Entrepreneurial Minds

The Impact of a Major Shift: Discovering How To Adjust Your Creative Inspiration With Víctor Mahana

ChatterBoss Season 1 Episode 16

#COVID19 Special Coverage: Over the next few weeks, Entrepreneurial Minds has switched over to virtual interviews in order to learn how different businesses are adjusting to this unique time. Our first virtual guest is Víctor Mahana, a well-known Chilean painter. He’s had more than 67 exhibitions in Chile and around the world and at 34 years old, he was the youngest artist to have held an individual exhibition at the National Museum of Fine Arts of Chile! We dive into the current landscape for artists during the crisis, the power of mentorship, and art as a form of meditation (spoiler alert: one of his commissioned paintings is the only thing that helps his client fall asleep.) Join us as we discuss getting in touch with your creativity in a time of crisis and more.

spk_0:   0:01
welcome to entrepreneurial minds. I'm Valerie Donahue and on this podcast will travel around the world to learn everything that we can about individuals, which is secreted businesses from scratch. We'll dive into what drives them. What stops them and wouldn't buy or sell in order to identify are their common factors that unite us as entrepreneurs across continents. Here's your next episode. Hey, guys, welcome to our first virtually recorded episode of entrepreneurial minds. Given we're in a time of social distancing, I figured it's the best push to start connecting with more entrepreneurs around the world. On today's episode, we have Victor Mahane. He's a Chilean painter with 20 years of experience. He's had more than 67 exhibitions and should a hand around the world. At 34 years old, he was the youngest artist to have held an individual exhibition at the National Museum of Fine Arts of Chile. Art collectors from all around the world adore his surreal, dreamlike landscapes. He's also an entrepreneur, composer and music producer. And given our miss connection in Santiago a few weeks back, it's really exciting to be connecting today. Make sure you thank you so much for joining me.

spk_1:   1:22
I'm super happy to be with you at

spk_0:   1:26
least since when you had a distance victor to kick us off. Can you tell me a little bit about your work on the inspiration behind your work and maybe how it's involved over the years?

spk_1:   1:43
Absolutely. Well, I'm a painter. Mostly an artist. Um, I do oil paintings, draw illustration on for a living. That's my main business. Uh, like, 80% off my energy goes there. Um, my main goal sa Asan artist. This is to connect with people on to make people happy with my art. That's the main goal on DDE. That goal I I discovered it through time on drew my client's mission off my work on dhe because when I was younger Ah, try toe be myself and and having a good time. And I don't think a lot off a lot about my clients. But now wear a community. We're a tribe, and I'm super proud of all the people that support me. It's a communication and and what I bring to the table is I am surreal. Painting painter. I'm connecting people with mystery with regard with the pleasure off bish quality. Well, that's mine. Better rest of me of what I do.

spk_0:   3:15
Which, which artists have been You're biggest inspirations for your art.

spk_1:   3:19
A lot, A lot. Um, I love I can start like chronologically because I love I first I was in love off my great, You know, my great on Dolly on then. A door, huh? Over the American painter. Um then I love ah, work off their innocence off Pieter Bruegel I love Pieter Bruegel Some landscape painters off the Flemish countries Jacob Brand Risdale I love it some I have a the painters off the Hudson River School of United States. They are very like very good painters off landscape, like very expressionist I. And now I love Japanese our art she hulk aside, you know, they they're they wave the way illustration typical. I have a lot of influence, but mostly, uh, my my goal is to find inspiration inside me t to be unique and have my own voice that that's the main main business in art, you know, have a our own voice.

spk_0:   4:58
Yeah, and we'll we'll post it for the for the listener is a cz well, where we're able to on instagram and where else But you know, a links to your art because there it's really unique. And I, you know, as I was going through your pieces, I was just thinking, This is really art, that this is work that you can look at for a long time and find different details over time. It's not something that you just kind of consume right away. It's, you know, there's just so many details and the work that you produce. It's amazing.

spk_1:   5:35
Thank you. It's It's like a It's like a song or a movie or a book. You you always find the new new with off seed off learning in my in my work, I tried to to that the the respect, respect er no, they the viewer completes the history. That's the mystery of the thing and the language of heart. That so interesting it's not obvious, is it's like a conversation with open public, you know? Yeah, that

spk_0:   6:22
Yeah, it leaves a lot of your work. I think leaves a lot Thio interpretation. It's almost like a rock shot test that you know one thing. You

spk_1:   6:34
you you project yourself in their art on dhe for one people for another they The names of significa will, uh

spk_0:   6:49
it means the meaning of

spk_1:   6:51
the artist different, you know, on that's that's the beauty of that scene. You know,

spk_0:   6:57
Do you have any interesting stories of, you know, having any piece of yours or any artwork that that you're that you felt like different people are really interpreting in a different way,

spk_1:   7:10
way? I can tell you some cases, e have clients that dream with my art paintings and tell me I last night I dreamed about your painting or some client a commission at me painting toe get to sleep. And she likes the clouds and think clouds to get asleep. And hey, has tried everything that feels, ah, doctors, psychiatrists and nothing and nothing could get better. And with the painting he could sleep. So for me, it's It's like very terrible political experience because we're confident in our studio working, but we don't know the impact off they were that we do we not some mother case? Let me Let me think. Um, I have a lot of history, but I have to

spk_0:   8:31
Yeah, that's that's Ah, that's incredible, right? In order for with your craft to be able Thio have such an impact. And I mean, art is, of course, therapeutic. And, uh and you know, especially at a time like this, right way all need a this painting of yours.

spk_1:   8:58
With all the conflict in the world on dhe the situations that each country leaves Sometimes I wonder myself why I'm painting. Why am I painting? And, uh, And when you don't have to eat well, when do they don't have any supplies are went when we have the social A striking until it I wonder who is gonna buy some art in the O. R. It's important what I do Yeah, it's most important to find Brand are, you know, food Obviously food. But we are the full of the song Yes, that's always important.

spk_0:   9:48
Yeah, of course, right. I think old lino entrepreneurs business owners were kind of all in the same boat, right? We're realizing that priorities air changing for the consumer, of course is different. And then and still the you know And I think that, you know, there's like a lot of conversations going on now in the in the business, in the small business space for entrepreneurs, kind of like what are the expenses you can cut? This is the kind of time where, like, you know, cut whatever you can like, you know, spend this little issue can do, do the bare necessities and course different businesses air in different situations. And everyone is in the different financial situation. But one of the things that I was thinking about it, you know, especially, you know, this will last some time, right? But then it will end. And I was just thinking, you know, versus going down that road of, like, what Can I cut? It's like I was just thinking, What can I continue doing that will continue to support all of the people that you know, all of the all the people that rely on me, like two, and also to maintain as much of, like a normal CS possible right? Because our mental health is like, you know, like, one of the most important things that we have. And so it's, uh, you know, I I a little bit where I understand definitely the practical need of, like, you know, cut everything that you don't need. But at the same time, for us to feel like a sense of normalcy off course for the for the people who are able to do it, who have a little bit of a cushion, right? Like and an art. It's like of course, right, it's, You know, I agree it's an investment. And if you know Arthur in therapy are just investments in, uh, in your mental health during a time

spk_1:   11:32
like, yeah, the times are changing so fast, Andi, we have to be very conscious about that on Dhe. I was really a book recently that way, which had a little bit Brainard carry that made this great book, making it in the art world on I'm starting the book. But I can tell you that the book is about how to make incomes are way off livings different out of the books, out off the screams, the off, off, off traditional art gallery. Um, you seal. There's a lot of ways to get through it, and this difficult times they make us the more creative toe. Get Reed on DDE. I remember the ah word off, said guarding. That saved that marketing. The contemporary marketing is empathy. It's not that I want to tow to sell your product and I will do anything to. To make it personal is the opposite is I want to listen while this Uranus necessity on, I will give you the ass. We're off that. So he's attend that. We have to be very aware. Burying unconscious. Very open. Very aye, aye, aye. Ice on DDE years open toe. What the people need I constantly changing, marry my business. My strategy is to sail or to to make some contact, you know?

spk_0:   13:29
Yeah. And so you were one of the first art websites in Chile to sell art direct to consumer. You work without an intermediary, and I know that that's something. Ah, lot of artist's struggle with selling direct to consumer. What happened? What happened? Your learnings over the years?

spk_1:   13:49
Well, there's a lot off learning to the first piece that art, in my case, you are selling to people to not to. The masses are unknown. You sell to people you know, the people that you talk, that you have our relationship. So art it sells. Ah, Assad product off conversation on. And it's not like I'm selling a shoe. And you were toe need. You need a shoe and I sell it to you. This is like a composition. Uh, well, in most of the of the countries in the history of our is changing a lot, because off Internet on all the platforms on dhe sources that we have that in in 15 years, we hadn't, you know, like like the possibility to have ah website. I am in the past. Galleries are they want the only institution that access to banking toe art. The artist. It was like a strength person in a cave making you were not able to find the day. So you can google bigger Mahane on the way. We have, ah, lot off results, and you can find my website. My telephone might everything. So the the time the times have has changed it on, Do we have We have to be creative. Yeah. So for me, it's always on a necessity First, you know, for when the economy not go so well and the people don't don't buy it because my painting is very expensive. Yeah, the biggest painting. So, um, I changed my strategy constantly on day, started to make vehicle prints, prints off the painting. Yeah, but before that, I want to in the gallery structure that a a lot of painters, a lot off artists in Chile and around the world. I can afford to be in a gallery because the gallery cuts knew a 50% plus tax off your work. Yeah, and to me or the people who lives about the his art is impossible. It's not the in the right and the fur trade that we need 50% could be a good way we can. We can do it. So I started to work in alone and the recent years on dhe it waas quite a challenge. But, um, it's bringing the best of youand the entropy in an entrepreneur mind because this responding a necessity off get the sails and two girls you know on first, what's fairy waas The thing off getting rid the galleries and start on a trip entrepreneur business More forgive sitting in the studio, but we also have challenges. We have the challenge off. Not every year. It's good. Oh, are the cure off sailors is This is different. You near you know I have to court to corpse Ah, good curve skate in the Christmas on in the like in the middle of the year, but in the rest of the year I do Prince draw small, paying things. Ah, men, trees to get. Really? And when you work in a business like this, you you do plan about the year complete. No, no, no, you're changing. I have all my year plant in ah calendar, so I can be very organised with all the things that I have to marketing is a lot of work.

spk_0:   18:38
Yes, yes, it's a lot of work. And how, Like, speaking of marketing, how do you How do you keep in touch with your existing customers? Do you find that a lot of your sales air repeat sales? And then how do you go about, you know, finding and starting the conversation with new customers? Because, as you mentioned, right, uh,

spk_1:   18:59

spk_0:   18:59
purchase of a painting. It's a connection to an artist and to their work, and and it's, you know, it's something personal. So how do you brand yourself? Ros Myers?

spk_1:   19:10
The first is to be seen on today. To be seen is the main thing is your website, he said. It has to be a good quality photos, good content. Um dated periodically every week or every month. I and Eastern Um yes. Most doesn't face with ease. Ah, making good content. I learned that people fall of you and the algorithm may start to work When you post every day you reply every comment and and you may want content. That is a quality content. No, no, you're played the food or your dog. You can do it in the personal instagram, but not your business. Instagram. You have to make content that people can it You know what I mean That Andi I have other other tools to and you want Later We can talk about public a APS But I do too. May male mailing list. I have a melting with my clients. So every month I I send out a letter with how is it going their projects myself, The opportunities to buy our etcetera So it's to be seen for me is to be seen and Toby activity in work and well, I do exhibitions to and, uh, interviews, etcetera. It's it's like a global

spk_0:   21:07
and when you're so when you're saying about you know, instagram and your online presence and it's about being seen how like, how comfortable are you with being seen, right? Because part of it is like, you know, your work is your work. And then the other piece of it is that people want to know who you are, you know, and they want to get to your world. So how much of that do you share? How much? Well, it's

spk_1:   21:33
a very firm is very difficult because I'm a little shy. I'm very sorry. And I'm I'm very Ah, I don't like to show my life and my personal life. I'm very discreet. I know. Discreet is the

spk_0:   21:51
world. Yes,

spk_1:   21:53
but I have learned a little bit off a view in the social media is good, because if we are selling in this case, are but we're selling or person toe and on is the mystery of the person. But with my you see the story off what I'm doing this time I learn a lot. And for example, when I wasa um, about my 40 birthday, I can picture of myself a selfie and posted and contrary off. What do you think? People on follow me a lot.

spk_0:   22:39
Really? Yeah. Like like

spk_1:   22:42
10 people or 20 people in right away because some people don't don't They are done looking for that in my page. They want me to show my paintings. I am a musician. And when I s o some music, our music work in my instagram off art I don't get too much like it's our own follow. So it's a very strange thing. Some people that have solid of followers. They show her life's and stories, you know, in Medio Um, for me, this is more like a right now to think about the content. If I have to show myself, I tried to show myself doing work or or or painting or drawing or enough photo with a curator or the framer. You know, Toby, Toby in that context. But when I go out off the context context, the people, it's like, don't like that bird for for I have another thought about this, that the people who and follows you they don't mean to be in your page.

spk_0:   24:04
Yeah, you know? Yeah.

spk_1:   24:06
Do you have to? We have to find our tribe, and you know what I mean? So So I don't get too much. Ah, travel in the mind about the you know Okay, Go.

spk_0:   24:22
Yeah, it's actually, it's It's so interesting enough. I've had a few of these conversations recently about, you know, regardless of what the business is like losing a war or losing a prospect, right? Like not, you know, not like someone who has become your climb. And maybe, you know, they've left for certain reasons. But knowing that there was someone that was possibly looking at consuming your product and then them saying, You know what, I chose not to or you know, that they made the decision to go with something else. A different service is, you know, they bought a different thing. And I know that in the beginning, when I started my business, when I knew those exact cases, it would really mean it would hurt my feelings. I would start to think, Okay, what did I do wrong? How can I do better? You know what's going on? Andi would really consume me on. I was just having a conversation with a friend the other week that, you know, it's it's really evolved over the years to be like exactly what you're saying. If someone, if I present like the best version, right, like assuming that, like, you know, I did the best job in explaining our service and explaining you know what we do. And then someone said, You know, the chose not to go forward with us. I feel like also at this point, okay, that's a gift. Because, um, people are self selecting inner out, and they're deciding whether you're you know, you're the right person, you know you're the right team for them. And if they chose for what? Like if you represented everything and they chose to go, you know, to go in a different direction. It's because you did a good job of explaining who you are, and they didn't choose you. And so you know, it's I think it minimizes like the amount of negative interactions you have in the future. It's just not it's not yours. It's not your your client or like you said, your tribe. And it's amazing when you get to the point where you are so transparent with who you are, who you're business is, what you're doing that people people can opt out of, uh,

spk_1:   26:26
on the challenge is to communicate that

spk_0:   26:31
way very

spk_1:   26:32
on. Dhe, for me is the most difficult part because you get four from granted that the people knows that you are selling some something, but they don't. And you have to be very clear about the message on dawn on. Don't Ah, miss. Uh, yeah. Miscommunication. O r get to something else. Um, it is quite the challenge. Ah, I have Ah, an intern t o the last year that she worked with me and we made a lot off toe work in marketing, you know, and and people don't know how much work is to have ah, clear at organized on DDE and on the folder sweep on your artwork and all the photos and all the text and so on There's there's a load for that you have to do before I go on life, You know, in my case, to have a good photo reproduction off the work is very important. A lot of money goes there, toe have a good photo. And then I make a lot of mistakes in the past trying toe in regardless, the text in the continent. Yeah, because, uh, for example, I bloat a painting on dhe only. Only the text that I posted. It's like that the name off the painting. It's the title, the dimensions combat Balad year and that's it on and the people don't like that is too cold, too distant and and I started. It's a look smaller work. But when I cross the photo, I e tell a story. No, a leading story. Oh, are you know, on dhe the response this super good people, people a comment more. The algorithm is it's working better. And now I own I have ah, rising cool and no descending. Yeah, you don't post when you don't interact and the people is forgetting you. You have to think that in in the no, not only in the store I mean everything the time line that we have. We have a lot of information off a lot of things, and it's too much noise. And when you have to write your voice, you have to write your voice with clarity so the people understand what you are selling or what would what you are doing.

spk_0:   29:45
Yeah, absolutely. And it's like another thing. Like as you're speaking, I'm thinking, of course, you know, uh, we all consume. You know, what are the best practices of doing something and we can follow. You know, all of the things you know that it says, like, you know, to be a successful artist, you have to do x pliancy and you know, on instagram to this and when you like all of that. And at the end of the day, I think Like what? Six. Really interesting. Like a part To be an entrepreneur these days is that you could have a ll the tools. You could have all the information. You can have all the mentoring and you will And you could still not succeed. And, you know, like because it's something so personal, right? So it's not just I was just gonna follow this checklist. And it's instant, you know, success.

spk_1:   30:29
There is no recites to tow the exit exit. No, to soothe, you know the number recipe. So, people, there's a look. You know, there's a lot of mentors online and gurus and the display any of that. But no one can make you a better about their interpreting your if if you don't connect with your people with your business with with all their concerns them, you have to do before before a communicate. Um I think, uh um sorry. I lost their

spk_0:   31:11
Yes, we were just saying in terms of, like, having like that, there's no cookie cutter. Um, template?

spk_1:   31:20
Yeah, yeah. You know, people I think this to myself to a wants thio and tow you to be original. Oh, to be creative, to be unique ***. Uniqueness is the is the key to I think you owe their success in many fields, you know? So I'm trying to do that. Hmm. On dhe, thinking about the times that we are leaving now with Karina Bayrou's with look down with the economy breakdown and everything. I trying to be positive. I'm trying to be creative and ah, in my inner self. I'm thinking that there's a big opportunity right now. It would be an entrepreneur to be to have our own line business toe degree it new new ways off off living are two ways to different ways. Toe, toe, pursue, pursue a career, you know, on and we must to be creative. Creative is sticky. Yeah, I think the necessity necessity is the mother of creativity.

spk_0:   32:46
Yes, in my opinion, I think it's true. Like people who are like true entrepreneurs like at their like in their soul. I think that I'm guessing, at least like that's like How it's coming from my conversations is that in this time of uncertainty, it's of course, you know, it's it's, you know, there's there's so many negative things going on. But I think real entrepreneurs also feel that, like little sense of excitement, like, Wow, things are changing. The game is changing. I have an opportunity to innovate. I have an opportunity like to be creative and do something different, like the rules of the game have changed. If if up until a month ago we were all playing by rules that we knew when it's kind of like if you were a little bit behind you were just kind of behind the curve and it's like you're not able to like it's harder to speed up right now is almost like the time of like you're in a rocket ship, right? Like you have an opportunity to Tiu really skip a lot of like steps and get like, Really, it's like a time to create

spk_1:   33:43
Yeah, yeah, the times, our attention changing too fast on Dhe. We are desperate, and right now I I think it a lot every day. So I'm going to live going, aren't going to sell a painting when the people hear, Can can can get out off the houses, you know? But there's a way to do that, eh? I'm painting now. I'm working in a new body of war. I have an exhibition in the the end of the year, so I'm very, very, very creative working BC. But, um, I have to be very calm. Very, very positive because if we are not positive, why I wake up in the morning on Go on, go toe things, you know? Yeah, Andi, for me is to be right now is to be very active in social media, connected with people connecting. Replying on dhe. I am thinking in the opportunities off, going full online, Yeah. Work more on my men in my shop off my job in my website, um, mentoring with would assume or can vow another platform and to kill people and to help me to ta staying alive because in in difficult times intra preneurs, we have to give me the life. And when the time is better, the people who passed release way we get stronger on. Do you know it's a very heavy when I'm going to say, but in difficult time, our competitors ah, lot is going to fall. Yeah, go broke. So when this think a past the another part off economy. When When this was gonna be okay If you are in a good shape, good and very good for your business. Yeah,

spk_0:   36:10
absolutely. One thing that you mentioned, you know, in terms of like, saying it touches thing, connects it. And it seems like a new part of your business, Um, or or a new branch of where you're doing the mentor and tell me more about the mentoring and how that works for you

spk_1:   36:28
with old experience there that I have working by myself and learning marketing. But creative marketing focus on art. Um, e c uh, necessity. Strong necessity in an artist runs around the globe, but until it because universities are on the life, I just don't know shit about cell on how to be professionals. Andi hope to manager a business on Duh. And not only that, I my mentor mentoring iss is very realistic. I tried toe. I don't I don't teach you how to paint. I will teach you how to be an artist, how to be unique to be creative. I I can help you in the in the creative process on how to organize your clear the process everything in that in this business in this ah credit business, eh, It it can be organized. Hey, you can put it in the paper and to do least and work like 12344 on Dhe Because it's very easy in a nard Toby on focus start one thing and then another thing and then coffee. And then you go there, go down and productivity. It's like the first and main goal in this in this kind off work, because if you don't have the product what you were going to sell, So I'm I'm teaching now that ah nde my experience off 20 years of career, a museum show and Art Fair's international exhibitions. I can I want to give ah more tools to the people that are starting or their mid career. Or maybe, um, consolidated artist. I have a lot of friend that they are depressed now because they don't sell nothing. But when I saw the the eastern graham. They are very like like the press message. Then they don't They don't The people don't know that they are selling on. The price is too high and you have on always to be Listen, your context people is tensed in earth, toe be they could few by ourselves in a cave, you know, And and most important in this time is to be connected to be aware. So my mentoring them starting now Because I had I had a do mentally before. Yeah, And, uh, but in person, Yeah, on talkto the artist and give advices, But but But now I want to give it the spin off market ease. Yeah, and then they entrepreneur, you know, because a their end of the day If you're have morning, if you don't, If you are not organized And if you don't have a plan, it's very difficult to go anywhere. Carry on, Bond. I think this is missing. Bring Now, this is a missing puzzle in in our art culturing.

spk_0:   40:19
Yeah, I think it's like I think like two things, right? Like I think I think on the one hand, it's like what a gift for someone who to have developed their career far enough to be getting to the stage of mentoring others. I think that that's such a such a beautiful opportunity and also, you know, to stay connected maybe two younger or different generations of artists, you know. So I think like, that's, like, really important not, you know, for the mentees and for them editorials. Well, especially at a time like this, you know, like saying connected. Andi, I think that, you know, there's like a there are There's like a school of thought, like by some people who are like, OK, everything is online and that's really true, right? Like you can find a template for everything online, you can find it for free, But I really believe in ah, in the mentoring thing I really believe in in finding people who are your people and then, you know, selecting like one or two mentors in your field and then, you know, staying close with them, learning from them, because I think most of us just learned better when it's when it's interacting with someone else. And, um, you know, So I think I'm very happy for you that that you're growing this part of your of your business because I think it's it's really nice for everyone.

spk_1:   41:42
It's like a have a good trend that tell you the truth. And not only they would

spk_0:   41:46
think that

spk_1:   41:46
you're because the yes men don't go anywhere. We have to some time to be critical. Andi, but nice e like to make things, because when you mentor something someone and it has an emotional, um, a range of things that you have to be aware to, I want to motivate people. Toby. Happy to be happy, too. And create because if you are, you are not happy you can create. You can do a chef, you know? So it's like a very old mystic goingto be because you have to be aware off marketing, but well, less to Andi Andi, Good state of mind on organization, but also artistry on da dreaded process. And so so it's a very it's not only one way route, yeah, road, you know. So, Andi, I feel that necessity in the people in the artist and because I needed to when I was younger and I have a mentors. But in that time, the mentors are most in the creative process or you have to do more this color in this campus or whatever. But they don't teach you ho to go to art gallery on talk with the boss or hope to make a plan to go toe to toe museum or go to to manage all your archives. Evil. Your photos. It's a lot of different things, Alan, before I want to. If I had the time, the zero of the next one toe write the book about that,

spk_0:   43:46
Yeah, now is the time that way.

spk_1:   43:51
Absolutely. I have a lot of time, Eric. No, but I think the people and this real ivory lost on DDE on by myself for constantly lost. You know, that's that's why I'm doing all this marketing stuff and organized stop. Because if I don't do this, I get confused. I gave despairs, dispersed, um, and focus on President Emperor. Oh, I'm pro productive, you know? So it's It's like a, uh, a mind Fuck,

spk_0:   44:32
yeah, Yeah, for sure. Victor, it's been it's been such a pleasure chatting with you. You really re energize me at a time like this. It was It's really you know, like these, uh these bits of connection, I think, as we're going through a time like this there so important that you know, and again what a gift to be able to connect Thio someone on a completely different continent. Uh, it's, uh it's really been my pleasure. Thank you so much.

spk_1:   45:01
Thank you. I'm so happy that you like me to be you. And I hope you like it.

spk_0:   45:08
Yes. Thank you so much.

spk_1:   45:11
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