Entrepreneurial Minds

A Form of Healing: Exploring the Business of Expression With Sigfrid Mora

ChatterBoss Season 1 Episode 14

Entrepreneurial Minds checks in on Columbia with its fourteenth episode, where we speak with Sigfrid Mora, the owner of Sigtattoo in the old district of Cartagena. Sigtatoo has been in business for 12 years now, creating beautiful and intricate designs for their clients. Sigfrid shares with us all about the unique challenges that come with running a business, the way that social media plays a role, and the growth of tattoo artists over the years. Join us for conversations about choosing your journey, having a technique, and sharing stories from around the world.

spk_1:   0:02
welcome to entrepreneurial mines. I'm Valerie Donahue and on this podcast will travel around the world to learn everything that we can about individuals, which was too greedy. Businesses from scratch. We'll dive into what drives them, what stops them and wouldn't buy or sell in order to identify. Are there common factors that unite us as entrepreneurs across continents? Here's your next episode. We're in Sonny Carr, Va. Hannah with Siegfried Maura, the owner of Six Tattoo here in the old town of the city. Sic Tattoo has been in business for 12 years now, creating beautiful and intricate designs for their clients with over 10,000 tattoos under their belts, they're one of the first and most popular shops in the city to get your next INC sick for. Thank you so much for having me. Can you tell me to get started? How does one become a tattoo artist? And when did you get your first tattoo?

spk_0:   1:05
I get my first to do When it was John, I was with a friend. We met a guy. We just decided to make exalted rely against Rose this plan. So I get a low in my arm. I didn't realize that he was doing, like, so mistakes when they get my to do so I investigate something. Yeah, I was right. So I am. I talked to some artists in the time professional artist. Um, they tell me the good way to make the news and the bad way they would where it is. Do you know about respect away there? Things about shielded the blood, the oldest older teens, that important. And when you are going to make it a two, it's important to have ah, draw drawing skills back support done. Also there the security for the road for the client from the artist. In the beginning, it was that I had to make something different because 18 years ago it was really weird to get out good place. That would be a good needles. New Neil's that so? I'm Mr Gaeta. I started to making a good two tools with a ll The security There was beginning

spk_1:   2:55
and back when you started. 12 years ago. Were there any other tattoo shops in the area?

spk_0:   3:00
It was was Fran or head. Oh, no. So he he's up. Did you worry from Borda? I did to him as him if he got dish me. So what he say? Yeah, so he teach me. I was working with him, like, one year doing all this stuff toe understand the way it works to a studio. So she lived the series. So I was there only two tourists in the moment. It was a perfect timeto. Everyone get in with Mason was easy beginning, but also that people I want to get our really big the Jews on hard to do to make the party was really hard because I only made the time. It's more to do. Lt's easy to

spk_1:   3:57
okay. And well, the listeners will be able Thio. See you as well in a photo you have, you have quite a few tattoos. Can you tell me a little bit about the tattoos that you have their meeting? Do you have any favorite ones? No, I don't know. I

spk_0:   4:17
just I is different when I get when I make it a two for a client. When I tried to fill it out what they want, Meaning It's important for me to try to find that the meaning for the client so I can express my art. The best for them. That for me is different. I try to let the artist to me wherever he wants, because I know them. I know, I know artist. I know that he likes to make colores both lines and lines, but sometimes I prefer to let them maybe what they like to make.

spk_1:   5:03
So I think that's really interesting, because it almost sounds like it's a soothing year that you get from from your tattoo artist friends. You kind of let them express creatively and you trust their skills and you trust you know what they will create. And then and then you have it for you.

spk_0:   5:22
Yeah, that that's important goes it is exactly that to let them free tow. Don't be so. They feel free to make the best they want, because when sometimes you don't want to do something. But it means something for the client. But you have to make it. I didn't like it much. Sometimes he saw It's a conflict, but in the end, this world the clients want. But when I let when you let the artist to be freeze, the best to you can give the Artist Express the best. Uh was weighted would want.

spk_1:   6:08
Do you have any favorites? Knows days and make like a

spk_0:   6:11
trade training with the last one is a moat. I make you one making made this one and no, this is my wife. Lt's my wife name.

spk_1:   6:31
It's an important

spk_0:   6:33
one for me because the anchor is Waas. It's something that I really like, But it is the beginning off the in the beginning to understand this is style. This is traditional all the school. I didn't like it much before, but when they get this one, I understand the importance off the off. This is time never fades. It's always stated the same corner when I get done. State Burford. Same and the bull lines, the plane colors. Um,

spk_1:   7:20
are there any getting tell us a little bit about the different tattoo techniques? And are there any new up and coming techniques that are becoming popular here in Colombia?

spk_0:   7:33
Yeah, that's it. I was talking about all the stress in all. All the school here in Gardena is not most. It's not much popular, but I meant things year. Some friends from the United States that they're working really hard to to stay in the traditional tattoos. It's important because and they are I still like. Those letters are strong in the area. It's not a fine line. It's not something soft that frayed easy or once the time some artists try to make a realistic colors is fine in the beginning, but in some years, five years, 10 years they fake away You play too much, for that is old straight out. So the important of tribals filtration, a little school or traditional Japanese style is that boat line and strong showers on colors from the reason to last forever. You never have to shop. So it's the popular here, eager to anybody in Bogota on the year there become Kim. I hope you are right now, and I was just telling in states that style that kind off the Knicks that you need you to use to make a really good The original 22 is without gold needles. The different kind Off Inc different kind off machines, you have to turn to set up different that normally use Um, right now there's a couple off cos doing a light machine. It doesn't sound. March is technology for oh, that you look at the machinist Wow is his fury machine, but they're losing some strength there, becoming to life for the traditional artists. It's fine because they do a really good job. Easy for you. You can find Okay, the needles, all the kind of needle that you wanted, all that and he's flying about. We have to become. You have to go back to the traditional because it's important. Thio connect with the beginning off the tattoos,

spk_1:   10:36
so I don't have any tattoos myself. But I've heard from from friends that do is once you get one tattoo, it opens like it's a gateway. You cannot stop at one, but I must get more

spk_0:   10:51
or no now are really secret that it's a signal for two R's would never say that, will you will get like attitude. It is now, but in fact is it's true. So at the beginning, I wouldn't say much Now I do for one because we know that you will come back later. But you will come back to get another one then. Then you start about 18 is when you get out, get something good, you will have something better. So you get a look to the future in six months or years to one something better similar. And you know, I do know. Is that not a change in your war, but you get something, beauty, your body. So I want to be

spk_1:   11:46
what? We'll have some more.

spk_0:   11:47
So star getting more and more. No, not in exchange is too much.

spk_1:   11:53
I know that tattoos are often used as a form of healing. Would have been some of the most meaningful works that you've had a chance. Thio create for clients

spk_0:   12:04
spreading the styles for sample the invasion of the Japanese. The release Take the trouble. There is something I think more important before for hell is the for example, a girl woman She she lost his her hale so she can see sons based in head. Yeah, so I made her like a small shares in the hair, Huh? So when she goes to the mirrors, he started crying and she was really happy. And that's important because you feel better with herself. Yeah, and so another at the scar covering scarves.

spk_1:   13:01
Yes, I've heard of that for

spk_0:   13:04
a woman. For a simple some in the valley. Bottom two scars. Really big scar. So Kovar weeks, flowers, more flies She can I can see her face in the mirror. She gets happy. Really happy. Yeah. So this important for me to help the people in the way for simple some woman's also lost the way we make, like a ballistic table. Okay, that helps to watch, too. Feel better? Yes. Now she have to picture.

spk_1:   13:47
Yeah, that's interesting. I've seen some really beautiful work with off tattoo artists after women have under bond vasectomies. And yeah, sometimes they choose the really sick and sometimes like flowers or something. So sunny, so beautiful on.

spk_0:   14:07
And this up There's no I want to have ah, palm tree or tired. All right, That there is something that you have to fix in the and the breast. Only for like, a steady way. And so that is no artist Make something to help the people. So that's important. Also Deuce another kind off people, for example. Some friends that like war, they always do it like you were a You did a great job I like, or someday will try together to do with you started years. And you I know I don't have the morning for. Come on, Let's do it. I know you from years ago. I do want something. I do it. Something will get for you.

spk_1:   15:14
Yeah, sure. So you mentioned the term before a pseudo cat tour, and I've never heard that term before. And can you tell me a little bit about what you mean by that

spk_0:   15:24
job? So it's, um it's a new war solo artist. So traditional artists used because there is only two artists they these started. Yeah, they learn to do it. They're in six months. They think that they are the only two artists in the world so 18 that what they do is the best war on. They know there was no That's the difference between a realtor tours on the new doors. Not all off course. They have rice to get to get better than anyone, but they These skips on steps that you have to learn for several down there. Really good doing that. But they lost some things about the blue form, but two years on a ll the about to take care of the tombs when they doing that without 100% cleaning stuff. So, yeah, they do great pictures with for the shop they put in the social network Words all picture A. This is a good picture. Yeah, they're fakes. They're getting like influencers. This is another for traditional to ours is not the right way to make it. It's it's valid for them. But for me, I get my with with that because he's are really hard way together. Good tattoo artists are PC Way to pay for publicity. You're keeping the shooting. The clients with fixing the pictures for the show are That's

spk_1:   17:38
yeah, it becomes like a deception. Yeah, that that's what you're gonna get your front

spk_0:   17:44
thugs for. Simple. They're always all the weeks. Come, client,

spk_1:   17:49
may I get

spk_0:   17:50
these with a big way? Say that he's finally but a Then you see these? It's all played out. They are afraid about what they're doing. Yeah, it looks right in this the first moment, but just 20 days. You lost world you to do so because they don't know they don't have experience to make that they think they're is the same the paper than in this kid. Sure know. After Morris years and years, I have been to do it 18 years. I have this business 12 year by being between 18 years. So every year, And there something. Last month I learned something new. Yeah, girls was traveling. Tuffy. I'm asking for all the artists that younger than me. Hey, how do you do that? Centers. You do these and change. These are changed that there every day. So I didn't know everything but the do seu artist stating that they know the team that no brands, they they buy the expensive machines. They're not the best by there. The first thing that the buy is the last cell phone. Yeah, the last iPod. Because thinking that with this is not prefer to some too. Find some friendly streak and they show me a little too is healed perfectly. He operated this. The colors stay. How How long did you did? Maybe starting a three years ago. I stay perfect. Most important for me.

spk_1:   19:47
So it says thank you for clarifying that because I was trying to think, OK, what could have possibly so? But I should I do understand your explanation. And I think that and I can see how the two confused together that you know, if you have a great design skills and, you know and so and you think that, like like that might be sufficient. But obviously there is. You know, that's half of it, right? And then the other half is the technique. It's he's working with the body and working with the skin, and it's having integrity when it comes Thio, the cleanliness of the supplies, the cleanliness of the space and that technique is super important for people who are, you know, considering getting, you know, I don't know, maybe their first sectors or their second. Whenever there's any what is what? What should somebody look for? What kind of questions should they ask before choosing a tattoo? Artists

spk_0:   20:43
Years ago I answered that My answer West, I guess. Try to see the pictures. Take your time. Washington. The pictures. Try to see the lines, but now with the foot, the shop, ISI, CTU. So you can fix the lines. You can finish the showers. You put more colors sometimes, for example, so kinds are like some dark skin on they fixing for the show. Hamza White skin Persons. It's obvious that used for the shop to make it more lighter, lighter picture. That's not the way you do report the four year so it's well today is really hard to find a Contra Torrey for tourists. You don't know people hear me down. So is higher for you to find out the darkest because they have all the pictures in the East around Facebook. But the important thing is, for example, too, to wash so one toe, one else that you how how he'll ask for any how is suited to ours. Tried to talk to him when you made are trying to talk to him, so I figure it out. See if it's, uh, it's direct to do answers important to us about the place. Hey, can I see your place before to get to? If I answered yes, why not? Sure. Come in. Take a load off your time. Ask me as many as you like. It's a good artist because I don't scare the bar. No scare about if you want to take 12 times two times if you can come 10 times and you don't get to do it, doesn't mark to me is you're my client. But if some artists they get Mark if US a seat, use new needles they get. Not for that. With what? Yeah, this answer. Dasher here. He got a lof you Nils will use. And you knew, You know, every time. Um, yeah, but that is really hard to find. Two artists because the today the social worker's easy to fix all the places on the picture. Sometimes they show you a big share where you will see it. Now there's no it's really hard, but you have to take your time. The teams take your time for the signs If you can see some reviews for see

spk_1:   24:06
Yeah Are you finding a lot of people who are getting touches done while they're on vacation here?

spk_0:   24:14
Yeah, Most of the time I have my guys from sometimes I have 10 hours to do so. So Juries, they were just walking. I want to make a suntan precut hand from Colombia on the signs. Sometimes I'm busy, but when I have time on the opportunity to make it, yeah, course I like to do it because I can talk to them. I can ask them. We're city Be said you like the lions and Bata. I like to talk to the people from seated In fact, I have, like, two months ago. 10% from Switzerland. Okay? They contact May before way before to get here after Hannah on they all get those 10 people for our country is important for me. I surprise. Oh, my entire day too.

spk_1:   25:24
Did they get something in particular? Was it like something matching with them

spk_0:   25:30
in particular is the You find out brick Colombian. Besides, okay, Altero, I find search. I send them signs on issues. What with meaning, for example, there I s o a frog. A different kind of animals or off other meanings. They like their designer. They get Colombia. Deduce

spk_1:   26:07
is their most is their most popular design That keeps coming up for for your clients.

spk_0:   26:16
Um, years ago they were just like 10 years ago. It was a long days doing stars when stars stars big stars. But no, no, no, it's changing now is different Now. I know this may be some writing, writing stuff, but I like it because you can always make a different kind off right into I respect that. I don't think this is the same.

spk_1:   26:45
Yeah. Um are there any do you feel like there are in a unique kind of challenges of running a business like yours. Here, Hannah, Are there any unique challenges to running a tattoo shop in Cartagena that you're finding unique problem like other problems? But is there a specific kind of difficulty off course? You could have a tattoo shop anywhere in the world, but here in Cartagena is there something about running this kind of business That challenging

spk_0:   27:30
Chinese this time is that now there's there are more Artie's, they're more places. So now here in this area, there's like, seven or 10 more. The two partners. So they are doing war for get clients with a social world school paying for police diesel now is a competition with Try to get some clients, try to make some free tattoos or she burnt the Jews. I don't share that because form A is no about to be sheep or expensive to do is just what you want. Get what you want to pay for what you get. Yeah, so, um, but the artists are doing that. We're in going down with the prices on the rent is going high, so it is really hard if I have a price even the tourists. She can pay that back. He could say a is the middle of the blood, the price in other places he preferred to go. There is something that feels some, some months you can feel it. You can see there's something happening, but I have us room portfolio and strong work on doing good tattoos. For 12 years in this place I have my clients on. They know me. So it's important to work hard every day. You cannot just feel, uh, okay, you know, go for the soul. I do. I feel so different and that you have to war every day. Doing Good Tuesday Picture Bos answered. The people that support.

spk_1:   29:50
So we've mentioned social media a few times, and we've kind of brought it up in a way off. You know how it makes it challenging for potential clients to select an artist and to really identify whether the work of equality or not because of the little barrier to entry Thio to have your designs on social media and get followers for your business personally, how has social media supported you in in growing your business? Or has it?

spk_0:   30:20
Yes, it may help sometimes helps. Don't I know? Because you follow me. You can You can get suggesting something. Get the other artists. Also like the same. They're they're my friends, but we are in a in a competition to get their clients off. Course, I need to get new clients. Um, but, uh, sometimes it's important, but with the likes you don't buy, Randy would likes you likes so is important. But sometimes you don't get message. You get new far words, but you don't get my stash. You you don't get it. You request about two dead. Did they follow you? Sometimes it's not important. Sometime he does. But you have to. You have to to war because there's something important in there because you have your information. Are you warm that people can see and compare? That helps is easy because everyone's using social media. Uh, I think it's not the most important teams were some Monsour a slow what you get. This will show me a Let's see what's happening bad. NYU's not true. You have to Sometimes is your slow sometimes are. Really abuse is so

spk_1:   32:04
unnecessary. Getting tell you my last question. What do you know what will be your next tattoo. Do you choose? Do you do it spontaneously? Do you know how often do you get in that tomb? What's your next one? My next one for me? Yeah. To get my next one. Yes,

spk_0:   32:23
I am. I think in right now to make our really big to two on my back is he's Ah, it's empty. So I just wanted to call my body is all I am. It means Strand. I really like it. The lion. So I'm talking to on artist from city. He's a good Frances. I have to make time He had to make timeto start the world. That too on a couple off small tear You don't You don't have to team on the just one. I want to do the face to do one in the face. I don't have any in the face, so I don't know. But I don't know what I really want a small one or big one Lettering on the shirt yet so for no reason I didn't get it. But sometimes in sports have so freezing I don't know if I don't have more I can't go over the o e just lead artist. War

spk_1:   33:52
secret. I appreciate your time. You've definitely, You know, tattoos have piqued my interest in the last year and 1/2 but I haven't I haven't made a decision yet, but you have. Well, you have piqued my curiosity even more. Eso perhaps even one day I'll come back to get him on. Do something here. E really appreciate. I wish you the best of luck, and we'll keep an eye out for what you'll be doing next on dry up or your designs and for your back that do we have anyone to see that

spk_0:   34:30
I will post when I start to lie to you? If I can handle, I hope, like a humble Yeah, sure. I'm here. I'm still here. Off course. If anything you need are anyone needs me for to get her to do Just let me know. Thank you.

spk_1:   34:54
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