreneurial Minds by chatterbox. Our dedicated and on demand

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